All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1153: Lianmeng

Lu Guanying also brought another news. In order to stop the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolian Lianmeng, Wan Yanhonglie sent Sha Tongtian and other masters to go south, intending to intercept the thunder and his party and kill this matter in the bud.

Ha ha, if Mongolia is determined to form an alliance with the Song Dynasty, even if the thunder is killed, it will only delay the time. At that time, the big Han wanted to join the Da Yueshi to fight against the Huns. How many messengers died on the way to the Western Regions? In the end, Bo Wanghou still couldn't be stopped. If the torpedo died, Tiemuzhen would only strengthen his conviction and send a new messenger again.

However, this can more or less give Jin Guo a little time, and now Jin Guo lacks the most time. Unfortunately, Jin Guo lost too much in the battle of Yehuling. If there is such a time buffer, Jin Guo might I can really stick to some more time.

Guo Jing worried about the thunder and immediately went north to respond. Shen Long naturally refused to miss this opportunity and followed Guo Jing to the north; he hurried all the way to the Jiaxing Iron Gun Temple and everyone stopped to rest.

Arrived at this place, Shen Long felt quite emotional, Yang Kang died here in the novel, but now, Guo Jing and Huang Rong probably do not have the mind to deal with their own right?

Everyone was about to, suddenly heard the sound of a horseshoe in the distance faintly, listening to the ears, and only listening to the more than one ride of Mercedes-Benz; Guo Jing grew up on the horseback, and the horses knew how much they heard, "A total of There are sixteen horses, riding Mongolian horses in the front, but not chasing them in the back. It must be that Yan Honglie sent someone to chase Lei An again. "

So the people hurried out, only to hear the sound of a whizz, an arrow flew over the heads of the two, and the horse had rushed to the temple; Suddenly, an arrow came after the soldiers, and shot the last horse's hip, the horse groaned mournfully. Kneeling down on the front leg, the passenger immediately rides extremely finely, jumps off the horse, and is very healthy, but only heavy on the ground, but not light.

The other two interrogated, and the person who landed said, "I'm fine, you go quickly, I'm here to block the chasing soldiers."

Another humane, "I help you to block the enemy, the four princes go quickly."

The four princes said, "How did that happen?" A few people spoke Mongolian.

Guo Jing listened to the sound well, and seemed to accent Tuo Lei, Zhe Bie and Bolhu, he quickly shouted, "Is this Master Zhe Bie, Yi Lei Tuo Lei, Master Bo Erhu? I am Guo Jing."

The old friends reunited but were too late to welcome. Guo Jing quickly stepped forward to help, the enemies surrounded him, but it was Sha Tongtian, Hou Tonghai carrying the Yellow River four ghosts, and the elite of several golden soldiers.

Sha Tongtian had just shot, the afterglow of his eyes swept to Shen Long, and suddenly his cold sweat soaked his clothes. He had been reluctant to go south this time, until he got the news that he was busy building a house in Niujia Village. Come boldly, just want to slash and drag down a line and then quickly go back, who would have seen this big star just after coming over, even Ouyang Feng is not his opponent, can he be pleased with his martial arts?

"I'll wait for you!" Sha Tongtian acted decisively and quickly commanded the Golden Soldiers and the Yellow River Four Ghosts to siege. In the end, he pulled the horse away. In order to escape, Sha Tongtian didn't even care about his apprentices.

"Want to go? I'm afraid it's not that easy!" Shen Long flashed his body, grabbed the bow and arrow from Bol's hands, and shot a few renju arrows, and Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai tried their best to resist. Unfortunately, Shen Long shot The arrows are accurate and fast, Hou Tonghai and Sha Tongtian each hit the arrow and fell down.

There Zhebe called a few times in Mongolian, Guo Jing said to the translator, "Master Zhebe said your archery is very good, you are the real Zhebe!" Zhebe is the **** archer in Mongolian. meaning.

"Haha, Brother Guo, let them rest on one side. When I reach the territory of Song Dynasty, they won't need them to shoot!" Shen Long laughed and continued to shoot bows and arrows, and shot Bolhu's quiver in one go. The enemy's chasing soldiers continued to the end, and within a moment, the four ghosts of the Yellow River and those golden soldiers lost their lives, leaving only Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai alive.

"Brother Guo, will we solve them alone?" Shen Long dropped his bow and arrow and stopped Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai's way. He could easily solve these two guys alone, but Thinking of Guo Jingshang's lack of experience in opposing the enemy, he was also asked to come up to help, so the four of them fought together.

Shen Long watched Guo Jing ’s movements while playing against Sha Tongtian. With the addition of snake blood pills, and listening to the guidance of many martial arts masters, Guo Jing ’s "Nine Yang Zhen Jing" had a great improvement in internal strength, and cooperated with The power of "Dragon Eighteen Palms" put Hou Tonghai to death.

After about twenty or thirty strokes, Hou Tonghai was exhausted, and Guo Jingyi remembered that Kang Long had regretted hitting Hou Tonghai's chest. Hou Tonghai's chest collapsed a big piece, and he couldn't live.

Seeing this, Shen Long was too lazy to spend time with Sha Tongtian. With a long sword in his hand, Sha Tongtian's head flew to the sky, and it was less than a tea time. After Yan Honglie's men were completely resolved.

"I didn't expect such a hero among the Song people!" Torre and others quickly gathered around and grateful ~ ~ Guo Jing reunited with his friends and was equally happy, but Shen Long laughed and said nothing, don't look at me now Saved you, if in the future, if you Mongolia dare to raise troops to go south, then the method I just used will fall on you.

Guo Jing asked Tuo Lei, it turned out that Tiemu Zhen's attack on Jin Guo won, but Jin Guodi's soldiers were still holding several strongholds, but he couldn't do anything at all; so he sent Tuo Lei Nan to join the Song Dynasty to send troops and attack, and encountered The gold soldiers of the brigade stopped and all the guards were killed. Only the people fled here.

Guo Jing asked Yan Yanlie again, but learned that Wan Yanlie did not go south with the team, which made Guo Jing feel sorry. Brother Yang said last time, if Wan Yanlie would dare to go south, he certainly would not stop this time, but he missed a kill. Good opportunity to finish Yan Honglie.

Torei and others fled all the way, and the enemies were all resolved. So the enemies were all resolved, so they returned to the Iron Gun Temple to rest together. He took Guo Jing ’s white sculptures to the south and Huang Rong saw these two sculptures. I like it.

After a night of rest, he continued to go south on the second day. With the guards of Guo Jing and Shen Long, and the help of Taihu water thieves, Tuo Lei and others arrived safely in Lin’an. Hearing the arrival of the Mongolian emissaries, the Southern Song court attached great importance and quickly dispatched important officials Negotiations with Thunder.

Shen Long also took advantage of this opportunity to enter the palace secretly. Zhao Yun was having a headache about how to deal with the alliance with Mongolia. He was overjoyed when he saw Shen Long ’s arrival. "Fairy Master, you are finally here. Please also ask the Fairy Master to teach me. How to deal with the Mongolian emissaries, in the end, should we form an alliance with Mongolia? "

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