All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1092: Buy a house

"Okay, working is meaningless. You can quit your job and think about what you want to do. I'll help you get an idea." Yang Xiaoyun is quite good, then pull her chant, anyway, make money now With so many doors, Shen Long didn't plan to take it all up, and the leak in her fingers was enough to moisturize her.

"Hadron, you are so nice!" Yang Xiaoyun was mad with pleasure, but she and Lulu privately inquired about the running water of the Huazi cake shop, and people casually ordered Huazi and Lulu to make a fortune, if they gave it to themselves. Help out, being a little rich woman in the future is not a problem at all. As for the start-up funds, since everyone has said so, they will definitely help themselves.

"I'll quit my job tomorrow and think about it." Yang Xiaoyun said while servicing Shen Long, um, can't you find someone who is as busy as Huazi from early to late. Well, she knew what was the most important thing for her. If she was too busy to meet Shen Long, she would have lost her life.

Yang Xiaoyun quickly quit his job, dangling around in the capital every day, wondering what the industry is doing, and finally figured out a few ways, just thinking of taking Shen Long to help her watch on the weekend, Lu Tao greeted them Go to see my new house.

"Wo Cao Wo Cao Wo Cao, I was wondering if my small three-in-one was enough. As a result, when I came to your community, I was a dog kennel!" A group of people arrived in Lu Tao's community and had not entered the house yet. Guang Guang looked at the greenery and landscape of the community, and Huazi's eyes were straight, and he was eager to nest.

Don't look at him as a three-bedroom, Lu Tao is a four-bedroom, it sounds like there is only one more bedroom, but Huazi's three-bedroom is a compact economic type, but Lu Tao's luxury type, the area is nearly double that of Huazi's ; As far as south is concerned, not to mention, he bought only a two-bedroom, not even Huazi's.

A group of people entered Lu Tao ’s new home. Both Hua Zi and Xiang Nan looked silly. Lu Tao turned on the light, and Xiang Nan and Hua Zi took off their shoes at the door. Lu Tao walked in without taking off. The two looked at each other and glanced at each other. , Quickly put on the shoes again, and followed him in, but Lulu and Yang Xiaoyun changed the shoes.

Lu Tao turned on all the lights. The big guy looked at one room after another. The bathroom with a bathtub was a study room bigger than the master bedroom of Huazi. The big guy was so dizzy that Huazi turned to a room and said to himself Road, "Lu Tao, you can do it!"

He reached out and hugged Lulu, "Thanks to my wife's reasonableness, I know I can eat a few bowls of rice, otherwise I would not dare to bring her here to see, you put other girls, you must think that we live in a dog kennel! "

In the room next door, Yang Xiaoyun and Shen Long talked about a similar topic, "Hadron, I originally thought I lived there very well. Now when I look at Lu Tao, how do I think I feel like I'm in a dog kennel in the interior? Similar. "

Don't you inland, the house is rented by Millai, but it is only free for you. Your house is now demolished, and the decoration is not as good as it is now, Shen Long Tucao.

"Now Huazi has moved away and has moved out to the south. Xia Lin and Lu Tao broke away. Lu Tao changed a new house. There are fewer and fewer people cooperating with our community, and it doesn't make sense to live." Yang Xiaoyun Wang Wang's eyes looked at Shen Long, and seeing Lu Tao's mansion, she couldn't bear the house that was originally comfortable.

I ca n’t afford it by my own strength, I can only put my hopes on Shen Long. Hey, if I could live in this kind of house, that would be great.

"Xiaoyun was right. Hadron you bought us a house before. Why didn't you buy it? What kind of house can't you buy now?" Xiang Nan echoed, saying that Yang Xiaoyun had no intention of exporting. .

"Okay, I'll take a look tomorrow." Since the big guys don't live at No. 109 in Andingmen, it doesn't make much sense for me to stay there.

"Lu Tao, is this one of you and Xia Lin's breakup scene?" Hua Zi wandered over and patted Lu Tao's shoulder. Lu Tao was very puzzled. Why could Hua Zi guess?

"You think, you are a designer, she is also, you are a talented student, she is also, you are a handsome guy, a beautiful woman, you have just started? How can you buy such a house a few years after graduation, how can she not buy it? Starting? "Hua Zi said.

"Yes! Lu Tao, you have gone too wrong in this step, aroused her hatred of wealth, anger and self-pity, it is strange not to turn your face!" Xiang Nan said.

I looked at it and estimated that it was not. I wondered if Xia Lin was terrified by you. Lu Tao had a few pounds or two, could she not know? She can afford such a good house with her own skills, and can earn 20 million? This cliff was earned by taking the wrong way. If you live here, you might have to be taken away by Hou Liangping in a few days. Should I stay away from him? Shen Long vomited in his heart.

After a day in the Lu Tao family, Shen Long took Yang Xiaoyun to buy a house the next day. He drove straight to the south of Chaoyang Park, where there is Palm Springs International Apartment, one of the earliest luxury projects in Beijing ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ If I go, one square meter will cost more than 20,000, Haidian and Fengtai are less than 5,000, and the East and West cities are only more than 6,000. Why is this place so expensive! "As soon as I saw the price marked on the exhibition board, Yang Xiaoyun couldn't help but shivered. It was too expensive. Lu Tao was also considered a mansion, but Lu Tao's house price was less than half of it. What.

"Go in and you will know why you sell this price." The emergence of Palm Springs subverted the people's understanding of luxury houses in Beijing. It can be said that until this time, the luxury houses in Beijing were really called luxury houses. Previously, they were just houses. The area is large.

Entering the community, the central large garden of 30,000 squares, it feels like moving the park directly into the community. Yang Xiaoyun started to feel sore on the feet and had not finished shopping. "After my house was demolished, my mom said I wanted to find one. She walked in the neighborhood close to the park. She didn't expect people to walk in the neighborhood directly. "

The clubhouse in the community looks more high-end than most of the five-star hotels that Shen Long took Yang Xiaoyun to. Yang Xiaoyun was even more speechless when he visited the community and went to see the house.

Looked around, Shen Long bought the house by swiping on the spot, and then immediately found someone to renovate. After a while, Shen Long also moved out from No.109 Andingmen.

Moving was a big deal. Huazi, Xiangnan and Lu Tao must have come. After receiving the call from Shen Long, Lu Tao asked, "It's fine so soon, how many rooms are you in?"

"Three rooms only." Shen Long laughed.

Oh, only three rooms, Lu Tao is a little happy, isn't that his own?

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