All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1086: Help Huazi start a business

No matter what Shen Long said, Millai was still immersed in the joy and entanglement of reunion with Lu Tao. He couldn't listen to it at all, and Shen Long didn't say anything again. Some things would be all right.

After eating and helping to clean up, Shen Long and Yang Xiaoyun went out. Now Millai also lives here. They can go out if they want to do something. During this time, Yang Xiaoyun is both worried and happy. You can follow Shen Long everywhere to feel the luxury of a five-star hotel, but the worry is that now the two of them are together less often, will Shen Long be unhappy.

"Otherwise, let's go out and rent a new house to live?" Yang Xiaoyun asked Shen Long's arm when he checked out the next day, so that he didn't have to come out once only occasionally like now.

"No, it's just fine." Shen Long doesn't care much. Sisters who don't have an emotional foundation, how greasy they are together every day. Sometimes it's better to come out once or twice.

Back at No. 109, Andingmen, the two returned to their respective homes. When they returned home, Shen Long found that there was one more person in the house. Hua Zi quickly introduced Shen Long, "There is something wrong with Qiang Lu and Lulu Company. She is now If it doesn't fall, I will lend my house to her for a few days. At night, I just sleep on the sofa. Brothers are more forgiving. "

"It's okay." As long as you two don't make noise at night to affect my sleep, it's easy to say, this girl is Huazi's girlfriend, right? It was only later that he married the pig's head, which made Hua Zi sad for a while.

"Hadron, you have more experience than me. I have encountered something recently. Would you help me with the staff?" Hua Zi moved to Shen Long and signaled Lulu to help get two bottles of beer.

Oh, is this going to start a business? This really has to help you to think about it. Shen Long took the beer and thanked him, and then asked Qiangzi to say that Huazi took Lulu and said to Shen Long, "Recently, the used car business on the pig ’s head is not very good. Thinking about whether to do something by yourself, then Lulu said that the development gallery seems to be making money, what do you think? "

"If the hair salon is well done, it can indeed make money, but I think this line is not suitable for you." In the future, the two of you will lose the business. You two should give up earlier.

"Why?" Hua Zi originally had a good total with Lulu, and thought Shen Long would support it. Unexpectedly, a head of cold water splashed on his head.

"Do you have any skills? This is a technical job in the development gallery. You can tell at a glance if your hairstyle is done well. If you haven't done it the first few times, it will be difficult if you want to have a business in the future." How to develop a gallery with such a rustic name? If you call Tony this will definitely work.

"A good hair stylist's salary is not low, and people have technology, some people are willing to help him invest in opening a store, you can't keep it ... and the store location is selected for decoration ..." Shen Long Barababa said a lot, will Huazi and Lulu's business plans were totally useless, and Huazi and Lulu were dumbfounded.

"According to you, this thing really can't be done!" Hua Zi sighed a cigarette in frustration, and all the beautiful prospects he envisaged were shattered mercilessly by Shen Long.

"Entrepreneurship is a good thing, but the premise is to choose the right project. If the development gallery is not suitable, then choose other chants. Think about it before you start. It is better than investing money in it but you can't see hope." Shen Long patted. His shoulders.

"But I thought about it for a long time, and this project is suitable. I really don't know what to do." Hua Zi took a big sip and looked very confused.

"Will you two open a cake shop!" The cake shop of the two of them in the original book seems to be quite good, and Shen Long is very experienced in this line of business and is fully capable of helping them to open it.

"Is it necessary to have the skills to open a cake shop?" Hua Zi subconsciously remembered the question raised by Shen Longgang. Without a skill, I can't open a hair salon. Can't I open a cake shop?

"The technical requirements of the cake shop are relatively lower than the hair salon. As long as it is fresh and the taste is above the pass line, you don't have to worry about business. You two can get a good device and follow the menu to do a good job ..." Shen Long began to give them both Speaking of techniques for making cakes, bread, etc.

"Huazi, it sounds like it's not difficult. Should we buy an oven or something to try at home?" The women are very interested in these things, and Lulu thought it seemed to work for a while.

"The process of making bread and cakes is unified. You can do it according to the standard. The key is the quality of various materials. I can help you choose this at the beginning. After the store is opened, you must not be reluctant. Put the unsold cakes and bread on the next day and then sell them, either bring them back to eat for yourself, or send them to an orphanage or nursing home after work. "

"Is it not good to finally sell or sell to the employees in the store at a discount?" Hua Zi was a little reluctant.

"Of course it is not good, if you all know that you will be discounted before work, there must be a large number of customers waiting for you to buy it when it is discounted, which definitely affects sales; as for employees, it is not suitable, so the employees are cheap for the sake of greed. .com ~ will not sell well, leaving the product exclusively. "These are the unspoken rules in this line.

"The location is also very important. You have to drive around the target consumer groups, such as near schools, such as white-collar gathering areas. If you drive in old hutongs, those grandpas and aunts wo n’t buy it. They think it ’s definitely not a bun. Very hungry. "

"Then take a foreign name, find a stylish French or Italian word, and the decoration is also adjusted to this style. Nowadays, consumers are more or less inclined to admire foreign charms. When they hear foreign names, they feel that the high-end atmosphere is high-end. , Your things can be sold at a price! "Lu Tao's family's real estate project is also named in this way, what is the style of Frankfurt, the place where Frankfurt is not Shen Shen has not been, there are wool style, but now Consumers eat this set.

"When you first opened, you went to Sanlitun and asked the two white students to force them to come. They didn't spend a lot of money. They asked them to put on your uniform and go outside to solicit you. Then they put on a chef hat and took a few pictures. When the customer came in, he thought you hired a baker and a baker from France and Italy! "

"I said Hadron, you're so good!" Hua Zi was shocked and couldn't help but gave a thumbs up. "I'm wondering if I really want to do like you, I can definitely make money."

"Strategy is strategy. Whether you can make money depends on the specific operation. These days you and Lulu will first look for a reliable cake maker, and then find a suitable store address! When I think you are almost ready, I will You go to look at the place you picked together to see if it is suitable. "

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