All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1116: Interrogation machine

Shen Long quickly heard the news. This time Qiu Chuji came to Beijing, not just for Yang Kang. In fact, Qiu Chuji is now highly respected by the senior officials of the Golden State. This time he came to Beijing mainly to spread the Quanzhen religion.

So after waiting for these things, Qiu Chuji came to Wan Yanlie ’s palace. Wan Yanlie took Shen Long out to greet Qiu Jiji. After a good feast, Shen Long was able to be alone with Qiu Qiji. Qiu Chuji did n’t seem to like Yang Kang very much. If you are more intimate, just say, "Kang'er, and let me see if you have been negligent in martial arts recently?"

Shen Long didn't want to listen to him, and turned to say, "I recently heard that Ma Dao went to Mobei, but I didn't come to the palace to sit when passing by Beijing, so I was curious and asked for something, but I made some inquiries. News. "Qiu Chuji has always been obsessed with victory and defeat. Ma Yu didn't like it very much, so after learning that Jiangnan Seven Monsters found Guo Jing, he ran a trip to Mobei to teach Guo Jing. The time was almost exactly at this time.

"What do you know!" Qiu Chuji was shocked and stood up abruptly. Of course he knew Yang Kang's life experience, but he regarded the victory and defeat of this competition too seriously. When he met Yang Kang, Yang Kang was seven years old. I ’m used to the luxurious life of Wangfu, and I ’ve taken Yang Kang away under such circumstances. It is not necessarily a good thing for Yang Kang to practice martial arts and the relationship between them. So Qiu Chuji concealed this secret and planned to wait for Yang Kang and Guo Jing. After the contest, take him away.

But Qiu Chuji didn't think about it. The biggest impact on a person's value formation was that he and Bao Xiwei didn't tell Yang Kang the truth when he was a child. Could it be that Yang Kang accepted it when he suddenly said it at the age of eighteen? If there is no basis to disclose the news, I am afraid that no one can accept it? After all, Lu Wenlong's and Cao Ning's affairs are just novels. Even if there are novels, there are examples of "Book Swords and Enmity". Is Qianlong willing to admit that he is a Han?

"I should know, what I should not know, I know it all! Yau Daochang, you hide me so hard!" Shen Long said coldly. He was not even willing to call Master Qiu at the moment, and thought about it carefully, Qiu Chuji accepted Yang Kang as an apprentice just to help him win a gambling contract, but actually did not really think of Yang Kang as an apprentice.

"Kang'er! You!" Qiu Chuji was furious, he was already hot-tempered, and he was respected in Quanzheng, and he valued his respect for the upper and lower respects. Now he heard Shen Long calling him Qiu Daochang to be angry immediately. .

Shen Long is a descendant of future generations. If you truly treat me as an apprentice, then I should respect you, but since you only treat me as a tool to win a gamble, then I can't complain about my attitude towards you. As for teaching My martial arts, Wan Yanlie, has n’t paid you less in tuition these years? Just found a tutor.

He stood there, looking at Qiu Chuji coldly, without any fear, even if Qiu Chuji got started directly, he was not afraid. With Qiu Chuji's strength, he would definitely not be able to win himself now. If he was replaced by Wang Chongyang or Zhou Botong, Shen Long It may also be measured, as for Qiu Chuji, let's forget it.

"I haven't understood why my mother lived so dilapidated over the years, and the house is still in the south of Jiangnan. Now I know that it was originally the place where my mother used to live, and it was all because of Qiu Daochang." Shen Long said, "Qiu The Taoist leader beheaded and raped, and he admired himself underneath, but why the Taoist leader still refuses to tell me the truth! "

"On that day, the poor Dao also had a verbal test. Seeing that you are greedy for the rich and the rich is not a temperament. So, what can you say!" Qiu Chuji's sleeve flicked, and he didn't do anything after all.

"Teacher, preaching can be solved by karma, and people who are not born to know, can have no doubt? If you don't follow the teacher, you can't solve it if you are confused; if there is no mistake in the next time, Director Qiu Dao finds when he is next. , Is it only seven years old below? "Shen Long recited Han Yu's" Teacher Saying ". Teachers can rely on teaching truth, teaching studies, and answering difficult questions. People don't know the truth after birth, who can't have it? doubt? With doubts, if you do not follow the teacher, those who become difficult problems will eventually be unable to understand.

At the age of seven, it was when a person's values ​​had just taken shape. If Qiu Chuji was willing to teach carefully, how could the minor problems in Yang Kang's body not be corrected? Qiu Chuji used Yang Kang's greed for riches as an excuse, but he couldn't convince people.

"I heard that when Jiangnan seven monsters found Guo Jing in Mobei, they also thought of bringing Guo Jing back to Jiangnan, but they also felt that Jiangnan was a comfortable place, not suitable for martial arts; to practice martial arts, it was still like the sword in the wind and frost Mobei is good; and it is said that Jiangnan Qiguai not only taught Guo Jingwuyi, but also carefully taught him the loyalty of the ancients; in time, Guo Jing will become a hero, and compared with them, Qiu Dao is far from the same! " Lost in martial arts, lost farther in character.

Qiu Chuji's face rose red ~ ~ Over the past ten years, this agreement has already become his heart, and now the apprentices he taught himself say that he is not as good as the seven monsters in Jiangnan. How can Qiu Chuji swallow it? This tone?

He had just spoken to refute, but he heard Shen Long speak again, "Dao Chang said that I am greedy for wealth, why did I go to Beijing to see Wan Yanxuan first? Before that, I have visited Wan Yanyong and Wan Yanjing one after another." Wan Yanxun is the current emperor of the Golden Kingdom, and Wan Yanyong and Wan Yanjing are the former emperors of the Golden Kingdom.

It is said that Quanzhenism is against gold, but it is not the case after Shen Long ’s observation, especially Qiu Chuji. He has always been passionate about dealing with the Golden King family and dignitaries, and has been summoned by emperors such as Jin Shizong, Jin Zhangzong, Jin Xuanzong, etc. As a result, Quanzhenism flourished in the Golden Kingdom, and most people converted to Quanzhenism.

Ten years ago, when Qiu Chuji first found Yang Kang, Yang Aner rebelled against Jin in Shandong ’s Dengzhou and Ninghai Prefectures. The heavily invaded Golden State government invited Qiu Chuji to go to the “rebellion”. Qiu Chuji quickly relied on his religious status and identity. He appeased the chaotic people, and since then, Jin Guo has strongly supported Quanzhenism, and the relationship between the two sides has become more and more intimate.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Qiu Chuji was coming to Beijing, Wan Yanxun summoned up quickly, and Wan Yanlie also hosted a banquet. If Qiu Chuji was really anti-gold, giving Wan Yanlie ten guts, he would not dare to accept Qiu Chuji as his apprentice.

"I want to ask Qiu Daochang in the next, Qiu Daochang thinks he is a Han first, then Quanzhen disciple first, or Quanzhen disciple first, then Han Chinese?" Perhaps Qiu Chuji 18 years ago and Qiu Chuji today are no longer Is it the same?

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