All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1150: At your disposal

"Okay, Brother Yang, you are also a martial arts person? If you win, I will teach you the self-made seventy-two road empty boxing. If you lose, teach me another fun! Play with me for a few more days! "The new game of checkers makes the old naughty guys have fun.

Shen Long shook his head, "I don't learn this." There are also seventy-two Lu Mingquan in the ancient tomb, and Shen Long has seen that boxing is quite similar to Taijiquan, but it doesn't go as far as Taijiquan. Learn this It might as well learn Tai Chi.

"So what do you want to learn? Do you learn to fight each other left and right?" The old naughty boy scratched his head and scratched his head in a hurry. He quickly drew his left and right hands together and started drawing on the ground. The left hand draws a circle and the right hand draws a square. "Hey, is this fun?"

"I will do this too!" Shen Long learned how he looked, and he also painted a circle and a square on the ground, which was even more regular than the old naughty boy. This method will also be early, and it can even be applied to other fields. Before, in the world of "Aspirational Ambitions", Shen Long's left and right foot technologies were world-class.

"Oh, what do you want to learn?" The old naughty boy was a little dumbfounded. Except for the martial arts of Quanzhenjiao and the martial arts in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", he would have only these, but these two kungfu can not be easily passed on. , "Should I teach you to play marbles? I am good at playing marbles."

"Don't learn, don't learn." Shen Long shook his head leisurely. The two men were leisurely and anxious. The old naughty boy changed several methods one after another, but Shen Long said nothing.

"Brother Yang, what do you want to gamble?" The old naughty boy is gone, so he has to listen to Shen Long's opinion.

"Just bet on the lower part of the" Nine Yin Mantra "in your hand! If you lose, give me your" Nine Yin Mantra ". If I lose, I will find ten fun games for you. "Shen Long took out Huarong Road, smoking wooden strips and other games to seduce the old naughty boy, and the old naughty boy looked envious and said it was fun; if you don't agree, I'll get a gameboy, even come out, don't believe you don't Tempted.

But as soon as the "Jiuyin Mantra" was mentioned, the old naughty boy was vigilant and shook his head again and again, "No, no, my brother said," The Jiuyin Mantra "stirred up the martial arts in the past, and it could not be shown to others. Don't gamble with you. "

I am afraid this may not be the reason? If there is one less master in the rivers and lakes, the prestige of the Quanzhen religion will be a little more stable. Shen Long ’s thinking of Wang Chongyang ’s true thoughts may not be as bright and grand as he said.

"Oh," Nine Yin Zhen Jing "is not a rare thing, you have it, I have it, old naughty boy, see what is different between me and yours?" Shen Long smiled happily. Two books were drawn out and handed over to the old naughty boy. This was the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" he had copied, and it was the full version.

"Why do you have it?" The old naughty boy snatched it and browsed quickly. "It's impossible. I have been hiding well for all these years. Huang Laoxie didn't take it away by any means. Why did you get it in your hands!" "

"Oh," Jiuyin Zhenjing "is not only one of those days." Shen Long took out that set of words again and fooled people, "Old naughty boy, I have it anyway, you give me your book, it does not affect anything." Isn't it? "

"It turns out to be really the same!" Wang Chongyang did not allow Zhou Botong to watch the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", but could he bear it there? Over the years, the words in it have been memorized and memorized, and I learned it involuntarily. After hurriedly turning over, I can see that Shen Long took exactly the same content as he had.

"You have it all, why do you want me?" The old naughty boy didn't understand it. Is there anything else in this book that doesn't work? But he has been cramming this book for more than ten years. If there is a doorway, I might have discovered it long ago.

"Ah, I just feel that it is not boring to play chess!" The same is the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing". My and yours have completely different feelings about Huang Yaoshi.

Seeing this situation, the old naughty boy felt that there was no hindrance to give Shen Long his own book, so he agreed to play checkers with Shen Long; previously Shen Long deliberately let him, and now he took it out without hesitation. The high-end technique easily won the old naughty boy.

"You keep these two books, but this one belongs to me; the rest are left to you to play with, and I will come to you later." Shen Long left a pile of toys for the old naughty boy, himself Take the lower part of his "Nine Yin Zhen Jing".

Hey, it ’s like embarrassing to swindle a child. It ’s really embarrassing. Shen Long laughed in his heart; in fact, he can get this scripture, the most important thing is that he already has the full version of the Jiuyin Zhenjing It's only the old naughty boy who loses his guard, this guy is in trouble, but he will not relax his vigilance on such a big and bad issue.

"Lord Huangdao, fortunately not humiliating!" Shen Long handed "Jiuyin Zhenjing" to Huang Yaoshi. Huang Yaoshi touched the cover silently, and then took it away without reading a word. Worship his wife. Before leaving, he told Shen Long that the old naughty boy could get out of Peach Blossom Island.

So Shen Long returned to the cave where the old naughty boy lived and played with him for a while ~ ~ Then he took the old naughty's acupuncture point and grabbed him and walked to the beach.

"Hey, hello, Brother Yang, what are you doing? What is a fun new game?" The old naughty panic, "This is not fun, please put me down."

"I think it's fun!" Shen Long chuckled and promised that Ying Gu hadn't done it yet. If the old naughty boy was brought directly to Ying Gu, the old naughty boy would run away immediately.

Not long ago, Shen Long went to the seaside. Aunt Ying leaned out of the boat, and when she saw the old naughty boy, she was immediately overjoyed, "Yang Shaoxia, did you rescue Botong?"

"Ah! Brother Yang, you let me down, you let me down!" Seeing Aunt Ying, the old naughty boy was like being stung by a scorpion, quickly covering her face with her hand, "She can't see me , She can't see me! "

"Old naughty boy, Lord Duan has forgiven you for a long time. If you don't believe it, let Aunt Ying take you to Lord Duan to ask." Well, the monk hat worn by Master Yideng is actually a forgive hat?

No matter how much the old urchin pleaded, Shen Long just didn't agree, and went straight to the side of the sea boat and handed over the old urchin, "Zhou Botong will leave it to you and let you handle it."

Tell him how to whisper and understand the method of acupuncture points, and then said, "He has a trouble in his heart, you better take him to Master Yideng to share with you, and the enemy who killed your child is near that, After seeing the master of a lamp, you take Birton to seek revenge on him! "

Hey, old naughty boy, you are not a bad person, but because of your temper, you have caused a lot of trouble. Now let you suffer a little bit!

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