All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1088: Still free

You do n’t want to be so self-willed, you need a man to fight, and you need a man to accompany you every day. The big guys are all earth people. No one will be more than twenty-four hours a day. You have to struggle for your material life, you have to spend time and energy on your career, don't you understand?

The old saying goes, I ca n’t hold you by holding the bricks, and I ca n’t support you when I put down the bricks. Yes, Lu Tao has a rich dad, but the rich second generation ca n’t be the loser all the time? Should he let go of his career and lick his face and ask Xu Zhisen if he wants money to take you around the world?

Do you think that Lulu does not think that Hua Zi has no time to accompany her? To say that busy Huazi is much busier than Lu Tao during this time, he has to get up at six in the morning to buy goods, and then hurries to the store to make bread and cakes. He has been busy until eight or nine in the evening before coming back. Lying down, he didn't even have any strength, why did Lulu have no opinion at all?

That ’s not because Lulu is also struggling with Huazi. She did n’t put all her hopes on Huazi. Instead, she used her hard work to accompany Huazi. The two struggled together, which was more than spending the previous month. Can increase feelings.

Oh, you commute to work on time every day, but you start to think that Lu Tao is working too much overtime. Where did your struggle go? It doesn't mean that you have to work overtime if you work hard. Do you have to prepare something? You can't look at the book to improve yourself while Lu Tao is back? Don't you want to be a fashion designer? Look for the works of Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent and other masters, and go to the fashion magazine to study the latest trends?

Why didn't you see you do it? Do n’t you just sit on the sofa and watch an idol every day? Does this look like struggling? In fact, Millai is stronger than you. Although she pits her house not lightly, is it also for Lu Tao? What about you, what did you do?

Just wait for Lu Tao to come back to accompany him at night? Give him a temper? It's tired enough to be intrigued in the company. Will you still be affected by this? Thanks to Lu Tao who likes you, otherwise it is a slap in the palm.

You have to say that you don't want to struggle, just like rubbing out of the box, let Lu Tao live a comfortable life? Yang Xiaoyun also knows to cook for me, and knows my taste preferences. You do n’t want to struggle or feel comfortable with others. Is it done here? Sisters, you look pretty, but do n’t think too beautiful, okay?

Hey, I'm still free. Shen Long coughed and walked out of the bathroom. Yang Xiaoyun and Xia Lin stopped immediately. Xia Lin looked at Shen Long with embarrassment and said hello. Yang Xiaoyun was a little nervous, afraid that Shen Long might think This is also true for myself.

"You young man, while you still have the energy to work hard, it's no harm to put more time in your career, you also understand and understand Lu Tao." Shen Long said a few words to help Lu Tao, "Oh, yes, there is just one thing to prepare Let me tell you, I have recently promoted to a fashion company. They seem to be recruiting designer assistants. Should you give it a try? "

Hey, just help others in the end, don't you say that you want to be a designer, I will give you this opportunity, if you are hypocritical, then it will be a bit too much? You can say that Lu Tao has broken up with Millai and is often wrong with her, but you must not complain about Lu Tao's lack of company for your career.

Love, you must have a material foundation, right? Do you still want to go back to the life where you went to the nightclub to accompany the drink? Lu Tao was so distressed at seeing you so hard, how could it be like this to you?

"This is his business card. If you want to go, just call this and say that I introduced it. You can definitely go in. As for whether you can stay, you can see your own!" Shen Long took out a business card and handed it over. "Xiao Yun, you will talk to Xia Lin again. I will go back and drink with them."

Shen Long was also much lazy and said, he gave Xia Lin a business card and left. After a while, Xia Lin and Yang Xiaoyun came back. Xia Lin looked better and came over to have a drink with Shen Long.

After leaving, Xiang Nan went home today. Millai also told Yang Xiaoyun that he couldn't come home at night, so Shen Long followed Yang Xiaoyun to her house, leaving Huazi and Lulu a little private space. Now that they have worked so hard for a long time, they should relax.

"Hadron, I plan to go out to rent a house." When Shen Long returned home, Hua Zi gave Shen Long a little surprise, but after careful thought, it made sense.

"Yeah, this is planning to go to a small life? Then rent a place closer to the store, it is really inconvenient to run around so far every day." Shen Long said that now the cake shop is making money, Hua Zi's ​​economy is much more affluent, and if conditions permit, who doesn't want his life to be better?

"But don't be too sloppy, you still have to save money to buy a house ~ ~ Now the housing prices in Beijing have risen sharply, and buying one day early will make a lot of money." Shen Long reminded, um Then, let ’s talk back to Xiang Nan and let him find a way to get the first payment to buy a suite. As for Lu Tao, this product is originally a developer, so worried about this?

"It has long been saved. I will ask Lu Tao for a big discount!" Hua Zi scratched his head. "Lulu's younger brother is here, so he can't let him come here, so think about renting a house outside. Never mind. "

Shen Long compared his thumbs, "It's a man!" Lulu's younger brother was born deaf and was entirely cared for by Lulu. It was really not easy for Huazi to accept him.

Lulu is actually very realistic. In order to survive in Beijing, she must find a stable person, or someone who can treat her younger brother and her mother. Hua Zi has never meant to stabilize, so in the end Lulu She can't be delayed anymore. Although she still loves Huazi, she wants to marry Zhutou.

And now, Hua Zi can gradually become Lulu's relying on, I hope they can have a good result, their relationship is the life of ordinary people, Lu Tao, Millai, Xia Lin, they are too floating.

"Hadron, if it weren't for you, I still don't know when I dared to make this decision. It's all my own brother. I don't say those hypocritical words anymore. If you have a call in the future, I'll come immediately." Hua Zi He came up and hugged, then took Lulu and left with a large bag, and also politely thanked Shen Long when Lu exposed the door.

"Hey, there really is no banquet in the world!" Xiang Nan looked at their backs and sighed slightly. He felt that the next person to move out might not be far away.

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