All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1158: the 3rd time

Before this war, the army vanguard was led by Chahetai and Wokuotai; the left army was led by Shuchi; the right army was led by Guo Jing; the front, left, and right army were each a team of 30,000 people; The 60,000-strong team of the main army then responded. Each sergeant carried several horses, riding alternately, to save horsepower, and the official brought more horses. The team of 15 million people, nearly 1 million horses.

Da Song is now biased towards the south of the Yangtze River and has lost his horse breeding ground. I am afraid that searching the entire Song Song will not find so many horses. In the future, he will fight with the Mongolian army. If he wins the enemy, he can easily escape with the horsepower. If he loses, Under the pursuit of the Mongolian army, the Song army was the end of the whole army. Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, the army could only avoid the plains, rely on the terrain to make the Mongolian army lose its mobility advantage, and then find the right time to find the appropriate terrain to fight the annihilation.

Shen Long looked at the military strength of the Mongolian army and began to judge the countermeasures based on his own experience. Fortunately, there was a Yangtze River gap between the north and the south. If the Song Dynasty could hold the Yangtze River, there would be a chance to breathe.

After Guo Jing arrived under the city of Samarkand, he saw that Guo Jingbing was in the city, but the whole army opened the battle, but Guo Jingbu was under the wind and the cloud fell for two battles. In half a day, he killed more than 5,000 enemies; The victory was defeated and returned to the city; after that, the two armies of Tiemuzhen, Shuchi and Chahetai arrived one after another; more than 100,000 people attacked around the ring, but the walls of Samarhan are strong and the defense is tight. The Mongolian army company After several days of attack, many soldiers were injured and they never stopped.

Shen Long did not continue to help Guo Jing with his idea. Once he felt that the idea of ​​the army flying into Samarkand from the air was too unreliable. Secondly, the more damage the Mongolian army has here, the future can be invested in the Song Dynasty The less troops there are on the battlefield, so he is happy to see the Mongolian soldiers lose heavily in Samarkand.

Anyway, Tiemuzhen has already agreed to cancel Guo Jing ’s and Hua Zheng ’s marriage contract, and Guo Jing does n’t care about taking the first merit of Samarkand; only one thing remains unresolved right now, Wan Yanlie is still in Samarkand, although he ca n’t do it. It is clear how this guy came from the Golden Kingdom to Samarkand, but if he does not kill the person himself, Shen Long and Guo Jing will regret it.

So Shen Long approached Guo Jing to discuss and planned to sneak into Samarkand to assassinate Yan Honglie. Although the walls of Samarkand were tall enough to withstand the army, he could not stop him and Guo Jing as masters.

Guo Jing readily obeyed, so the two secretly approached the city of Samarkand by night, and then took advantage of the slackness of the defenders to climb up the city wall and sneak into the city.

After entering the city, Shen Long went directly to the direction of the royal palace. He felt that Wan Yanlie was distinguished, and he must live near the royal palace. When he approached the royal palace soon, he really saw that there was a golden warrior guarding outside a palace; he Comparing Guo Jing with a gesture, the two of them turned to the house and jumped in from the fence.

Looking for a moment in the yard, I saw that the house in front was still lit. Looking far away, I saw that Yan Honglie was looking at the map on the wall, frowning and thinking, and beside him, there were only intellectuals and people. Samurai warriors are guarding.

I thought that after Yan Honglie was still surrounded by many masters including Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Ke, Sha Tongtian, Hou Tonghai, Peng Lianhu and Liang Ziweng, now there are only psychic masters left, and it seems that the psychic masters are probably also tonight. Are you going to hang up?

Shen Long blocked the door, Guo Jing jumped in directly from the window. After Yan Honglie suddenly panicked, the wise master immediately sent Kung Fu from the big fingerprint to Guo Jing, "Go away!"

"Want to go? I'm afraid it's too late!" Shen Long chuckled, his long sword trembling, and stabbed two Golden State warriors to the ground, blocking Wan Yanlie's path.

The spiritual man here also has a sudden change of face. He originally wanted to solve Guo Jing with the poison on his big hand. Who would have expected that the internal force in the "Nine Yang Zhen Jing" originally had the effect of detoxification. Shen Long took Guo Jing again before. After the snake blood pill, the poison of the wise man did not play any role. Instead, he was shocked by Guo Jing's "Falling Dragon and Eighteen Palms".

Guo Jing hit another man in the chest with Ling Zhi, and he was a little unwilling before he died. When he first saw Guo Jing, he was just a fool. Who would have thought how long it would take, he The martial arts have actually reached this level.

At this time, Wan Yanlie ’s several guards were also killed by Shen Long. The guards outside had to come over for a while. There was enough time for Shen Long and Guo Jing to kill Wan Yanlie ’s ten times.

However, Shen Long did n’t do it, but raised a third finger, "This is the third time, your nurturing grace has been reported, if you encounter it next time, you will definitely take the life of your dog!"

Then took Guo Jing back out, and Wan Yanhong stood in the room, waiting for the bureaucracy to hear the movement, and then issued a miserable burst of laughter.

On the second day, the Mongolian army continued to attack the city. Motugen, the eldest son of Chahetai, was anxious to make achievements and forced the city, but he was shot by an arrow in the city and died through his brain; Genghis Khan had always loved this grandson, seeing him killed, sad Angered; the soldiers brought Wang Sun ’s body up, Genghis Khan ’s tears drowned down ~ ~ hugged him, pulled out the long arrow on his head, and saw that the arrow was carved with a sharp arrow Jin is inscribed with the words "Dai Jin Zhao Wang".

The left and right people who knew the word Jin Guo said, Genghis Khan screamed, "Ah, it turned out to be Wan Yanlie, a gangster!" Then he ordered that after taking the city of Samarkand, he slaughtered the city and avenged Motugen, and took away Yan Honglie. Someone promises a reward.

When the army heard it, they were all excited and excited. For a moment, the arrow was like a locust, killing the sky, or rushing to the ground, or erecting a ladder, or throwing a hook to climb, or pushing a huge capital, but there were hundreds of soldiers in the city. To defend, in the evening, the Mongolian army folded more than 4,000 people, but the city of Samarkand still stands like a mountain.

Shen Long took this opportunity to order the Mongolian soldiers under Guo Jing to call out the "Slaughter City" in unison, so that this voice could reach the city of Samarkand, and the defenders in Samarkand could only fight desperately for their own lives.

In the next few days, Tiemuzhen ordered another siege, and more than 10,000 Mongolian soldiers pulled up the projectiles, and saw the projectiles fall towards the city like rain, but the defenders were hiding in the bunker, and the stone bombs destroyed many houses. However, there were few casualties among the defenders. For several days, the Mongolian army attacked with hundreds of attempts and never succeeded.

On the fourth day, the sky was down again with heavy snow. Although the Mongolian army had a tent, it also kept the bitterness of the freezing, and the morale fell more and more!

"Brother Yang, can't this city of Samarkand really take it down?" Guo Jing was originally not a man of great wits. Now that he sees this situation, he doesn't even know what to do.

"It's not impossible to arrive." The defenders in the city of Samarkand these days know that the Mongolian army is about to slaughter the city. Even if the city is broken, it will cause a huge kill to the Mongolian army?

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