All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1089: Lu Tao cheated again

Do n’t worry, although Yang Xiaoyun is flying, there are so many girls in the world. Sooner or later, you will meet the one who suits you. Yang Xiaoyun is a little bit unsuitable for people like you who like stability. Shen Long patted the south shoulder. Turned back to the room.

Seeing that Huazi's business was on track, Shen Long also began to think about his own company. He went to Leo and said that he had resigned from his current job. Leo did not stop him. He knew that he was small The temple can no longer tolerate Shen Long, the handover of the handover, and the settlement of the salary bonus bonus.

After finishing dinner with Shen Long, and wish him a successful business, Leo can feel that Shen Long ’s future prospects must be better than him, maybe he will have to pull business from Shen Long after a while.

As a result, things came faster than Leo had imagined. Shen Long soon invited him and the leaders of the mobile companies he had worked with to have a meal with Li Jiacai and talked about his own business.

Shen Long has now obtained the copyright of Divine Comedy such as "Mouse Loves Rice" and "Two Butterflies", and intends to engage in color ringtone download business. This business is inseparable from the support of mobile companies and the promotion of advertising companies. There is room for cooperation.

After listening to these divine songs, Leo and the boss of the mobile company were speechless. Leo was not optimistic about this business. "Hadron, it stands to reason that you should support my business, but you think these songs Can the ringtones of the song be popular? I think you might as well get some songs from Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai. "

"Of course Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai can make money, but I can get their songs now? They are all snatched by big companies, oh, we can also get some pirated stuff, but if something happens Er, that ’s not causing trouble for the leader? Leader, do you say that? ”The leader of the mobile company nodded slightly and was very satisfied with Shen Long ’s attitude.

"Don't look at these songs, it seems that the level is not high, but the singing is wide, and I don't plan to let the white-collar workers of International Trade to buy these ringtones. My target customer group is those young people who go north, north, south, and south." You Don't underestimate the spending power of these people, Yang Chen just made 100 million by relying on CRBT, how much can CRBT make? This is a rich gold mine.

"I think Hadron is quite reliable, Leo, you just pick your hand. Anyway, your company is already doing this. If you can't collect the money, let Hadron work for you again!" With the help of Shen Long, Shen Long successfully managed this business.

After the promotion started, the flow of water in the first month surprised Leo. Ya's own hard work to open an advertising company for a whole year, it seems that no one earns more than a month.

He also realized that it seemed inappropriate for him to focus on white-collar consumer groups in first-tier cities. This may be the reason why he has always been in this circle. When Shen Long first joined the company, it reflected the consumption of other classes. The understanding of the group seems to make more efforts in this area in the future.

So Leo changed the company's strategy and began to expand the scope of his company's business. Unexpectedly, he entered the blue ocean field. Nowadays, the famous advertising companies in Beijing have focused their efforts on big brands, and few people can notice those more. Ordinary brands with grounding gas, Leo's business is soft, the company continues to expand.

Of course, these are all afterwords. During the time when Shen Long put his main energy on entrepreneurship, the lives of Lu Tao and others have changed a lot.

Lu Tao was tired of the life of a simple designer, and began to enter the management of Yuanda Company with the help of Xu Zhisen. Hey, when I said that I like architecture design well, want to create classic buildings? How did your dream become so fast? If you really want to be an architect, why go to an architect office, why go to a developer?

Shen Long thought about it secretly. It is estimated that Lu Tao ’s work in the design department was only left to sign and sign the completed design drawings. The professional business did not have the ability to get started, and then realized that he was not a building designer. Pei Yuming, Zaha Hadid, and Tadao Ando ’s hopes have been completely shattered. Will such a decision be made?

Xia Lin changed her new job, but she is still old-fashioned. Lu Tao felt more and more pressure. Instead, she had more and more contact with Millai on the job, and the cooperation became smoother and smoother.

In the midst of entanglement, Lu Tao chose to propose to Xia Lin, Xia Lin agreed, the relationship between the two had eased, but this relaxation was broken when she met Xia Lin's parents.

Yang Xiaoyun also encountered some minor incidents. Lu Tao ’s company demolition just happened to be their home. Yang Xiaoyun ’s mother became a nail house. Shen Long went to Lu Tao and the matter was resolved smoothly. Then Lu Tao directed Yang Xiaoyun ’s house demolition. The money bought a community that will skyrocket in the future.

When was helping, Shen Long was just an ordinary friend who claimed to be Yang Xiaoyun, which made Yang Xiaoyun a bit lost, but she didn't dare to say anything when she thought of Shen Long's success.

Shen Long is very interested in Yang Xiaoyun's dad's name ~ ~ The old man is Yang Wenli, a teacher. Shen Long always thinks that the person with this name is suitable for being a historian or general.

There was a little problem with Huazi ’s family, and his mother was investigated for cancer. However, under Shen Long ’s reminder, Huazi took his parents to check his body and found it earlier, and timely treatment can be controlled. Economic conditions, medical expenses and treatment expenses can be afforded, which is not a problem.

Then the Mi family knelt down, Mi Lixiong's real estate company had a problem with sales, and Mi Lixiong was also hospitalized; Lu Tao also had an accident here. He and Fang Lingshan talked about business and were seen by Xia Lin. Xia Lin thought that they were adulterous and impulsive. After throwing the engagement ring, Lu Tao finally comforted him, and then Xia Lin saw him and Millai get out of the car.

All kinds of entanglements made Xia Lin completely explode, temporarily leaving the capital city on the grounds of business trip, and under the frustration, several people gathered together to relax.

It was still seven people who came back, but Xia Lin replaced Mi Lai, Mi Lai naturally sat beside Lu Tao, after eating and drinking, the big guys went back to their homes.

Now that Huazi and Lulu have moved out, Xiang Nan only came to live today, so Shen Long took Yang Xiaoyun back to his house.

"Hadron, look, what's going on with Millai and Lu Tao?" Yang Xiaoyun saw from the window that Millai and Lu Tao were going to Millai's residence together.

"You don't need to guess what to do for this big night, Lu Tao is splitting his legs again!" This is really a coincidence, he was seen by you in the first two splits.

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