All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1149: Bet 1

After going east from Guiyunzhuang to Zhoushan, the sea boat arranged by Lu Chengfeng had already waited here, and after turning out of the ocean, turned to the north. When approaching Taohua Island, everyone had smelled the sea breeze and smelled the smell of flowers, looking far away, the island Lush, a ball of green balls, red balls, yellow balls, and purple balls, with flowers blooming.

Huang Rong was very proud and smiled, "If the peach blossoms on the island are in full bloom in the spring and summer months, then it will be good to teach. Master refuses to say that my father's martial arts are the best in the world, but his father's ability to grow flowers is unparalleled. Master must be oral Convinced. It ’s just that Master only loves to eat and drink, not necessarily knowing what is good for flowers and trees, it ’s really tacky. ”

"It may not be necessary. After I go to the island, I will make Qi Gong a few dishes made with peach blossoms. I think Qi Gong will understand the benefits of flowers and trees." Shen Long laughed, but he remembered that there were so few dishes. .

"Oh? It's so old that Hua has never eaten a dish made of peach blossoms." Hong Qigong couldn't help but began to drool. Huang Rong was injured and could not move when he was looking for a master. The task was given to Shen Long. Shen Long's cooking skills were better than Huang Rong. In addition to the accumulation of nearly thousand years, Shen Long brought out many delicacies that Hong Qigong had never eaten, but gave Hong Qigong to Meimei Too.

Just after coming down from the mountain, the task of cooking was handed over to Huang Rong again. Although Shen Long ’s seniority was small but his skill was high, Hong Qigong was not good at instigating him as a junior, so he did n’t eat Shen Long ’s dishes for a long time. Now, when I heard that Shen Long was going to show his hand again, Hong Qigong was naturally overjoyed.

But he hadn't been happy for a long time, he saw a Tsing Yi man standing on the reef of Peach Blossom Island, his face suddenly pulled down; Huang Yasi had found them out to greet him.

"Dad!" Without boarding the boat, Huang Rong jumped ashore and fell to Huang Yaoshi's arms. Huang Yaoshi looked at her daughter carefully, and was relieved when she didn't find anything strange.

"Brother Yao, the old name Hua paid you nothing. The old name Hua didn't take care of your girl, let her nephew take such pain!" Hong Qigong obediently apologized to Huang Yaoshi.

"Hum!" Huang Yaoshi's anger disappeared a little when she saw her daughter's return safely, but she thought that if Hong Qigong was not in trouble, why would her baby daughter suffer so much? So Huang Yaoshi still pulled his face.

"Brother Yao, this is my fault. You have to punish you. The old call Hua Hua recognized it!" Hong Qigong's posture made Huang Yaoshi a little unsure of what was good. Is it really impossible to beat him?

"The juniors have seen Lord Huangdao!" Shen Long Yila Guo Jing, the two came forward to salute Huang Yaoshi, and Huang Rong helped Hong Qigong to say good things on the side, which finally broke the embarrassment in the field.

"Thanks to you this time!" Seeing Shen Long, Huang Yaoshi's face was better, no matter what, it was Shen Long who helped stabilize Huang Rong's injury temporarily, and took everyone to find a lamp master.

"Huangdao Master is very kind. Brother Guo and I are brothers of righteousness. His business is my business." Shen Long took the opportunity to help Guo Jing a little.

"Since you are here, go sit on the island!" Huang Yaoshi still ignored Guo Jing. The honest appearance was really unpleasant to him. When he turned around, he would take everyone in.

"Huang Lao Xie, quickly release Zhou Botong!" It was originally good, and Ying Gu suddenly exploded! When coming down from the ship, we must run towards Huang Yaoshi.

Gee, I said can you be a bit brainy? You are anxious for us to understand, but can you help solve things like this? How many times have you been told to you on board, but you are here still? Shen Long suddenly covered his face with black lines.

Huang Yaoshi's complexion would make him angry. If Zhou Botong destroyed the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", how could his beloved Ame die? He shut Zhou Botong on the island for many years. The anger that had originally disappeared in his heart has gradually disappeared.

"Dad, that bad guy stayed on the island in vain for so many years. Let's keep him in vain. Let's drive him away!" Huang Rong saw that the situation was wrong and quickly hugged Huang Yaoshi's arm.

"Huangdao Lord, there is a way for Zhou Botong to hand over the lower part of the" Nine Yin Zhen Jing ", and I also have the upper part here, which can also be handed over to the Huangdao Lord." Shen Long said, Huang Yaoshi said Having obsession is not because I want to learn the martial arts above, but because I want to burn it to his wife.

"Huh? Where did you get it from?" Huang Yaoshi frowned, and the upper part was not stolen by those two discouraged apprentices?

Shen Long again said the excuse of Qu Yang dug "Guangling San", "The younger generation knows that Huangdao Lord is also a person who loves the temperament. This music score of" Guang Ling San "should be the gift for the first time!

After speaking, Shen Long took out several books from his arms and handed them over. There are both the music score of "Guangling San" and the upper part of "Nine Yin Zhen Jing".

Although Huang Yaoshi loves the rhythm, he is not as crazy as Qu Yang. A "Guangling San" can't buy him, but the sight of "Jiuyin Zhenjing" reminds him of his wife, so He cherishes his daughter more and more, looking at Huang Rong's eagerness, he can't bear to refuse at once, "If you let him hand over that" Nine Yin Zhen Jing ", I will let him go!"

"Thank you so much, Lord Huangdao!" Well ~ ~ Even if this is done, Zhou Botong will certainly not easily agree, but Shen Long has some way.

"Aunt Ying, you are waiting on the boat for a while. I will help you rescue Zhou Botong later. If you are still just like that, just blame me for letting go!" Huang Yaoshi invited them to enter. Shen Long knew that they were sure Aunt Ying was not welcome, so he hurriedly warned to avoid having trouble.

I heard what I said just now, and I saw that there was hope to rescue Zhou Botong. What did she dare to say, she quickly returned to the boat and waited.

Having used rice and wine in Jicuiting, Hong Qigong told Huang Yaoshi their experiences these days, and Shen Long went to the cave to find Zhou Botong under the guidance of dumb servants.

Arrived at the place, Shen Long asked the dumb servant to retreat, and then shouted to the hole, "Zhou Botong can be here? I brought you fun to find you!"

"Oh, what's fun? Since the little girl's doll disappeared, it's been a long time since no one came to play with me. Come and show me the fun!" A savage old shaggy old man was drilled in the hole Come.

"This is called checkers, I'll teach you!" Shen Long took out a pair of checkers from behind, this is he made wood to do it by himself.

"Checkers? I haven't played it yet, hurry and teach me to teach me!" Zhou Botong picked up the chess pieces and fiddled curiously.

Shen Long taught him the rules and tried to play two with him, and then said, "Hey, it ’s not fun to play like this, or should we gamble something?"

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