All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1154: Decision in the palace

"As early as Jianyan, Hong Hao was detained when Jin Hao was appointed as an emissary. During this period, Hong Shangshu knew about Mongolia's threat to Jin Guo; It was a pity that at that time, my great Song had negotiated with Jin Guo and failed to unite Mongolian Wu to fight against Jin Guo. At that time, Yue Wumu and Han Zhongwu were still there. Not to mention! "Zhao Yun worked hard during this time and collected a lot of information related to Mongolia.

What he said was right. Yue Fei's Northern Expedition had already defeated Jin Guo. If Meng Wu attacked from the north, Jin Guo's enemies might not be able to withstand the enemy. Moreover, Song Jun's strength was relatively strong at that time. It has not yet fully prospered. After defeating the Golden State, it can also block the Mongolian army, and maybe take the opportunity to regain the 16 states of Yanyun.

It is a pity that Zhao Gou was shocked by Jin Guo's courage. The twelve gold medals called Yue Fei to return to the dynasty, leaving the great situation in vain, leaving such a mess for the Southern Song Dynasty.

Later, Han Dianxian also considered the issue of uniting Mongolia when he started the Northern Expedition. However, at that time, Mongolia was caught in a melee and was not unified yet. Secondly, Han Dengxian lost too fast, and this matter will not be lost.

"Since the founding of the Great Song Dynasty, because the disaster of the five generations of martial arts was too memorable, it puts extra weight on the military and guards against its own generals, but it is better than the enemy. Di Wuxiang first and Yue Wumu later, these famous generals did not die. In the hands of the enemy, it was the hands of the imperial court, which was painful. "Shen Long said, if he wanted to keep Song, he had to reverse this problem.

"However, since Jianyan Nandu, the martial arts people have also become bigger temporarily, which is also unavoidable." At that time, Yue Fei did not want to rebel. If he wanted to rebel, the court might not be able to resist it. This may also be Zhao Gou. One of the reasons for fearing Yue Fei, if Yue Fei recovered the Bianliang in Tokyo, and then learn from Zhao Kuangyin, then a wave came to mind, and the thought of this Zhao Gou had trouble sleeping and sleeping; compared to the two emperors imprisoned in the Golden Kingdom It's nothing.

"The power lord should be given to the martial arts, otherwise no one would be willing to sell his life for the Song Dynasty. Han Qi's" Singing Out of the Donghua Gate is a good man "can not be repeated. Wenwu is also an official, if the martial arts are suppressed Too low is ultimately inappropriate; but it is also necessary to guard against the warriors, otherwise the Anlu Mountain incident will not necessarily repeat itself. "Shen Long taught carefully.

If you want to prevent military and man-made countermeasures, you can't use civil servants to suppress it, but you have to solve it from the system, control the financial supply, mobilize the generals in a timely manner, don't let them stay in one place for too long, etc. This is the way.

"These are not things that can be done overnight, but the Lianmeng attack on gold is close at hand. What should I do? If I agree, after I win the Golden State, I will be between Song Dynasty and Mongolia. There is no barrier! "Zhao Yun remembered what he saw in his dream, the fiasco of Duan Ping's entry into Luo, and the future battles of Xiangyang and Yashan ...

If you don't make some changes, wouldn't Da Song repeat the dream tragedy again? However, it is not appropriate to stop uniting Mongolia. First, this is what the people want, and secondly, the power of the dynasty is now in the hands of Shi Miyuan.

"It is not that there are no objections above the Chaotang. The Shang Department Qiao Xingjian of the Criminal Department thought that 'the strong tsar is gradually rising, its momentum is enough to die gold, the enemy of the past is also the cover of the present and the death of the ancients. Yigu and the coins make the rejection. '"If there are no dreams, Zhao Yun may refute Qiao Xingjian's opinion. Jin Guo is the death enemy of the Song Dynasty. How can he support Jin Guo?"

The same holds true for the views of the inside and outside of the court. After Qiao Xingjian made these remarks, the scholars such as Huang Ziran, Huang Hong, Zhou Datong, Jia Yan, Xu Shilong, etc., joined the main entrance of Fuli, please cut Qiao Xingjian to thank the world , Can be described as fierce public opinion.

Zhao Yun felt that Qiao Xingjian's words were more reasonable. If there is a golden country that can temporarily block Mongolia and win breathing opportunities for Song Dynasty, it is not too late to fight against Mongolia after he has mastered the power of the dynasty and politics. It is no longer possible to endure Shi Miyuan's sole power.

Shen Long slowly shook his head, "Now it is no longer the Song Dynasty can make a decision. It is better to unite the Golden Kingdom to resist Mongolia, but neither the inside nor outside of the Great Song Dynasty nor the Golden Kingdom think so; then Wan Yanji dare not resist Mongolia, but instead Leading Jin Guo to move south, if Mongolia continues to use its army to go south, the first thing Jin Guoxia thinks is not how to counter Mongolia, but to continue to attack the Song Dynasty, so as to win a breathing opportunity for himself. "

Shen Long originally thought that the Southern Song Dynasty ’s annihilation of gold was a great foolishness, but after understanding the background of this decision, it was found that this was also a helpless move. Jin Guo did not mean to unite with the Southern Song. One side was a strong Mongolia, the other side. It was the weak Song of the weak, and this man of gold was still very clear.

No wonder that when the Golden Kingdom was attacked by Mongolia, Wan Yanhonglie was thinking about dealing with the Song Dynasty. If you can occupy half of the Song Dynasty, and rule with Mongolia to draw a river, the Golden Kingdom can continue for some time ~ ~ How can it be good to live like this, can't we just watch the destruction of the Song Dynasty? "After hearing this, Zhao Yun was even more anxious and quickly fell down to Shen Long." I also invited the fairy master to kill Shi Miyuan, so that I can control the power of the dynasty! " "

"Even if I help you this time, will you continue to count on me next time? Can you continue to count on me? You are the official family of the Song Dynasty!" Shen Long screamed loudly, hey, although he has his own teaching, Tianshui Zhao The problems that I have counseled at the critical moment have not completely changed.

"Fairy Master Atonement, I ... I'm in a hurry!" Seeing Shen Long angry, Zhao Yun quickly apologized.

Seeing that he could realize his mistakes, Shen Long's tone eased a bit, "Shi Miyuan was naturally taken for granted, but now it is not the time. According to Jin Guo's ideas, it is most important to destroy Jin Guo first; After the Kingdom of Kings, if the army of the Song Dynasty was defeated by Mongolia, this pot could just make Shi Miyuan come back, and the officials could take the opportunity to take him down! "

After the defeat of Duan Pingping into Luo, Mongolian attacked Song in a big way, but it was not as swift as it was when the Golden Kingdom was destroyed. Mongolia finally withdrew its troops, and it didn't start attacking the Southern Song again until 20 years later, and Zhao Yun had time.

"That's it, I have to start preparing now!" It is still a few years before Duan Ping's entry into Luo, and if I start to prepare carefully from now on, I still have time.

"Unfortunately, there is no Yue Wumu as a general who can lead the army for me!" When it comes to fighting, Zhao Yun hates the fact that there are too few people available.

"That's not necessary." Shen Long said.

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