All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1159: Qiu Chuji is here

"Brother Guo, look here!" Shen Long took Guo Jing out of the tent and came outside the gate of Samarkand. I saw that there were three big trees growing right across the gate. It is thick and twenty meters high. The leftmost tree is eight meters away from the rightmost tree.

Shen Long whispered something to Guo Jing, and Guo Jing immediately ordered his soldiers to slaughter the cattle brought by the army, remove the tendons and other objects into a lot of thick and long ropes, and bind them firmly to the left and right trees. Cut off the middlemost tree and cut it into the shape of an arrow with an axe, and then attracted a blacksmith to wrap this huge arrow with an iron head.

After hearing the news, Tiemuzhen and others rushed quickly. Now, when he sees Tiemuzhen, he understands Guo Jing ’s intention. He is going to use these three big trees to build a huge slingshot. The big tree shot out, destroying the city gate.

"Good way, but one arrow is not enough, then go down and cut two trees!" Tiemuzhen immediately ordered, he admired this way, but did not know that this was originally the method adopted by the Mongolian army when attacking Xixia, but It was used by Shen Long outside the city of Samarkand, which sounded a bit unreliable, but it was much better than airborne.

The princes of Tiemuzhen will immediately lead their orders, quickly send someone to cut down the trees, kill the cows to get the tendons, and in a few moments make three huge arrows, and then countless soldiers will pull the giant tendons together, and will The two left and right trees were pulled down, and the huge arrow was placed on the tendon. The most famous archer in the Mongolian army, Zhebei, aimed himself.

The first test shot hit the wall near the city gate and made a huge noise. The giant arrow was suddenly inserted into the wall. The flower scorpion at the head of the city was very worried, but he did not get the two trees. Dashu's weapons can only seize the time to mobilize troops and prepare to respond to the attack of the Mongolian army.

Zhebei deserves to be a sharp archer. He only knew the situation after only one test shot. When the second shot was fired, the huge iron-clad arrow directly hit the gate and smashed it; Temujin A huge cheer rang out immediately in the army, and the kings who had been waiting for a long time rushed the army and horses toward the gate.

The defenders in the city struggled to resist. The two sides started a **** battle at the gate of the city. Both sides suffered heavy casualties for a time. They have been fighting from noon to night. The army of Tiemuzhen finally killed the city of Samarkand; the defending people in the city have long known In response to the Mongolian army's plan to slaughter the city, they had to fight hard to resist, causing huge damage to the Mongolian army.

There are 400,000 troops in Samarkand. If they can all fight to the death, they may not be able to drive the army of Tiemuzhen out of the city. Unfortunately, after hearing that the army entered the city, Mahmoud has lost his courage and even brought his own soldiers. After escaping, the morale of the defending army declined, and the Mongolian army launched a slaughter in the city.

Guo Jing and Shen Long didn't have time to take care of this at this time. They looked everywhere for Wan Honglie's trail and kept chasing out the north gate. They saw another team of soldiers playing the king Zhaoqi, a general with a golden helmet and a robe.

Guo Jing was about to chase, but was stopped by Shen Long. "Wan Yanlie is tight and cunning. After losing the army, he will never openly call the Zhaowang Banner. It must be a golden cicada's plan. The banner will hit the east. Now the east is all Mongolian. The army won, wouldn't he go to the east to find his own way? He must flee to Xi Dun. "Now he took Guo Jing to chase west.

Sure enough, after chasing for dozens of miles, I saw a group of soldiers dressed in Jin Guo with a few Jin Guo soldiers in the middle. The crowd immediately surrounded them, surrounded them, and picked out the Jin Guo soldiers one by one. Checking, but did not find the whereabouts of Yan Honglie, Guo Jing was wondering, but he saw Shen Long carrying a man with scattered hair and **** face from the crowd, wearing a jacket worn by a flower-puncher model soldier.

Ripped the outer jacket away, revealing the costumes of the nobles of the golden country. It turned out that when Yan Honglie was in a hurry, she changed the dress of the Hualizi model, trying to fish in muddy water, but she did not escape Shen Long's gaze.

"I said long ago that I will save you three times, and now you have fallen into my hands for the fourth time, and now I can avenge my hatred!" Shen Long left Wan Yanhonglie in front of Guo Jing, "Brother Guo, it's up to you Come and slaughter him to avenge Guo's uncle! "The two Guo Yang families were traumatized by Wan Yanhonglie, but the Yang family were still alive, but Guo Xiaotian died early, but Guo Jing's hatred was deeper.

The two took out the already prepared incense and candle paper money and knelt in the direction of Niujia Village. After burning incense to worship, Guo Jing took down the head of Wan Yanlie Lie to comfort Guo Xiaotian in the spirit of the sky; since then, the Niujia Village massacre Both the main messengers Wan Yanlie and Duan Tiande have been killed by them, and the hatred of the two has finally been reported.

Put Wan Yanlie ’s head in the middle, and the two of them burned paper money while praying to Guo Xiaotian ~ ~ until the paper money they carried were all burned up before they stood up.

If today is over, Guo Jing leads the army to camp here, and waits until the next day to lead the army back to the city of Samarkand. Tiemuzhen is very happy to learn that Wan Yanlie is dead, but Guo Jing is as pale as a face; Because just one day yesterday, the people in Samarkand had almost been slaughtered.

Only a few female craftsmen were taken captive by the soldiers who entered the city and became their slaves. Samarkand is a Western-named city, which accumulated a lot. These soldiers won the female craftsmen and got a lot of wealth. They were all happy.

Khan killed so many people in order to conquer the world, but what crimes did the tens of thousands of people have committed, and fell into such a terrible situation, abandoned the wilderness? Guo Jing began to regret why he was camping outside yesterday. If he rushed back earlier, he might save some people's lives.

"Haha, Guo Jing, look at who is coming!" Tiemu was really immersed in the joy of winning the war, not aware of Guo Jing's strangeness, pointing to the people around him and asking Guo Jing, Guo Jing took a closer look, but he was a child Yan Baifa's Taoist is Qiu Chuji.

It turned out that after Qiu Chuji got a letter from Tiemuzhen and Guo Jing, he thought that the Mongol annexation of the country had become a reality. It was rare that Tiemuzhen came to invite him, and he took advantage of his words. The fact that the people were free from slaughter was of immeasurable merit, and they missed Guo Jing again, and now brought more than ten disciples to the west.

He smiled and caressed his beard. He was waiting to say something to Guo Jing, but he saw Shen Long beside Guo Jing looking at him with a smile, and the smile on Qiu Chuji's face suddenly solidified.

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