All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1156: I always treat Hua Zheng as my sister

Hua Zheng saw Guo Jing Xi burst into tears, and immediately came down and shouted, "Brother Guo Jing, you really are back!" He was about to pull his hand, Guo Jing quickly let go.

"Huazheng girl!" Guo Jing saw her true feelings, and she was very moved, but now she already has Ronger, who has spoken a thousand words for a while, and I don't know where to start.

Shen Long glanced at Huang Rong. She did n’t seem to have stepped forward, but the smile on her face was a little stiff. Although she knew that Tiemu would meet Hua Zheng when she came to see him, she lost her old days. Calmly.

"When I see you back, guess how happy I am? Let's see our mother go? Your mother is back this time?" Said Hua Zheng would go to see Li Ping with Guo Jing.

"My mother didn't come back. My mother has now lived in Niujia Village again. She let me meet with sweat. Thank you for taking care of us over the years; my mother said she was old and just wanted to stay in her hometown. ... I will return to Niujia Village in the future and live with my mother. "Guo Jing said in a humble voice.

"Aren't you staying in Mongolia?" Hua Zheng's face changed suddenly, but he returned to normal in a flash. "It doesn't matter, brother Guo Jing. I want to tell you that when we become married, I will not be the daughter of Khan. I forgot that I was Genghis Khan ’s daughter. I was just Guo Jing ’s wife; I went wherever you went. You beat me and scolded me. Despite your scolding, do n’t think of my dad as sweating. "

Hey, this girl is also down to Guo Jing, but Guo Jing already has Huang Rong, and Mongolia will inevitably go to war with the Song Dynasty in the future, but it is difficult to get the best of both worlds.

Suddenly Huazhen seemed to think of something again, "Anyway, my eldest brother and second elder brother don't like you anymore, no matter who they did sweat in the future, you are not happy to stay in Mongolia, then I just went back to the south with you!"

"Brother Guo, is this girl your sister of Huazheng?" Shen Long couldn't bear to listen any more. Besides, Guo Jing would only feel more and more guilty. In order to avoid his stubbornness, Shen Long hurried to come to the rescue.

"Well, Huazheng, this is my brother Yang Kang. He is just like dragging mine. He is my good answer." Guo Jing was afraid that Huazheng did not understand the meaning of brother Jieyi. He also made an analogy with An Da.

"Brother Yang, since you are the brother's answer from Guo Jing, then you came to Mongolia, and I should ask you to drink! Let's go, and we will go to the thunder to drink!" Hua Zheng said that he would pull Guo Jing away, and Shen Long held it. Guo Jing kept up and secretly gave him a gesture with Huang Rong.

After returning from drinking, Guo Jing asked angrily, "Brother Yang, what should I do? I like Ronger and want to get married with Ronger. Good explanation. "

"Relax, there will be a way!" Shen Long slammed Guo Jing out of the tent, but saw Huang Rong sitting outside looking at the south, and heard Shen Long approaching, she muttered, "Brother Yang, Jing Are brother and Huazheng a pair? They are a pair of white eagles on the grassland. I am just a swallow under the willow leaves of Jiangnan. "

"Girl Huang, Brother Guo has always only seen Hua Zheng as her sister. When Tiemu Zhen sealed Guo Jing as a golden sword concubine, he was young and he didn't know how to refuse; now it's not easy to speak. Mu Zhen was furious, and he did n’t want to make his sister sad anymore! "Shen Long reassured.

"Brother Jing is always so stupid, and would rather be wronged than hurt others." Huang Rong wiped a tear, "I think I'd better go back to Taohua Island, so that brother Jing is not so sad."

"Girl Huang, Brother Guo can't marry Huazheng anyway; do you think Tiemuzhen won't start with Song after the Jin Guo was destroyed? By that time, how should Brother Guo handle himself? Besides, I I have already figured out how to make Tiemu Zhen take it back to life! You should not appear in front of people for a few days, just feel free to wait for the news. "Shen Long had already figured out a way.

When Guo Jing woke up the next day, Shen Long told him his way. Guo Jing was a little embarrassed, but when he thought of Ronger, Guo Jing agreed.

A few days later, Tiemuzhen called Guo Jing again, and asked in front of everyone, "Guo Jing, you saved the thunder earlier, I haven't given you a reward yet, what do you want?"

"Tuo Lei is my answer, and I should save him. If I encounter something, Tu Lei An will definitely save me. I don't need to give me a reward." Guo Jing shoved according to Shen Long's instructions.

"Haha, you kid is trustworthy and righteous, I am very happy; but when you sweat, you have to reward and punish. If you make a contribution, if I don't reward, who will be willing to fight for me in the future?" Tiemuzhen finished. The four heroes and four dogs in the account laughed together, and they persuaded Guo Jing to accept the reward of Tiemuzhen.

"Don't be polite to me, you have given your most precious daughter to you, what else are you reluctant to give you? Despite your opening, I will agree." Tiemu really knows Guo Jing honestly, and will not make excessive demands.

"Dahan, then I'll say it!" Guo Jing said, Tiemu waved his hand, motioned him to say boldly, Guo Jing summoned his courage to say ~ ~ Dahan, I was a big fan from childhood Zheng came to see her as a girl. When you enrolled me as a golden sword concubine, I was stunned for a while, and I did n’t have time to quit. This time I also asked Khan to lift my gold sword consort; there are many more heroes on the grassland than me. , Sister Huazheng will surely find a good husband. "

"Guo Jing! What the **** are you talking about?" Hearing this, Tuo Lei couldn't help but stood up and scolded, "You apologize to Khan quickly and take back these words."

"Guo Jing, I reward you a thousand slaves, a hundred pounds of gold, five hundred heads of cattle, two thousand heads of sheep. I haven't heard that before!" Tiemuzhen was also full of frost, as he unified Mongolia, After the defeat of Jin Guo, his prestige is rising day by day, and no one has dared to talk to him like that for years.

Guo Jing was stubborn and still stuck his head at this time, "Dahan, you just said, no matter what request I make, you will promise me; when I did something wrong, I hope Dahan will give me a chance to make up . "

"Guo Jing, is it wrong to marry Princess Huazheng? This is something that all the good sons of the Mongolian grassland can't ask for!" Zhebe also stood up and yelled, he was afraid that his apprentice would anger Temujin and be miserable. .

I am a native of Niujia Village, Lin'an, Song Dynasty. I'm not a child on the grassland. Guo Jing was talking in his heart. He was about to continue to distinguish. Suddenly he heard a rush of horseshoes outside.

A moment later, a gasping messenger broke into the tent, "Sweat, the dog king Mohammad humiliated me, please ask him to avenge me!"

Westpare says

Which chapter may be late at eleven.

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