All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1139: Wan Yanlie went south

Ke Zhen's nausea showed sourness and astringency. Pharmacist Dongxiehuang was one of the world's top five at that time. He was qualified to compete with Wang Chongyang for the first place in the world. Even Huang pharmacist could not beat him. What can Guo Jing do? I do n’t know how Qiu Chuji taught his apprentice. This apprentice ’s martial arts might have been better than Qiu Chuji?

The Jiangnan Six Monsters also had a move with Qiu Chuji at that time. Comparing the situation on that day with today's situation, Jiangnan Six Monsters felt that this Yang Kang martial art could definitely suspend Qiu Chuji.

"You don't need to be like this for seniors. Most of the juniors have had adventures before. Most of this martial arts were not taught by Qiu Chuji!" Shen Long quickly explained that he heard his name directly called Qiu Chuji. Can I be a disciple?

"Everyone, listen to me carefully ..." Shen Long hastily said what happened then, Qiu Chuji taught him what he said, what he did, and what he has done over the years. , Let Jiangnan six blame themselves to evaluate.

"Oh, how happy was it when you killed Wang Daoqian, now ..." Ke Zhen sneered repeatedly and felt a lot of relief in our hearts. Let's walk the rivers and lakes to pay attention to a chivalrous way. We can practice again if we have poor martial arts. Don't worry about martial arts even if it's too soft. Compared with the two, he feels that his hard work in Mobei has been worth all these years.

"I came back from Mongolia and passed the Golden Kingdom, and found that the Quanzhen religion was so powerful. It turned out to be this reason." Zhu Cong thought more. Do you want to preach in the Golden Kingdom? Is that impossible?

"Five Brother, did you hear it in the Spirit of Heaven? We won! This time we won!" Han Xiaoying knelt down on the ground and cried a lot. At that time, Zhang Asheng died in the desert to save her. She also married before she died. I gave Zhang Asheng, and now the disciples of Qiu Chuji personally admit defeat, can it be more comforting than Zhang Asheng?

People such as Han Baoju, Nancy Ren, Quan Jinfa, etc., all looked up to the sky, or kept silent but tears in their faces, or laughed. When they heard Shen Long's words, they all felt that the hard work of these years was not in vain. However, Guo Jing ’s martial arts may not be as good as the other ’s, with pure character and absolute deserving of a chivalrous character.

"Congratulations, I have ordered someone to prepare a good wine, and I will drink it this time!" Lu Chengfeng is also very happy. He is from Taohuadaomen, and has nothing to do with Quanzhenjiao. Jian Wang Chongyang had more complaints than Huang Yaoshi, and now Ke Zhenxie and others won the game at Qiu Chuji. Together with returning to Taohua Island today, Lu Chengfeng tightened happily.

"Thank you so much, Master Lu!" Can you not drink at this time? After thanking Lu Chengfeng, the people sipped it. They have been in the desert for a long time. They have n’t tasted the wine in their hometown for more than ten years. Today they are so happy that they all drink freely.

They patronized and drank, but they forgot Qiu Qianzhang, but Shen Long still remembered him, and he slipped him over and asked, "Wan Yanlie, who took these people southward, took those people? Which way did he go? ? "

"Brother Yang, I was in Wanyanlie's Mansion that day, and I heard that he was going to steal the" Wu Mu's Legacy "from Lord Yue in the palace, saying that there was Master Yue's art of warfare, but he couldn't let him take it! "At this time, Guo Jing also remembered the news he had overheard and reminded him quickly.

"Well, if he comes, he must be called back and forth!" Ke Zhenxu screamed with an iron rod and shouted loudly, no matter how bad Kezhen's bad temper was, his guts were one-on-one.

"If it is true that Master Yue is really handed down, it would be inappropriate for the Jin people to go." Zhu Cong shook his fan. He was a scholar, and he took these things very seriously.

"You don't have to worry too much, and it doesn't matter if he can find it, and if he finds it, he can bring it back. Even if it is really like what Wan Yanlie wanted, it might not be a good thing for Jin Guo. After all, Wan Yanlie is just a prince. "Shen Long didn't panic at all. He glanced at Qiu Qianzhang." Wu Mu's Legacy "was there with your younger brother.

Do you want to take Wan Yanlie to the palace to find it, I am afraid that it is the wrong way, and even if this thing is really efficacious, after Yan Honglie took it back, the strength has risen greatly. Is the emperor Jin Guo happy?

"Then Ouyang Feng has also gone south, you ..." Qiu Qianzhang is so arrogant and wants to use Ouyang Feng to scare people, but when he just exited, he remembered the scene where Shen Long had just recruited Huang Yaoshi. People were not even afraid of Huang Yaoshi. Ouyang Feng?

"If you don't tell me honestly, I would blame me for not looking at Qiu Qiancheng's face!" Shen Long snorted, and hit Qiu Qianzhang's main point. Qiu Qianzhang felt itchy and wailed.

After about the effort of a tea, Shen Long helped him to solve the acupuncture point. Qiu Qianzhang was not a hard bone. He quickly hurriedly told him what he knew.

After Yan Honglie came south this time, he came in a subtle way. He had colluded with the farce of adultery, and he also recruited such masters as Ouyang Feng, and saved his heart.

What Qiu Qianzhang knows is this, but he does n’t know anything about the southbound route. Lu Chengfeng heard the order ~ ~ Guanying, you let everyone pay more attention to it and expect them It won't leak the wind! "Taihu water thieves have quite a lot of eyeliners. It is impossible for such a conspicuous group of people to go south without revealing their traces."

Everyone waited for a few days in Guiyunzhuang, but the news really came. There are many women disappearing near Baoying County. It sounds that the way of doing things is quite similar to Ouyang Ke. Since Ouyang Ke has appeared, then Ouyang Feng It must be not far away, as long as Ouyang Ke is packed up, he is not worried that Ouyang Feng will not show up.

So everyone went together and headed north to Baoying County. Shen Long also specially brought Lu Guanying. Your wife is also in Baoying County. It would be a pity not to see him.

Soon after arriving in Baoying County, the crowd found the **** shop of colleagues, and the gangs had long been staring here, but now that they have come, they have naturally taken over the gang's responsibility and set up an ambush to wait for Ouyangke's arrival.

Shen Long did not take the lead, but watched Huang Rong and Guo Jing play tricks. As in the original book, Ouyang Ke battled with Guo Jing. Unfortunately, Guo Jing only learned fifteen palms from the dragon's eighteen palms, gradually Downwind.

Lu Guanying and others set their sights on Shen Long, but Shen Long was unmoved. He knew that he did n’t need to shoot himself. As expected, Hong Qigong appeared, and he used chicken bones to repel Ouyang Ke, and then appeared. Guo Jing has three strokes left and will complete the Eighteen Palms of Dragon Drop, allowing him to fight with Ouyang Ke again.

Unfortunately, Guo Jing ’s experience with the enemy was still shallow, and he was defeated by Ouyangke ’s spirit snake. Ouyangke was proud to leave, and Shen Long finally stood up, "Slow!"

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