All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1087: Can't you be so hypocritical

Young people never lack passion, but capital and experience. Shen Long ’s words helped Huazi point the way. For the next period of time, Huazi tried to make various breads and cakes with Lulu every day. Let's go to find a suitable store according to the criteria given by Shen Long.

Millai soon reached a cooperation with Lu Tao after taking over the cabinet business at home. Xu Zhisen ’s Yuanda Company planned to develop a fine decoration project. Lu Tao added the cabinet of the Millai family to the company ’s plan; Millai also Seeing Xu Zhisen, Xu Zhisen's impression of Millais was much better than that of Charlene.

Think about it too. When Xia Lin met Xu Zhisen before, she was drinking in a nightclub, and Millais was the daughter of rich man Mi Lixiong. As a successful businessman, Xu Zhisen could easily choose from them.

At the land auction, Xu Zhisen met Millai again. This time Millai accompanied Accompany Mi Lixiong to get the land. The land obtained by Milichon's Grand Vision just happened to be next to the land that Xu Zhisen and Fang Dezhao obtained.

After a period of careful preparation, Huazi ’s cake shop finally opened. Under the guidance of Shen Long, the decoration style of his shop was impressive, and the taste of cakes and bread was above the standard line. The strategy of forcing white international students to attract customers attracted many white-collar workers around the time they opened.

Had been busy working for more than a month, and Huazi and Lulu were tired of making money, so they decided to take a two-day vacation to take a short break, and called some old friends to gather together.

"Cheers, congratulations to the prosperous business of Huazi and Lulu!" In the hot pot restaurant, the wine glasses of seven people met again. This time, in addition to Xiang Nan, Huazi, Lu Tao, Shen Long, Yang Xiaoyun and Xia Lin, there was one more Lulu Now, the only four people left are bachelors.

"Thank you, if it ’s not my brother, I ca n’t really open this shop. Qiangzi helped me find a way to help us after running south, Xia Lin and Xiao Yun brought girlfriends over to take the show, Lu Tao helped me open the shop The money, Lu Tao, if the business is still so good in the next few months, I estimate that I will be able to pay you back in two months! "Hua Zi thank you one by one.

"Both are brothers, why are you talking about these?" The big guys were very happy to see their friends' business improve.

"Don't worry first, you just started your business. It's no harm to prepare more money, and maybe you will have to open a branch in the future!" Lu Tao is now rich, and he speaks a lot.

"Well, it ’s a good idea to open a branch. I said Huazi, you can consider a membership card system in a while, so that you can absorb a lot of funds in a short time, and then use the money to open a branch. Two, two roll three, as long as your staff training and management skills can keep up, in the future, Jingcheng will be full of branches in your house. "Shen Long again gave him an idea, the cake shop is very suitable for chains, They do not rely on their own funds to open chain stores, and the funds absorbed by their membership cards are also a considerable source of funds.

"But if you really plan to do this, you and Lulu will have to go back to school to improve your management skills. You can take care of one store and two stores, waiting for eight or ten or even twenty or thirty When you are a shop, you have to rely on professional management skills. "This ability is not something Xu Zhisen can learn from Lu Tao by saying a few words. It requires both theoretical basis and practical experience. Both are indispensable.

"Isn't it? I haven't been out of school for many years, and I have to go back to school?" As soon as he mentioned studying, Hua Zi had a toothache. When he was in school, his academic performance was not very good.

"It doesn't matter if you are comfortable with the status quo. If you want to make a lot of money, you must keep up with the knowledge reserve. Or do you want to run around like a pig's head and a stick and a stick? You can make some small money, but the prospects are limited. "Shen Long continued to persuade.

"Let me think about it!" Hua Zi seriously thought about it. He is a very realistic person. He wants to marry Lulu, but if he gets married, there is no house. It is not enough to rely on this cake shop to buy a house in Beijing. Know when to wait.

"Lu Tao, what have you been busy with recently? How many times have you told you not to come out? You will be fired next time you don't come again?" Hua Zi's matter came to an end, and he turned south to Lu Tao. He also now Quite confused, the brother has become busy these few days, only he seems to be the same as before.

"I am doing design in the company now, and the things I learned in college are finally useful. Several projects of Yuanda Company are now being designed by me. It is inevitable that I will be busy. I will ask my brother to sing a few moments and give it to everyone. Compensated. "Tao Tao raised his hand to sue Rao.

Nice, how long did it take to graduate from college? Dare to pick a beam without any experience? Architectural design is an industry with a lot of experience. Which company dares to let newly graduated students be the chief designer?

Or did Xu Zhisen let him be a designer because of Lu Tao? After the design drawing came out, ~ reported to the Planning Bureau that Lu Yaxun saw that Lu Tao signed the above, could he not give it?

Lu Yaxun also seemed to have been to Yuanda Company, and had a professional chat with Lu Tao for a while. He beat Lu Tao to no avail. Did he hear that Lu Tao had done the design, so did he come to warn in advance? But looking at Lu Tao's appearance, it seems that he did not understand the meaning of Lu Yaxun.

He also recently completed a major project. Lu Tao proposed to Xu Zhisen that the project should be contracted to the Millai family company. Xu Zhisen asked the Millai family to advance funds. Millai agreed to this request for Lu Tao, which saved a lot of liquidity for Yuanda Company. Lu Tao was praised by Xu Zhisen.

It ’s just that Xia Lin is here, too. He did n’t have a good time to talk about it, but Shen Long knew it from Yang Xiaoyun, and he could only lament about it. Millai was blinded by love. Milliong was an old river and lake. Why did you win the trick? Can this method be fooled?

After dinner, the big guy noisily went to the cashbox to sing. Lu Tao paid to open a big box. The big guy happily finished up. Huazi and Lu Tao grabbed the wheat and pulled Shen Long to the south to drink.

After drinking a few cans of beer, his stomach rose a little, and Shen Long got up and went to the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw that Xia Lin and Yang Xiaoyun were also at the door. Xia Lin was complaining to Yang Xiaoyun. , He has become another person, completely a slave to work, not caring about me at all! "

Hey, I said sisters, can we not be so hypocritical? Shen Long was speechless.

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