All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1110: Return reward

In the evening, the idyllic pastoral project held a grand celebration feast, and then Shen Long did not need to continue to work here. The rest are all things in the process, and then wait for the money to be distributed.

So he took a vacation for himself, and the new utopia in 798 planned to relax, and Millais also came, so he simply called South and Huazi, except for Lu Tao and Xia Lin, the original few friends All gathered again.

"Hey, I have graduated for a few years in a blink of an eye! It's like yesterday when I first graduated." Xiang Nan leaned against Yaoyao and sat on the sofa, holding a wine glass with emotion.

"Yeah, when I first graduated, I followed Zhutou to sell second-hand cars. It was good to think about having such a stall in the future. Who would have thought that it could reach this level; I looked at Zhutou the other day, This guy has been doing business everywhere in recent years, selling pirated books, and opening restaurants, or the same as before! "Hua Zi took a pool cue and looked for a long time without playing.

His current cake chain is full of capital, and he is now thinking about opening branches in Modu and Jinmen. From a business point of view, he is more successful than pig head.

"I didn't think I could manage so many people under my hands! I could also meet Yaoyao's so good wife." Xiang Nan began to show affection again. Although he doesn't have as much money as Huazi, his career is smooth, his family is harmonious, and he There are cars and big houses, which are very satisfying for him.

"So, youth is about struggling. If you don't struggle, you don't know how much you can achieve! Come, let's have a drink for the struggle!" Hua Zi raised his glass, and the wine glasses of several people touched together, and then drank And do it.

"Struggle must have a clear direction. If Hadron had helped us guide us, I still don't know what the bear looks like. Come, Hadron, I have a cup for you!" Xiang Nan raised his glass again, Shen Long Although the help for him is not as obvious as helping Huazi to start a business, several important hurdles in his career are Shen Long's ideas to help him over.

"Yes, you must respect the strong son! Hey, I knew I couldn't get a graduation certificate so well, I had to hang out a few more courses that year!" Hua Zi also came over.

"I'll come, I'll come too!" Millai and Fang Lingshan also came together. If Shen Long helped the landing Tao fill the pit, the idyllic pastoral project would already be yellow, and neither of them would stay in the capital. Had a drink.

"Let's say Lu Tao should come back? He was in France this year, and he didn't know what was going on!" They naturally remembered Lu Tao and Xia Lin, and now the big guys have found their own way, just Even Xia Lin is also working hard for her own clothing designer dream. It seems that only Lu Tao is left without knowing what to do.

"Xia Lin's studio is still there for her. If he doesn't know what he's doing, he will help Xia Lin to tinker with the studio." Millai pointed to the studio in the corner. She didn't care about it now. Too.

Well, the company that had pitted two dads and girlfriends before, it is good to continue pitting his wife, anyway, he still has more than 10 million, enough for him to toss for a while.

Today's party was immersed in the memory of the old days. The big guy was drinking and playing billiards. Speaking of the memorable events, it also reminded Shen Long of his old classmates, um, When the task is over, let's get together with those old classmates.

Although their youth is not as much as they do, those years are also worth remembering; just when Shen Long was thinking about it, Millai went to the stage to sing a song. It was they who listened to the school before the graduation ceremony. In the song "Those Flowers", in the singing of "Those Flowers", the big guy frequently toasted.

This wine drinker is a little drunk, but it doesn't matter. Here they each have their own room, just go back to the room and rest.

Went back to the room and lay down on the bed with Yang Xiaoyun's wait. The sound of the system came again from Shen Long's mind. This time the task was finally completed, and he could return to the real world.

According to the system prompt, Shen Long can still come to this world in the future. After all, the struggle of life is endless, but Shen Long does not have much affection for this world. Even if he wants to come in later, I am afraid it will only be a short stay; so he Decided to choose to return immediately.

As soon as a white light flashed, Shen Long returned to his villa in the suburbs from the 798 Industrial Art Zone. In terms of actual distance, these two places drove dozens of kilometers. If there is no traffic jam, go around the city highway and then go to the suburbs. The main road arrived in just over an hour, but it actually crossed the plane.

He was here, he ran to the 798 Art Center, afraid that he would not find the Utopia Bar, nor could he find Hua Zi, Xiang Nan and Millai, and Yang Xiaoyun.

Hey, the system also comes with a sober function? In the world of Struggle, he just drank a lot of wine, and his head was a little dizzy, but after returning to his home ~ ~ but his mind was completely awake, and there was no discomfort at all.

It's just over 11 o'clock now, should they not have a rest yet? Why not ask them when they have time first? Shen Long picked up the phone and entered the WeChat group of several of their old classmates, "Brothers, have you slept yet?"

"Feed the baby, and haven't slept, which is as free as you are!" Someone vomited.

"What happened to you? Tell me, brother, help you find a way." Some people expressed concern, which warmed Shen Long.

"It's okay, I just want to have a few brothers. I wondered how we haven't been together since we graduated. Haven't we found a time to get together somewhere?" Shen Long Said.

Speaking of this, everyone was excited. Although they have graduated for so many years, the big guys have their own careers, and some even have children, but no matter how good they are now, they still miss the years they had written together.

"Hey, where else do you choose, come to me chant."

"Why go to you, how far are you in Sanya, it's convenient for me to come here!" They quarreled for who was responsible for the reception.

"I see, simply don't go there. Let's mark some of our addresses on the map and choose a midpoint. We can get there!" So the meeting place was fixed, so what time was it? This weekend.

Shen Long had booked the hotel and sent it to the group. When he put down his mobile phone, he remembered that the mission rewards had not been checked this time. I did n’t know what Gao Qiang would give him.

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