All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1109: The idyll

"How is the situation of various departments now?" At the regular meeting on Monday, the person in charge of the meeting changed from Lu Tao to Shen Long. You can see that the expressions of the staff members at the meeting have been relaxed a lot. It seems that they have been tossed enough by Lu Tao. .

"After the funds were in place, the workers resumed work immediately when they got the money." The person in charge of the engineering department was full of smiles, and he was finally relieved from the dilemma of arrears in the project payment. "There are a lot of projects that are now stopped. Not daring to give up this opportunity. "During the winter of real estate, it was not only the development company that was sad, these workers were even more sad.

"Don't worry about the construction period, just go according to the schedule. Now you can sell the house quickly and it is not easy to sell. Keeping a relatively good rate can save money." More workers and more materials are needed to catch up. , More, it is not necessary at the moment, the pastoral pastoral project is constructed at the normal speed to complete the progress required to obtain the next batch of pre-sale certificates before the next peak season.

"We have called customers who have requested refunds before and told them that they can come to the company to go through the refund procedures, but after hearing that they can refund, they are not in a hurry. The real refunds are still few, most customers look at When the workers begin construction again, they plan to look at it again. "Millai reportedly filled with energy, and Lu Tao was a thing of her past.

"It's really a pity that if they really refund, we can still make a fortune." Shen Long made a joke. When the winter goes by, the house prices will rise again. When the time comes, they will sell the house they sold back. You can get a higher profit, but fewer people who refund money can also reduce your financial pressure. The quality of this is really not easy to analyze.

"Mr. Gao, should we increase publicity and attract more customers to come to the house? In order to promote sales?" Millai asked, she is now dealing with official business in a decent way.

"No, now that the winter is not over, most of the customers are on the sidelines of holding currency. The promotion cost investment is too low to have an effect, the investment is too high and not cost-effective; your task during this time is to stabilize the sales team first. Strengthen their training and let them work with peace of mind. "Shen Long made arrangements.

"At this time, major real estates are laying off people, and it is good for them to keep their jobs. Not many people dare to resign." Millai responded that she was also prepared in this regard.

"Good job!" And communicated with other parts simply and neatly. Even if this regular meeting is over, it takes only one third of Lu Tao's time, but it solves more problems than Lu Tao's.

"Hey, if the company's operation was so smooth earlier, neither of us would fall to this point." After coming down, Mi Lixiong sighed, his face looks much better than before. Although the cold winter has not passed yet, the company is completely new. With the capital invested by Shen Long, he is confident to stick to the next peak season.

"Xu Zhisen hasn't had a very good life in recent days. Although his operation was smooth, he put his main energy on the pastoral idyll some time ago. He didn't win the pastoral idyll. Other projects are too late. He can be said to be poor now. Only money is left. "Fang Dezhao visited Xu Zhisen two days ago.

"It's good, such a businessman is not a person doing things, just to make money, I have never liked working with such a businessman." If considered from this point of view, Xu Zhisen and Lu Tao are really biological father and son, these two people are selfish.

After waiting for a few months, the time came to September. In the real estate industry, there is a term called gold nine silver ten, which means that September and October are the peak season for real estate sales, and there are the most customers buying houses at this time of year.

Those customers who have been waiting for a long time to see the currency have not dropped the price, they finally can't bear it anyway, they must have a house to live in, so they have entered the sales department of various real estates and started to choose their favorite House, real estate sales finally started to pick up.

And those developers were keenly aware of this, immediately raised the sales price of the real estate and reduced the supply of housing, which made the home buyers even more anxious, and prices suddenly went up.

As early as August, Shen Long let the pastoral pastoral project increase its promotion in advance, just in time to catch up with this wave of enthusiasm, attracting a large number of customers to visit the sales department, busying Millais and her sales team It is not allowed to meet, and every day we have to receive many customers who really want to buy a house.

And now the construction is also doing well, take a look at those comfortable model rooms, and then go to the construction site to see the soon-to-be-completed properties. Buyers have begun to imagine how they live here.

After customers accumulated to a certain extent, Shen Long planned a grand opening ceremony. The buyers gathered at the scene strengthened their sense of tension. As soon as they entered, they quickly selected the house and paid for it ~ ~ The first batch The launched listings are sold out in only half a day, so there are still many customers who have not bought a house.

So they took the time to start the second round of opening next week. From September to October, after many openings, the pastoral pastoral project was all sold out.

Afterwards, the sales price is much higher than they had expected earlier, and it has brought huge profits to the three people Shen Long, Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao, which has doubled the profit they expected after taking the land. More than twice.

"Ha ha ha ha, we are also blessed by misfortune. If the project is dragged on for so long, we can get such a huge profit." Mi Lixiong laughed happily.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao. If it wasn't for Mr. Gao to send charcoal in the snow, we not only can't make money on this project, but also have to lose money."

"President Gao, our previous cooperation was very pleasant. Now that the pastoral pastoral project has been completed, why don't we take a few pieces of land to develop new projects? I believe that if Mr. Gao sits in town, these projects will definitely make a lot of money!" He doesn't mention retirement at all now, and his success in business makes him excited.

Without Lu Tao, everything seems to be smooth. He feels that he can still show his talents in the real estate industry. The pastoral pastoral is far from the end of his career.

"Let's talk about this later, and now we will solve the problem of repayment of the project. The money has not fallen into our pockets!" Shen Long laughed. In fact, this is only a matter of time. The procedure is completed and the money is natural. It's time to get it.

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