All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1106: Utopia is gone

"Lu Tao, you figured it out. Last time you asked Hadron to borrow money. From a business perspective, Hadron felt that this loan had no risk of collateral, so it was normal to not borrow it; now it is purely commercial investment, Qiangzi has a stake in the idyllic pastoral project! "Shen Long hadn't spoken yet, and Millais stood up first.

Her dad was very happy to go back last night. Millais has not seen Mi Lixiong so happy for a long time. This is because the idyllic pastoral project has new hopes. If Lu Tao is so mixed, people are not willing to invest. How to do? Although the contract has been signed, the money has not yet come.

Lu Tao has already pitted this project so badly, now he sees hope again, what kind of trouble is he going to have to make the project completely yellow?

"But ... but he obviously can invest early!" Lu Tao is still not reconciled. In this case, I am still the project manager of Pastoral Pastoral. I can still continue this project and continue to realize my dream.

"How to invest in the previous situation? You don't know what the project is!" Millais said that because you were still messing around in the project at that time, it was not suitable for investment.

"Brother Lu Tao, they finally found someone to take over the project. They were not grateful to Brother Qiang." Fang Lingshan said snortingly. She is now confused and entangled and confused. On the one hand, she likes it. Brother Lu Tao, and the other side is the strong brother who can stay in Beijing. What should I do?

"Hi Lu Tao, it is better to let Hadron take over than Xu Zhisen. At least Hadron will definitely do this project well, and not just make money like Xu Zhisen!" Huazi also came to persuade him, in fact, he also thought Lu Tao There is no point in complaining about Shen Long. These days, he looks at the pastoral pastoral project's development. If it weren't for Lu Tao, it would fall to the point where he is now. Shen Long is equivalent to finishing up for him.

"Brothers, I want to solemnly announce a good news to everyone!" South came to interrupt, he took Yao Yao's hand, with a happy smile on his face, "Brothers, I am going to get a marriage certificate with Yao Yao Now, we will have a wedding in a few days, you all have to prepare the red envelope for me! "

"Wow, congratulations!" The girls clapped, and Shen Long coaxed with Hua Zi, leaving only Lu Tao entangled in the corner alone, and Xia Lin looked at Landing Tao fixedly, and the two were almost married. what.

"Eh, Lulu, do you think we should get the certificate?" Hua Zi touched his head. He had been with Lulu in recent years, but he has been busy with business, but he hasn't taken care of it. Get a certificate for the wedding!

"It must be, Lulu has been with you for so long, you must not give someone an explanation! Huazi, let's just have a wedding together for us!" Xiang Nanxi stunned.

"This is a good idea. Let's work together and save a few tables of money. I can look at what I can do!" Hua Zi started to coax again, and Lulu shed tears of joy.

"You two will do it together, and we will lose money! Sending two big red envelopes can only eat one meal." Shen Long made a joke, and Yang Xiaoyun next to him looked at Xiangnan, Yaoyao and Envy with envy. Huazi and Lulu, they finally got a good result, but they probably didn't have the chance?

"Yes, that is, we must be invited to eat twice!" Millai and Fang Lingshan followed, and both of them subconsciously glanced at Lu Tao, but Lu Tao's eyes were all on Xia Lin.

"Don't say it twice, you can do it 20 times, let's go, let's celebrate now!" Xiang Nan is very happy now. He thinks Yaoyao is good at everything, looks good, and has strong personal ability. Is his perfect object.

So the big guy noisily drove a few cars, found a restaurant for Xiangnan, Yaoyao, Huazi, and Lulu to celebrate their marriage, and after wishing them a happy life after marriage, I do n’t know who was suddenly I remembered, "Hey, you are all married. If this is the case, can't you soak in the heartbreaking utopia every day like now?"

That ’s for sure. Life after marriage is completely different from life before marriage. They all want to enjoy some more private space. Who still has time to spend with them every day?

"Actually, even if Xiangnan and Huazi are not married to Yaoyao and Lulu now, there will not be much time for heartbreaking utopias." Millai's face showed a reluctant expression, "My dad received a notice saying that this place will be immediately It ’s about to be demolished, and we ca n’t stay even if we want to stay. ”

Amount, wait a minute, will the demolition not lose money? After losing money, Mi Lixiong will have money to invest in the idyllic pastoral project? Why are you still looking for Xu Zhisen? Hey, I really don't understand the logical ability of the screenwriter.

"Isn't it? Although I plan to marry Yaoyao, there will definitely be less coming, but if I really don't have this place, I always feel that my heart is not a taste." Xiang Nan couldn't help thinking of playing basketball here ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ A good time playing billiards with Huazi, more importantly, he met Yaoyao here.

"That is, if the heartbroken utopia is gone, let's go there to gather?" The same is true for Huazi, the same is true for everyone else. They spent a lot of money and effort to do a good job in this place. After hearing the good memories of them for many years, as soon as they heard that the place was going to be gone, they seemed to be missing a piece in their hearts.

"There is no banquet in the world!" Lu Tao sighed and picked up the glass. "Just, I'm leaving too. Xia Lin and I also plan to get a marriage certificate, but I'm afraid the wedding will come back from France next year. "

"Lu Tao, why do you want to go to France again?" The big guys were puzzled.

Hey, it ’s not easy, it ’s not easy to mess up, I ’m sorry to stay here again, but also because Millai and Fang Lingshan are fascinated by the aura of love, if you put it on ordinary people, who will make your home lose one 100 million, it would be good not to hit Lu Tao; um, it seems that most people do n’t have 100 million for Lu Tao to pit.

"Xia Lin still needs to stay in France for a year and study while working. I can't bear her, so I plan to go to France to accompany her for a year. When we come back next year, we two will open a clothing design office!" Lu Tao said.

It is good to open a clothing design office, but what about your architectural dream? Did you just give up? Shen Long vomited and stood up with them to the south, raised his glass and wished Lu Tao all the best.

The big guy who drank this wine was a bit melancholy, and the heartbroken utopia was about to break up, and no one could bear the big guy.

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