All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1107: Utopia has no heartbreak

When the Civil Affairs Bureau went to work, Shen Long and Xiang Nan went to the Civil Affairs Bureau together, congratulating Xiang Nan, Yao Yao, Hua Zi, Lu Lu, Lu Tao, Xia Lin, the couple who received the marriage certificate, and Milai, who went with them. Fang Lingshan and Yang Xiaoyun were both melancholy, but Millai and Fang Lingshan looked much better than before, and it seemed that they could already accept all this.

"Since several brothers are here today, let's continue to eat and drink today. I recently discovered a Thai restaurant that tastes pretty good. I'll take you to try it?" After receiving the marriage certificate, Huazi felt beautiful.

"Don't worry about eating first, I'll take you to look around." Shen Long said with a smile, he can be busy with this matter for a few days now, and finally it's done.

"What place? Have you changed your house again? Should we make a big villa this time? Then we have to go and gain insight!" Xiang Gu guessed, "Go, go, go with Qiangzi." See his big villa! "

"I won't go, Xia Lin will leave soon, and I have to go home with her to see. Her parents are preparing to remarry recently." Lu Tao was a little reluctant. He used to be the richest in this group. Yes, now Shen Long has passed it, and now his pastoral idyll has been accepted by Shen Long again. When he thinks about it, he is not in his heart.

"It's not a big villa, you will know when you go, Lu Tao, let's go, see you are about to leave, everyone gathers before leaving!" Shen Long got on the car and took them to the north, When it reached Dongzhimen, it turned to the northeast, passed the East Second Ring Road, East Third Ring Road, and stopped until the East Fourth Ring Road.

"Ye, isn't that just Wangjing Park in front? Are you planning to take us to the park with Qiangzi?" After getting off the car, he glanced south at the surrounding environment.

"No, isn't this the old old 798 factory? Hadron, you are ..." Hua Zi's attention was placed on the huge factories around him, and he vaguely guessed something in his heart.

This is the "Beijing North China Radio Joint Equipment Factory", which is the 718 Joint Factory, which was built during the "1st Five-Year Plan" period in New China. It belongs to the national key project of the year; it is a national economic construction, especially for the construction of the electronics industry and national defense. , The development of the communications industry has made outstanding contributions, and later changed to factories and factories directly under the Ministry, people in the old capital are familiar with this place.

In the new century, the assets of the original six factories were re-integrated, and some properties were left idle. In order to make full use of these properties, all parties successively leased out these factories.

Then some artists from around the capital and outside the capital began to gather in the 798 Factory. They discovered the unique advantages of doing art work here with their unique eyes. They make full use of the original Bauhaus architectural style of the original factory building, decorate and decorate it a little, and become a unique art display and creative space.

Also made loft, a fashionable way of living and working, known to the general public. Lu Tao used to refer to this style because of their heartbreaking utopia.

"Heartbreaking Utopia is about to be demolished. I guess I am afraid that it will not be demolished. So I built a factory here. We will not lack a place to gather in the future. How many brothers would follow me to look at?" Shen Longzhi said A factory in front said that he had already rented it out here. Do you feel sorry that it was scattered? Then I will find a place for you.

"Hadron, Niubi! You can find this kind of good place!" Huazi gave her thumbs up and hurried towards, "I must hurry to pick a room for me! It's just that my pool table hasn't been thrown yet , Let's play billiards later! "

"Basketball hoop, basketball hoop must move in too! This time I have more to prepare some fitness equipment." Xiang Nan hurried to keep up, he will often participate in various outdoor activities with Yaoyao in the future, without a good health .

"My swing has also moved over! There is also a small garden!" Millai and Fang Lingshan also hugged each other. The big guy walked in and saw it. It was bigger than a heartbroken utopia, with a huge cast-in-place structure and a bright skylight. The spacious space looks at more than two thousand square meters and looks very comfortable.

"There are so many galleries, art galleries, art studios, and magazines in the neighborhood. There are not many bars now. Let ’s separate the space. We live on the second floor and make the bar on the first floor. Not only can we enjoy ourselves, but also Let those who engage in art come to sit and chat with us to talk braggingly. "Shen Long pointed to the space and said his plan. In such a large space, no billiard tables, basketball racks, swings are not a problem.

"No problem, Hadron, let me share it, such a good thing can't let you take it alone." Huazi looked at this place, not only can play by himself, and certainly make money.

"Yes, yes, I'm the one!" Xiang Nan, Millai and others raised their hands one after another, and they are also optimistic about the potential here.

Is n’t that nonsense? In the future, young people who love to dress up all over the country and the world will like to run here ~ ~ It ’s absolutely impossible to open a bar, and Shen Long does n’t care about sharing this benefit with them. Paid, it ’s up to you to decorate. "A few of them have some money now, which is not a problem for them.

Oh, Lu Tao, don't you have an architectural dream? This interior decoration is also considered part of the building, do you plan to design it yourself? All the people here and there are artists, as long as you are awesome, you will definitely become famous.

However, Lu Tao didn't seem to have this plan at all. He just joined Huazi and Xiangnan in the same business. Shen Long had to find someone else to get things done, but there was nothing missing from 798, but there was no shortage of artists. You can easily find several famous people who are willing to take this job.

"The heartbroken utopia brand hasn't been thrown yet? I'll go find the wall and look back, our heartbroken utopia will reopen in 798 myself!" Hua Zi snarled.

"In the past, you were all heartbroken. Millai and Lingshan liked Lu Tao. Lu Tao liked Xia Lin. Xia Lin went to France and found no girlfriend south. Now you all get marriage certificates one by one, and you break a heart. Ah! If you want me to say, the two words of heartbreak will go, and leave the three words of Utopia! "Yang Xiaoyun said, hey, is it only me who is heartbroken now?

"Yes, from now on, our utopia has no heartbreak!" Her proposal won the unanimous approval of the big guys.

No heartbreak? It may not be necessary for me to look at it. Lu Tao now looks hurt. The core of this small circle was him before, but now, he has been replaced by Shen Long.

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