All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1091: Girls have to do one abortion before the age of 30

The project of Yuanda Company is changed to the nature of the land and the floor area ratio. Can this be done by ordinary developers? The interests involved here are all used to make units of 100 million yuan. Xu Zhisen has just returned to China. Does he have such a big face? If Lu Yaxun was **** with Lu Tao, could this be done? How much risk did Lu Yaxun take?

Lu Yaxun never collects money. If it is not for Lu Tao, can he do this? It's not good to say, if someone reports it, Lu Yaxun will definitely have to go in.

Lu Tao is still ignorant of this. I really thought that 20 million was earned by his ability. Do you want to find out how much Wang Shi earned this year? In the 33rd year of Wang Shi ’s Vanke, the net salary was only 130 million yuan, and the highest year was only 10.45 million. Wang Shi ’s annual salary was 2 million this year, just 10% of Lu Tao ’s. One.

Ren Zhiqiang received an annual salary of 7 million a few years ago, which directly alarmed Zhu boss. How can you Lu Tao and how can you earn more than Wang Shi and Ren Zhiqiang? Are you taking yourself too seriously?

"Lu Tao, if you don't want it, return Xu 20 million to Xu Zhisen?" If you really meet the report, not only Lu Yaxun has to get in, but you can't run Lu Tao. Out of friends, Shen Long reminded him , Do n’t you always say that this is not the life I want? Then pay back 20 million? If you don't take the money, you can still go in and stay a few days later.

"Don't tell me, why do you want to return the money you earn with your skills? Besides, it's not justified that my father gave his son money?" Although Hua Zi didn't think so deeply, he also realized that making money during this time The difficulty, in his heart, actually felt that Lu Tao's strength was not worth 20 million, and it was almost the same as replacing his father with his son.

Shen Long said that instead of talking about 20 million things, Lu Tao kept talking about Xia Lin and then kept drinking, and soon he drank. Several people carried him into the car and returned to the No.109 district of Andingmen , Left to look after him in the house, Shen Long and Hua Zi left.

After a few days, Shen Long had no time to plan to call Yang Xiaoyun out, but Yang Xiaoyun said happily, "Hadron, can you change the time, I have something to do today ... Xia Lin is pregnant, she wants me to accompany her to do it Surgery, this kind of thing is too uncomfortable to go alone, Xia Lin now has few friends, only I can accompany her. "

"It's okay, then I will make an appointment next time, do you need me to help you?" Lu Tao, don't you have 20 million? Buy teacher Du can die? Even if you do n’t like Teacher Du, did n’t Ma Fulong buy it?

"No need." As long as you don't doubt that I'm going to that place? If Yang Xiaoyun was pregnant with Shen Long ’s child, she would n’t want to kill her if she was killed; Yang Xiaoyun did n’t actually think of using this method to bind Shen Long, but Shen Long did n’t give her a chance, Mr. Du. , Yuting prepared a bunch.

Actually, Shen Long is a little depressed. Why did I go to the world of "Swordsman" before "Sword of the Crane"? If you learn the technique of "the things you left in my body, I will force it out with my internal skills" in "The Crane and the Needle of the Crane", then the bull is broken, and it still needs Teacher Du.

"Xia Lin just found out that it wouldn't take much to perform the operation. After the operation, I will send her home and accompany her to say that the conversation will come out. You can find a place to wait for me!" After discussing the meeting place Shen Long hung up the phone, then went out to find a hotel, and soon after dinner at the hotel, Yang Xiaoyun came.

"Hey, Xia Lin is really miserable. She told me that every girl had to be an abortion before thirty. She thought she was an exception. Unexpectedly, in the end it was the same as everyone." Yang Xiaoyun hung her clothes So sit on the sofa and rest, said to Shen Long.

Pooh, who said that, and even the girl had to do an abortion 30 years ago, why don't you go to heaven? Is this not enough for girls' brains, or is it that the sanitation education in China is not up to standard? Or is it that the quality of Teacher Du and Yuting is not enough? Why don't you go back and ask if your mom did it before?

"I figured out that my classmates have done quite a lot of people in these years." Yang Xiaoyun also counted with his fingers. "When I was in school, I did it with six people. Liu Ying and Zhang Xiaohan did it last year. Yes; Li Shan did it three years ago, with her second boyfriend; Fang Yuanyuan was in her junior year, with her first boyfriend; Liu Mei, and Zhu Xiaojing ... Xia Lin and I counted all the girls in our class , Wu Yuqin and I have not done it. "

"Hadron, why are you so difficult to be a girl?" Yang Xiaoyun leaned her head on Shen Long's shoulder.

Hey, hello, you are all twenty-four or five this year, and you still call yourself a girl, am I sorry? Shen Long touched her hair, "You girls are not difficult, I don't know, I think, if I were the principal of your school ~ ~ I must open the teacher of physiological hygiene, what's so special? What did you teach in class? "

Ma eggs, labor and capital were in northern Shaanxi with Qinling, and the conditions were so difficult that no one was killed. Co-authored. Now in the new century, when you can buy Mr. Du in two steps, you will give one wave after another. Send money to a small clinic? Is it too easy for money to come, life is too comfortable, you have to find some excitement?

Oh, by the way, what is the name of your school? Jingcheng Clothing College? If I were the principal of this school, I had to sue the original author for a lawsuit. What did you do to ruin the reputation of the girls in our school? There are only two girls in a class who haven't done any abortion? Does your school teach clothing or what?

"Hello, I will tell you the right thing!" Shen Long's words made Yang Xiaoyun amused. She knew there was no Shen Long, and she couldn't escape. She had to go with Xia Lin for surgery.

"Right, don't tell Lu Tao about this, Xia Lin doesn't want Lu Tao to know." Yang Xiaoyun added another sentence.

"Well, I know." Shen Long responded casually, hey, from this point of view, Lu Tao is far worse than Lu Yaxun, there is no sense of responsibility, you may not know that Xia Lin is pregnant, but you can't help but Do you know what behavior will cause Xia Lin to become pregnant? Wouldn't even preventive measures when not ready?

"Xia Lin intends to enroll in a French class and prepare again for going abroad; Qiangzi, do you want me to find something else to do?" Lu Tao got 20 million seeing the successful start-up of Huazi and Shen Long, Yang Xiaoyun It doesn't make sense to continue to stay in an advertising company.

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