All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1117: Mentoring

Eighteen years ago, Qiu Chuji met Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian because of the assassination of the traitor who was reconciled with Jin Guo, and opened the curtain of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes." Eighteen years later, Qiu Chuji became a guest of Jin Guo. What did you experience during this period?

And it ’s not just Qiu Chuji who is doing this alone. The same is true of the seven sons of Quanzhen, such as Ma Yu and Wang Chuyi. Shen Long believes that with the expansion of Quanzhenism, the interests of the sect overwhelmed their consciousness as Han Chinese. Religion is now on the territory of the Golden State, and it is inseparable from the support of the Golden State to develop and grow.

This can not only complain about Qiu Jiji, but it does not hinder Shen Long ’s dislike of Qiu Qiji. Grandpa Jin beautified Quanzhenism in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Condor Heroes" and regarded them as a rebellion against the Golden Kingdom. He is the representative of Meng Yuan, but in fact their relationship with Jin Guo and Meng Yuan is very close.

However, the Quanzhen religion did not end well. In the future, the Quanzhen religion distinguished the Shaolin from Shaolin in front of Kublai Khan, because he lost all the Taoist temples and lost countless Taoisms to the Buddhist gates. He fell into a state of weakness. Zhang Sanfeng's Quanzhen Wudang faction was highly respected by Daming, but it is hard to say how much Wudang is related to Quanzhen.

"I heard that Dao Chang seemed to intend to tell the truth after I was 18 years old, but will Dao really speak at that time? Or will he proceed in the interests of Quanzhen Taoism and continue to hide this news? After all, as a gold The disciple of the King and the disciples of an ordinary martial arts person should be very different for Quanzhen Religion? "Shen Long thought, perhaps this is the reason why Qiu Chuji concealed Yang Kang ’s true identity.

"Wan Yankang!" Hearing this, Qiu Chuji finally couldn't restrain his anger. In fact, he was also in a contradiction about this matter. Among them, he had been thinking as carefully as Shen Long had just said, but these were invisible. Qiu Chuji also felt a little improper, but for the benefit of Quanzhen Taoism, Qiu Chuji could only constantly give himself psychological hints, not that he was unwilling to say, it was really Yang Kang who could not get on the table. As for the real situation, only him I know.

Is now spoken in person by Shen Long. Can Qiu Chuji look good on his face? In a hurry, she could not help but carry her internal force, and she had to deal with Shen Long.

"Did Mr. Qiu Dao want to start with me? You don't have to forget, where is it now? How would you explain to Quanzhen after you killed me?" Shen Long didn't panic at all, not to mention Qiu Qiji If he can't beat himself, Shen Long wonders if he dare to really do it. After all, he is still the little prince of Jin Guo.

Mr. Yau Dao of the Quanzhen Sect killed a young prince of Jin Guo. How do you think of Jin Guo from top to bottom? Do you really want to be mixed up on the territory of my country?

"You!" Qiu Chuji was blocked to say nothing. He was not a eloquent person. When he met a master like Shen Long who had been tried and tested by politics, he still had the power to parry. He regretted it suddenly. It might as well tell him his life experience.

"Quanzheng teaches about the unity of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Buddhism. Presumably Daoqiu also read" Mencius "? Mencius said: A prince treats a prince as a brother, a prince regards a prince as a heart; A prince regards a monarch as a countryman; a prince regards a servant like a mustard, and a prince regards a monarch as a vengeance; a prince and a servant still do this, not to mention mentoring and apprentice? I am afraid it is difficult! "Anyway, Shen Long did not intend to continue to call Master Qiu Chuji, how can such a character be a master?

"Great injustice!" Despite these guesses, Qiu Chuji couldn't bear it after hearing it. He lost a student who was a little prince of the Golden Kingdom, and he was very bad about the layout of the Quanzhen religion. The Jiangnan Seven Monsters' Jiaxing Yanyu Tower has not yet been fulfilled. Didn't you lose to the Jiangnan Seven Monsters?

"Since Director Qiu Dao didn't really treat me as an apprentice, what qualifications could force me to recognize you as a master?" Seeing Qiu Chuji seemed to have something to say, Shen Long directly blocked in advance, "If Qiu Daochang wants to teach me martial arts It doesn't have to be. From small to large, Wan Yanlie has invited many people to teach me martial arts. Are they all my masters? Qiu Daochang hasn't taken advantage of the king's house all these years? In this matter, I Yan Honglie owed much more than Qiu Daodao. "

"The appointment of the Yanyu Tower in Jiaxing, the Taoist leader can be assured, I will definitely go, no matter what, it is really not easy for the Taoist leader to find my mother and child; as for Quanzheng Religion, Quanzheng Religion has developed rapidly in the Golden Kingdom in these years and believes in Quanzhen There are a lot of nobles who teach Jin Guo, but I do n’t lack one? "Shen Long still wanted to go to Jiangnan, after all, it was the Han territory, and he also wanted to see Guo Jing, and he still respected Guo Jing very much.

Speaking here, Shen Long came up with a dark idea again, Bao Xiwei lived in the backyard of the Wang Mansion, rarely went out, and could even be found by the Quanzhen religion. The power of the Quanzhen religion is really amazing; it seems that they are Clues found after Wan Yanlie moved Yang's old house in Niujia Village to Jin Guo?

But since it is ~ ~, it can prove that Quanzhenjiao has some people in Niujia Village, and their eyes are quite wide, but why didn't they find Yang Tiexin? This seems a little unreasonable, right? Yang Tiexin was a martial arts person anyway. Although his name was changed, his martial arts could not be changed. Moreover, he searched for Li Ping and Bao Xiwei all around. Didn't the wind show anything?

With the strength of Quanzheng Religion, Shen Long did not believe it if they could not find it. Perhaps it was the same as Shen Long said before. The interests of Quanzheng Religion made them ignore the news of Yang Tiexin.

Oh, when Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiwei recognized each other, Qiu Chuji had a fight with Wan Yanlie's men, but at that time Bao Xiwei had already recognized Yang Tiexin. Qiu Chuji was also a last resort? After all, Quanzhen Religion also has power in the south. If it is done too much, Quanzhen Religion in the Southern Song Dynasty will not be easy.

"Hey, it's a pity that Chongyang Patriarch Wu Gong was the first in the world, but nowadays Qiu Daochang and others are far less than Chongyang Patriarch. I think it may be too much chores to concentrate on martial arts? Let's talk about it today, Dao Please go back! "Shen Long shook his head and was ready to drop off.

Mr. Qiu ’s face changed and changed, as if he was desperately suppressing his anger, and finally he said nothing, flicking his sleeves out of Shenlong ’s door.

Both of them knew that since Qiu Chuji stepped out of this door, their apprenticeship was officially cut off, and Shen Long would never call Qiu Chuji a master again.

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