All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1093: Is this Nima also called Room 3?

"Yes, I should n’t have come today. I ’ll just send you two hundred red envelopes. Why do you want to get stimulated? Lu Tao stimulated me a wave before, and you gave me a more ruthless time this time! Tiantian Look at you, the local tyrants, they are extravagant and extravagant, and they still let us, the little common people, live! "Hua Zi began to spit again. He still learned the term local tyrants from Shen Long.

"It's so extravagant downstairs, what is it like in the house? Let's go, let's hurry up and look at it!" He just talked about it, Huazi's mentality was quite good, and there was no Qiu Fu meaning, said Then pull Lulu into the elevator.

"Eh, it's not this elevator, let's go over there." Shen Long stopped them and took them to the elevator on the other side.

Huazi looked up and looked up, "This elevator is up, why can't you go yet?" Xiang Nan, Lu Tao and others were also stunned, and didn't know what it meant.

"The inside is a maid elevator, the owner's elevator is here." Yang Xiaoyun couldn't help but began to show it, in fact, she thought it was the place to go upstairs at the earliest.

"Nima even used the servants, and the strong son is almost becoming the Eight Banners lords?" Hua Zi was hit again, and he was hit twice in a row before he even went upstairs.

Palm Springs is also one of the earliest projects to separate the elevator from the owner and the maid. In the customary words of the real estate industry, it is to show the identity of the owner. In simple terms, it is pretending to be able to afford a house of 20,000 yuan and one flat. Don't care about wasting this acreage. This is not more than ten years later. At that time, it was cheaper than 210,000. At this time, it was sky-high.

"No, Hadron, this is the three-room you are talking about? How big is the house?" Lu Tao was dumbfounded when he walked upstairs. The three rooms are much larger than my four-room?

"Three rooms, three halls, three bathrooms, three bedrooms, a study room, a dining room, a family room, plus a maid room totaling 362 square meters." Shen Long said lightly, hey, brother, since you are doing For real estate, have you not studied the data of this benchmark project? So unprofessional?

Nima, the three-room three hundred and sixty-two? The big guys are messy together in the wind. Many single-family villas are not so large, right? When I came to you, I made a three room?

At first, we thought Lu Tao's four-room apartment, which was nearly two hundred square meters, was already luxurious enough. As a result, the area of ​​the house is twice as large as that of him, and there is one less room. It is too arrogant and extravagant!

"One level is more than 20,000, and three hundred and sixty-two level is seven or eight million, plus furniture and electrical appliances, what's your house might be eight or nine million?" Hua Zi gave Shen Long his finger. Calculated the account.

"It's almost the same. If you get it all, you'll be at the top of the 10 million mark." Yang Xiaoyun turned upright today. The big guys regarded her as the hostess of this house, which greatly satisfied her vanity.

"I also said less when I co-authored. I would like to see what kind of luxurious decoration you are." Hua Zi bored his head into Shen Long's master bedroom, and Lu Tao stood in a daze in the living room. He thought he had earned two thousand. Wan has been so powerful that as a result, one house cost half of his property.

If he knew that Shen Long was still buying a set for Gao Qiang ’s parents and another set of shops in the community, the estimated blow would be even greater, and these would add up to all of his property.

However, Shen Long is not at a loss. In the future, the price of the house in this community will rise to more than 100,000 yuan. In the next few years, this house will be sold for tens of millions, which will add up to hundreds of millions. Make a fortune.

"Such a big dressing room!" The master bedroom has an oversized toilet and a dressing room. Lulu couldn't open her eyes as soon as she saw this. The woman didn't want to have such a big place in her home to hang clothes for herself.

"Daughter-in-law, don't look away. I can't afford it in my life!" Hua Zi looked at the dressing room and bathroom. The master's bedroom was sixty or seventy squares. Ping can keep up with the size of his small three-bedroom house, which is a three-bedroom house, why the gap is so big.

"You should go to school as soon as possible. In the future, the cake shop chain is doing well, and this house is nothing to you." Shen Long wondered, the owner of a chain store like the 85 degree C is worth a lot. The house is not a problem at all.

"Hua Zi, let's go to the MBA class when we go back!" The house inspired Lulu's fighting spirit. Looking at others, he wanted to struggle with his husband, but he didn't know that he was forced to fight with his whip. I don't have to complain about my husband's lack of time to accompany his temper.

"Yes, the bedroom I live in is probably not as big as your domestic helper." Going south from the maid's room, he saw that the elevator was directly connected to the maid's room.

But Shen Long did n’t ask the servant. What if he met Mo? He is not afraid of being burned to death, but is it bad for his home to burn out? If you need to clean it, please keep it clean.

"Hey, I opened my eyes today, so I know what a good house is ~~ ~ I walked around the house, the big guys were all sitting on the sofa in the living room, six people were sitting here, the living room It didn't seem crowded at all.

This is nothing. You haven't seen the appearance of those mansions in the future. Let's not talk about the villa. Let's just say this apartment building. Have you seen the swimming pool in the 20th or 30th floor? You can swim in your own home, and there is a helipad on the top of the building, and you can fly when you reach the top of the building. You do n’t have to worry about traffic jams.

Other wine cellars, cigar rooms, audio-visual rooms, not to mention, even the kitchen has one Chinese and Western kitchen, that is called luxury.

After the visit, the big guy ate a meal at Shen Longxin ’s home, and then went home, Yang Xiaoyun stayed, and the entrepreneurial project Shen Long found for her was here.

It is certainly good to open a beauty salon in such a high-end community. The women here are willing to spend money on it. He has heard of it in later generations, and there are many beauty salons in the luxury community that can have hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

Shen Long owns a lot of Chinese medicine formulas, and then hires some professionals to manage and operate. With such a good formula, Shen Long is not worried about the bad business at all. Yang Xiaoyun only needs to have a good deal with customers and can return at any time. At home, there is no need to worry about becoming alienated from Shen Long.

Every day when he came back from the company, Yang Xiaoyun served him beautifully. For Shen Long, she also learned the massage spa with the professionals of the beauty salon, which made Shen Long very enjoyable.

As for Lu Tao, I do n’t know if he was stimulated by Shen Long, or after listening to Millai ’s persuasion, Lu Tao intends to start fighting again!

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