All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1140: Ouyang Feng

Just now Ouyang Ke blocked Hong Qigong with words, so that he could not bully the young, only to make young people like Guo Jing appear, although Guo Jing has lost, but Shen Long has not played yet, he played Ouyang Ke absolutely It's not a big bully, "Although Brother Guo has lost, I haven't compared it with you."

Seeing Shen Long coming out, Hong Qigong frowned, although he didn't know that Shen Long and Huang Yaoshi had tried, but from Shen Long's breathing pace, he could also judge that the martial art of this son was definitely above Guo Jing! When he first saw Guo Jing, Hong Qigong felt that he was a man of great wisdom and foolishness, so he passed down his dragon and eighteen palms. This time, he even planned to take his apprentice directly. Although he was defeated in Huashan's sword discussion last time I gave it to Wang Chongyang, but I felt that when I was a disciple of this generation, I would definitely be able to beat the disciples of the other four. I did n’t expect to suddenly have such a young master today.

"It was a pity that I saw him at the Wangfu last time, but I didn't have time to fight, so let's compete now!" Ouyang Ke estimated that he must not be a disciple of Hong Qigong. Since then, there is nothing to worry about. .

Compared with one another? In fact, I have already won you, but the four girls praised me, saying that my kung fu is much better than yours ... Cough cough, I do n’t want this anymore, Shen Long walked into the field, too lazy to talk, directly Compared to the posture that made Ouyangke shot, he even hit the yellow pharmacist, how could he care about Ouyangke.

"Okay!" Ouyang Ke smiled angrily. As soon as he came up, he took out the snake snake fist at the bottom of the box. He was not stupid. Since the other party dared to play when he saw Guo Jing defeated, it means that he has a few brushes. Ouyang Feng Instructed him that this Spirit Snake Boxing was a unique skill at the bottom of the pressure box prepared for the second Huashan Discussing Sword. Never use it until the point of life and death. Since it has already been used by Guo Jing this time, it can't be taken care of so much now.

The spirit snake fist has something extraordinary, Ouyangke ’s arm suddenly changed into a soft whip, and after being shot, he could turn freely in the air. Obviously he saw his fist hit the left, and turned to the right suddenly, just like that. Just hit Guo Jing by surprise.

Shen Long ’s reaction is much faster than Guo Jing ’s, and also has the skill of seeing people ’s opportunities like Du Gu Jiu Jian. Although there are many changes in the spirit snake boxing, it is the martial arts derived from the spirit snake swimming, the reason and these soft Weapons are quite similar. If you use the Dugu Nine sword in the broken whip type, it is just restraint. The broken whip type specializes in breaking long ropes, short whips, three sticks, chain guns, iron chains, fishing nets, flying hammers, and meteors. Soldier blade, dealing with the spirit snake fist is a matter of course.

Shen Long was carrying his left hand, but his right hand was facing the enemy with one-handed sword. No matter how Ouyang Ke changed, his finger was not seven inches from the spirit snake fist, and he restrained Ouyang to death.

Ouyang Ke used the Spirit Snake from the beginning to the end, and did not let Shen Long move his left hand from behind. He couldn't help but was shocked in his heart, thinking that this might be the reason for martial arts restraint. He quickly changed other martial arts and succumbed. Tuoxueshan palms and bone-penetrating hole punchers stepped on the white camel mountain's unique light skills for thousands of miles.

However, all this didn't make any use of eggs. Shen Long changed his mind from broken whip to broken palm. He still used his one-handed sword finger, and every time he pointed at Ouyangke's flaws, he was forced to take back less than half of his moves. Hurrying up is not a good thing, Ouyangke's breathing becomes disordered, and his internal breath has an unstable posture.

Shen Long tortured Ouyang Ke so deliberately, Ouyang Ke was nothing, he could easily deal with it, but from the perspective of Huang Yaoshi ’s martial arts, Ouyang Feng was not so good to deal with, since this time Ouyang Feng went south, Shen Long He didn't plan to let him go back, so before playing against Ouyang Feng, he had to learn about his martial arts skills from Ouyang Ke.

Last time in the world of Xiaoaojianghu, Shen Long actually saw the martial arts of Ouyang Feng in the ancient tomb, but unfortunately only "Toad Gong", the spirit snake boxing was not engraved, this time Ouyang Ke was a supplement Full.

Well, this person's martial arts is so high, this time I am afraid I can't go! Ouyang Ke also realized that he was wrong. He subconsciously wanted to touch his folding fan. He wanted to use the organ hidden device inside the folding fan to clean up the other party. Unfortunately, he just reached out and remembered that his folding fan had been ruined by Hong Qigong.

He flicked a false move, and quietly held three flying swallow silver shuttles with his right hand, clenched his teeth and raised his hands. The three silver shuttles flew to Shen Long ’s chest. Ouyang Ke did not expect these hidden weapons to kill Shen Long, he just I wanted to give myself a little time to escape, so after throwing the hidden weapon, I immediately flew towards the door.

"Come well!" Shen Long wrapped his fingertips with internal force, and then used the arrow-breaking style to hit the flying silver shuttle three times in succession. The three silver shuttles flew back at a faster speed, only listening to puff puff puff three Sound, Yin Shuo was in the middle of Ouyang Ke vest, Ou Yang Ke immediately fell to the ground, spit out a black blood.

"Slow!" It wasn't until this time that Hong Qigong's voice came out. When Ouyang Ke shot, he felt bad, but it was too late ~ ~ He hurried to Ouyang Ke to check, I saw There was a bad smell at the wound. The silver shuttle was obviously smeared with poison. How bad is the poison of Baitu Mountain? Even though Ouyangke had Tongxidilong pills that could avoid poison, there was no way to meet the injury of this poison into the bloodline. Just for a while, Ouyangke could not die anymore.

"Hi! You are in a big disaster this time, Ouyang Feng is such a nephew, he is willing to give up!" Hong Qigong sighed, this time Ouyang Feng is definitely not dead.

"Everyone likes to be so wicked, even if his uncle is Ouyang Feng is no exception." Qi Gong, if you know that Ouyang Ke is not Ouyang Feng's nephew, but a pro son, would he be more surprised? ?

"Since Ouyang Feng has followed Yan Honglie south, this battle is inevitable. Without Ouyang Ke, there is one less opponent!" Shen Long will soon release Ouyang Ke's female disciple in white, "You go back and tell Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Ke killed me. I have been waiting for him at Wuli in the north for a few days. If he wants to take revenge, come to me. "

If King Jin entered the palace, the face of the Southern Song Dynasty would be lost, and if there was an accident that would make Zhao and Ju hurt, would n’t his previous effort be in vain? So it is better to do a game with Ouyang Feng here.

After these white-dressed female disciples took Ouyangke's body away, Chief Hong Qi sighed, "Well, this person is indeed damn, so I will do it with you if you call Hua!"

So everyone went out to the city and waited at Wuli. When they arrived at night, they suddenly heard a harsh zither sound. Shen Long knew that this was Ouyang Feng.

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