All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1155: Guo Jing

Oh? The fairy master knows that there are stars coming to the world? "Zhao Yun not only was overjoyed, he recalled those big Song generals he had dreamed of, only Meng Gong and Wang insisted that they were famous, and eventually they were less; now when he heard that Shen Long said that he had a famous general, he thought that Wuquxing had descended. World Blessing Song, asked repeatedly, "Dare to ask the fairy master where this person is now? Under that general? "

Zhao Yun intends to hurry up and train as soon as he finds out, so that he can be promoted quickly to become the great sea purple gold beam, Qingtian white jade pillar of the Song Dynasty, and the famous general pointed by the fairy master, it must be a different response.

"In terms of military strategy, this person may not be as smart as Yue Wumu's; but his approach to using troops is also very solid, but it is a type that is as steady as Lianpo." Shen Long said of course that Guo Jing, "Besides, this person is honest and honest, and has no possibility of colluding with other courtiers."

This is the general I need in Song Dynasty. Zhao Yun feels that such a general seems to be more suitable than Yue Fei. He quickly asked aloud and asked again, "Please also call the fairy master to give his name."

"It's not the time right now, this person's life experience is quite ups and downs, I can't make a contribution from the military now, and I will introduce him to you when the time is right! With Meng Gong in, even if Duan Ping fails to enter Luo, Da Song is not in danger of dying. You can use this time to gather the power of the North Korean government, so that you can carry out what you learned earlier. "Meng Gong was only in his early 50s when he died of illness. If he could find an opportunity to help him diagnose and treat it, he might live longer.

In the future, Guo Jing will join the Meng Gong army, and under the care of Meng Gong and Wang Jian, it will inevitably be able to accelerate growth. Meng Gong once used one person to dominate the battle on the second third of the Southern Song Dynasty. Due to its outstanding performance in resisting the Mongolian army, Known as the “master of mobile defense” by the historians of later generations; Wang Jian and his deputy Zhang Yujian defended the Diaoyu City, repeatedly repelled the Mongolian attack, and even killed Mongolian Khan Mongolian brother. Such a name would be enough to help Guo Jing remove him from The art of warfare learned in "Wu Mu's Legacy" is integrated.

Tell me carefully, Shen Long retreats quietly, then the Southern Song Dynasty court received the tow mine, the two sides hit it off, and finalized the plan for the joint attack of the North and South.

Then Guo Jing and Shen Long continued to **** Lei to go back to Mongolia until he was sent to the Song and Jin border, and then he returned to Niujia Village after watching Lei to board the Shanghai ship.

After some days, Guo Yang ’s new houses had been up and moved in for a while. I heard the news that Song Jun was marching north and Mongolia was attacking Jin Guo.

Guo Jing thought that Jin Bing would certainly not be able to stop the attacks of Song and Mongolia. Wan Yanhonglie was likely to die in the chaotic army. He wanted to avenge himself, so he went north again with Shen Long and went to find Wan Yanlie.

Huang Rong naturally followed him, seeing the army of the Song Dynasty recovering the old soil all the way north, Guo Jingxin was very happy; traveling to Shandong, but seeing ten rooms and nine empty spaces along the way, pedestrians fled on the road, all said that Mongolia and the golden soldiers were fighting, Jin The soldiers were defeated, the retired soldiers were raped, and omnipotent. The more they went north, the more they were devastated. They thought the soldiers were in danger.

I came to a village in the valley of Jishui on that day. I was about to borrow a place to drink horses for cooking. Suddenly there was a loud noise in front of me. People called Ma Si, and dozens of gold soldiers rushed into the village. The soldiers set fire to the village and will The people forced out of the house and saw young women, all **** with ropes, and the rest chopped off when they saw no one.

Guo Jing was furious when he saw him, and immediately led the officer with a big gun. He swung his left palm and slammed it on his temple. These days, he kept practicing late in the evening, and his internal strength was greatly improved. Going, the officer immediately stood with his eyes protruding and died. The gold soldiers shouted in unison, and the swords and guns were held together. They rushed up and rushed up. The little red horse saw the battle array and was happily greeted like a fly. Guo Jingzuo grabbed a machete again. , Right stab left, slash left and right, screaming out of battle.

Regardless of the others, Guo Jing might have better skills than Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong, and if he was to wear double-layered iron armor, he would fight with a double-edged spear on the left, and he would hold the halberd on the right, or switch to two. The bright silver hammer, or his own way of shooting the Yang family, the leader rushed to the array is certainly unmatched, so is the peerless hero in the romance, right?

Looking closely, Guo Jing is not arbitrarily slashing and killing. He always points directly at the enemy ’s key points, and never gives the enemy the opportunity to surround himself. All the details are concealed in the art of war. I am afraid that I have learned the "Wu Mu ’s Legacy" "The result.

"Brother Guo, I'll help you!" Shen Long looked up and jumped up to catch up, grabbing the spear in the hands of the Golden Soldier, and using the Yang family's shooting method, the spear was like a dragon coming out of the sea to the Golden Soldier. At that point, the golden soldiers died.

The golden soldiers saw this man's fierceness. After the defeat, where was there fighting spirit? He turned and ran to escape from the village, suddenly a large flag flew head-on, and a small group of Mongolian soldiers rushed towards the smoke. Jin Bing was terrified to kill Mongolian soldiers, dared not to face the battle, relying on the large number of people, turned back to fight Guo Jing, and only hoped to flee.

Guo Jing was annoyed that the golden soldiers had cruelly killed the people, and he drove out of the village first, riding alone. The majestic guarded the valley pass. More than ten golden soldiers rushed forward bravely and killed several people successively ~ ~ Yuzhong Not dare to step forward, neither to advance nor to retreat, in a mess.

When the Mongolian soldiers saw someone help in front of them, they were unexpectedly rushed and killed dozens of gold soldiers in the village. The centurion with the soldiers was about to ask Guo Jing ’s history. A team leader knew Guo Jing. And shouted, "Golden sword consort!"

The centurion heard the sweaty grandpa, why dare not to neglect, hurried off the horse to salute, ordered a quick horse to report, Shen Long glanced at Huang Rong, Huang Rong was extremely clever, he had learned Mongolian with Guo Jing, but listened There was not much reaction to the words of concubine. Guo Jing and Hua Zheng had already told her about Li Ping.

Guo Jing urgently ordered the Mongolian soldiers to quickly extinguish the flames of the village. The people helped the old and the young. They all thanked each other. In the chaos, the hoofs outside the village were screaming, and countless soldiers and horses rushed. I saw a jujube horse running like a wind, and the thunder screamed immediately, "Where is Guo Jingan answering?"

Tuo Lei heard Guo Jing ’s intention, and persuaded him to follow him to see Tiemuzhen. After that, Yan Honglie was definitely among the golden soldiers. As long as he followed the army, he would definitely see Wan Yanhonglie.

Guo Jing thought that Mongolia and Dasong had become a coalition now, and helping Mongolia to fight was to help Dasong. So he agreed to come down and take Shen Long and Huang Rong together for the day and night.

After seeing Tiemuzhen, Guo Jing would go to Huang Rong when he came out. Just after seeing Huang Rong's figure, he saw a woman running quickly, and it was Huazheng who fixed her eyes.

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