All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1152: Dragging south

"Yin and Yang are in a difficult situation, from the second to the ninth palace. If you can reach the Yin and Yang principles, the world will be in the palm of your hand. The altar is dedicated to piety and piety; the dragon is drawing a picture of Luoshui, and the title of Caifeng is in Biyun. After the wind of life, it is written into a script. From then on, the door of Dunjia Qimen was started; In Zhang Zifang in the Han Dynasty, 18 games were fine arts ... "Yang Yaoshi recited" Yanbo Diao Song "to explain the origin of the technique of" Qimen Dunjia "," This technique of "Qimen Dunjia" Broad and profound, I have studied hard for many years before I have to look at the path. "

"All successes and failures can be summarized into five factors: time, geographical position, human harmony, divine assistance, and pattern. Nine stars are represented in Qimen Dunjia as the time of day. Xing, Tianying Xing, Tianrui Xing, Tiaoxing Xing, Tianzhu Xing; the 9th house represents the geographical location, the 9th house has the functions of Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui and Zhongwu, and the eight gates represent Harmony, the eight gates are open, rest, birth, injury, du, jing, death, and shock; the eight gods represent the gods. The eight gods refer to the value symbol, the snake, the Taiyin, the Liuhe, the white tiger, the Xuanwu, the nine places, and the nine days. ; With the combined structure of celestial, earth, human, god, star, gate, strange, and ceremonial, with ten gram to answer, eight monks to answer ... "Then talked about the composition of" Qimen Dunjia ".

He heard Guo Jing's confusion. The seven strange monsters in the south of the Yangtze River were mostly people of the city. Only Zhu Cong was a literati, but Zhu Cong was only a showman after all. The four books and five classics are still not mastery, not to mention such learning?

Shen Long listened to it with gusto. Wang Anshi read the book series. If his knowledge is broadly above Huang Yaoshi, and most of these things come from the Book of Changes, all the top literati do not study the Book of Changes. Yes, so Shen Long can not only understand, but also communicate with Huang Yaoshi.

Did this guy start reading and practicing martial arts from his mother's womb? Originally, I thought I was already a wizard in the world. On Wu Nai is one of the world's five must-have. If the thesis is willing to participate in the imperial examinations, it is not a problem to get the scholarship; if it is not too complicated, Xi Wu overwhelms Wang Chongyang to become the world's first Xuewen can also become a great Confucian.

Compared with the boy in front of me, it seems to be nothing. To say martial arts, this person can kill Ouyang Feng who is famous for himself at the age of eighteen. Quite puzzling; if it is about knowledge, this person's knowledge is far better than me ... When thinking of these, Huang Yaoshi is quite emotional.

But he still has something inferior to me, at least for "Qi Men Dun Jia", is he still far behind? After the emotion, Huang Yaoshi regained his arrogance. He also rarely encountered a person who could surpass himself intellectually, so he explained Shen Qi's Dunjia daily skill for the next period of time.

He even took him to Taohua Forest and explained to him the application of "Qi Men Dunjia" in the formation method. According to Shen Long's analysis, the formation method on Taohua Island may have taken advantage of human habits in vision and psychology. Characteristics, and misleading the above habits by using elements such as terrain, plants, smoke, smell, etc., so that people can not get out.

He analyzed these one by one based on the scientific knowledge of later generations. Huang Yasi thought it was reasonable after pondering it. After absorbing this knowledge, he felt that the formation on the island was not completely flawless, but greatly improved. Under the rise, Shen Long was invited to redesign the formation of Taohua Island together, and then to rebuild.

Dig out the peach trees and replant them for replanting, and change the position of the big stones, making it more difficult for intruders to get out; adjust the varieties of shrubs and flowers in the peach forest to make the smell of these flowers and trees, the smell of peach blossoms, and the malaria after peach rot. Mixed, it produces a stronger, less perceptible breath ...

But there are still some things that modern science ca n’t explain, maybe this is the essence of Qi Men Dun Jia? Shen Long can only memorize the theories taught by Huang Yaoshi and wait for detailed analysis in the future.

During this period, Hong Qigong instructed Guo Jing and Huang Rong to practice martial arts every day, and Huang Yasi also occasionally gave some advice to make great progress in their martial arts; Shen Long found a suitable opportunity and secretly told Huang Rong about the color boat Huang Rong first found Huang Yaoshi and cried for a while, and then burned the color boat with his own hands. After they left, Huang Yaoshi wouldn't take the color boat to die in the sea.

Hong Qigong is a beggar gang leader and has complicated affairs. Guo Jing and Shen Long are still thinking of going to get revenge after Yan Honglie, and they have no way to stay on Taohua Island for a long time. Therefore, after they learned "Qi Men Dunjia" after Shen Long, everyone said goodbye After Huang Yaoshi returned to the mainland, Huang Rong followed her brother Jing.

Seeing the people leaving, Huang Yaoshi remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to compete with Shen Long, but suddenly he shook his head, not to mention. From the occasional skills he displayed and the discourse on martial arts, this person's martial arts might be long ago. Better than myself ~ ~ After returning to the land, Hong Qigong left, Shen Long and Guo Jing, Huang Rong returned to Taiyun Guiyunzhuang, and received Yang Tiexin, Bao Xiwei, Li Ping and Mu Nian Ci and others returned to Niujia Village.

Began to rebuild the old house in Niujia Village. Before that, Wan Honglie was so frightened. It was expected that he would not dare to go south any more. Moreover, Mongolia had already prepared for the attack on the Golden State.

In the gap between building the house, Shen Long often secretly traveled between Niujia Village and the Royal Palace of Song Dynasty. Now Zhao Zuo has died, Shi Miyuan and Queen Yang forged the edict, standing for Zhao and Ju ascended to the throne and renamed Zhao Yun.

At the beginning of the throne, Zhao Yun obeyed Shen Long ’s teachings and kept a low profile, entrusting all political and political affairs to Shi Miyuan. He watched and said less in the court hall and carefully observed that the ministers and Shi Miyuan in the DPRK did not deal with it. You can rely on those people when you go out of the church; those who have true talents and real learning are the only ones available ...

Just thinking that Mongolia is about to go south, but Song Song still looks like this, Zhao Yun feels quite unwilling to wait for me at times, and repeatedly wants to ask Shen Long for help to solve Shi Miyuan; Shen Long said every time that he was short on the throne, the opportunity Has not yet arrived.

Seeing that the old house in Niujia Village had been repaired properly, when Shen Long and Guo Jing were going to invite friends to celebrate together, Lu Guanying suddenly came from Guiyunzhuang and told them a big news, "My son Erlang saw a group of Mongolians, What is the lead called torpedoes, eavesdropping on their speeches, this time it seems to be coming to unite my great Song to attack the Golden Kingdom together! "

"Ah, drag Lean to answer!"

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