All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1164: Deputy Control

In Legend of the Condor Heroes, martial arts masters entered and exited the palace as if no one was there. No one found Hong Qigong hiding in the imperial dining room of the imperial palace in the Southern Song Dynasty. If someone wanted to start with Zhao Yun, would n’t he Abandoned your previous achievements? Shen Long also expects Zhao Yun to lead Xiong Xiong up, how can he do without a master around him?

So as soon as he saw the Dugonggong's martial arts foundation, he immediately remembered "Evil Sword Spectrum". Was it just right for him? "Evil Sword Spectrum" enters the country very quickly. When Zhao Yun intends to clean up Shi Miyuan, he will be able to succeed. At that time, even if Shi Miyuan wants to take risks, he can stop him.

Grandpa Duan took a look and suddenly overjoyed, this martial art seemed to be tailor-made for him, so he repeatedly thanked Xie and kept diligent along the way.

Back to Niujia Village, after waiting for a few days, both Guo Jing and Huang Rong came back. The six monsters in Jiangnan and Hong Qigong also heard the news. They all looked serious one by one. The Song Dynasty has now penetrated into the territory of the Golden Kingdom, watching ZTE In anticipation, whoever expected Mongolia to start coveting the territory of the Song Dynasty, they all knew the military strength of Mongolia, and felt the pressure was not small.

"I have planned to pass the position of the gang leader to Huang Rong, and the gang leader will be under her control." Hong Qigong announced the news as soon as he came. Huang Rong's position is better, and it is convenient for her to command and lead.

"I can't stay out of it. Although I don't know how to lead soldiers to fight, I also have a few hands and three-legged cat skills, but I can speak wherever my brother can be used." Ke Zhenxu said.

Guo Jing and Yang Kang stood up to salute at the same time, and said to them well, once the martial arts people attached to Mongolia tried to go south to make trouble, they would definitely inform them to help them.

After arranging these things, Shen Long and Guo Jing went to Caizhou together, and Huang Rong followed Hong Qigong to the chief rudder of the Beggar Junshan to prepare to inherit the position of the Beggar Gang leader. Now Hongqigong is still there, and he is not injured. What will go wrong.

Going north all the way, Grandpa Duan secretly observed Guo Jing while practicing martial arts. Soon after, he was dumped by Guo Jing's character. He secretly said in his heart that he was worthy of the attention of His Majesty.

Outside Meng Gong's military camp, Grand Duan Duan confirmed his identity, and Meng Gong immediately led the crowd out to greet him. Grand Duan Duan took out an imperial edict, but it was some meaningless clichés, just some ordinary ones. It ’s just a commendation; when the crowd dispersed and Meng Gong entertained Grand Duan alone, Grand Duan took out the second imperial edict and introduced Shen Long and Guo Jing to Meng Gong, “This is Yang Kang, a descendant of General Yang Zaixing, This is Guo Jing, the general recommended by the official for General Meng this time! "

Meng Gong is also a descendant of Yue Jiajun. He was naturally delighted to see Shen Long, but he was a bit confused about Guo Jing. The official family set a special purpose for him. What is the origin of this person?

After Guo Jing finished his life experience, Meng Gong was shocked. Although he had expected that Mongolia would definitely start the Song after the Jin Kingdom was destroyed, he did not expect Temujin to act so decisively. Unwilling to rest, he immediately swept the army south, and Song had almost no precautions against it.

"Thanks to Guo Yishi's notification, if not, I will lose a lot of Song Song; since Guo Yishi had already served as a million households in Mongolia, then I will first abide Guo Yishi as deputy commander under my command, I will let Wang Firmly teach you the things in the army. "Meng Gong directly sent Guo Jing to his most trusted general Wang Jian.

"Thank you General Meng." Guo Jinggong thanked, "Here we must obey the military orders and follow the teachings of General Meng and General Wang."

Shen Long is also very satisfied with this arrangement. Both Meng Gong and Wang Jian are world-famous generals. It is very promising for them to take care of Guo Jing, plus Zhao Yun will always pay attention to him. Maybe Guo Jing will not be able to use it for a few years. Take the lead.

Meng Gong knew that Guo Jing was a person valued by the officials, and did not dare to look at it as a general. He immediately sent someone to find Wang Jian, told him about it, and then transferred elite soldiers to become Guo Jing's subordinates.

Suddenly a person who had never heard of it emerged as deputy control. The general in Meng Gong's army was quite dissatisfied. However, when performing martial arts, Guo Jinglu showed his first hand archery and halberd technique, and everyone admired it. There is no one in the military who can match these two skills.

In the next get along, Guo Jing is a man who is light-hearted and good-natured, honest and honest, but quite popular with everyone. Before long, his soldiers were convinced with him sincerely, Meng Gong and Wang Jian saw him He did not rely on the trust of the official family to act frivolously. Instead, he did things honestly, and he calmed down and began to point to him.

Guo Jing ’s previous war experience was almost entirely from Mongolia, and the Mongolian army commander was a cavalry duel. It was not the same as the Song army commander. He received the guidance of Meng Gong and Wang Jian. Guo Jing also made great progress in this area, especially In the defensive battle, these two are genius generals who have never been born, and Guo Jing can benefit a lot from them.

Meng Gong and Wang Jian were also pleased to see that ~ ~ Guo Jing ’s use of soldiers is solid but not rigid, and indeed has the potential of a famous general. They have to sigh that the official family is the official family. The eyes of this selection of talents are one Wait, with such an official family, I am hopeful that Song Zhongxing will! They did not know that Guo Jingnai was recommended to Zhao Yun by Shen Long, and had nothing to do with Zhao Yun's vision.

Now that Mongolia has broken through the Bianliang, Jin Aizong led the military and military officials to Caizhou and was surrounded by the Mongolian and Song Dynasty Allied Corps. Guo Jing came to the Meng Gong army one month later, Meng Gong learned that the gold soldiers in the city had cut off the food, and concluded The general situation of the Golden Kingdom is gone, so it is decided to start the final decisive battle.

Jin Aizong wanted to lead troops from the east city to break through the night, but was blocked by the deer horn fence set by Meng Gong, and the fighting returned; Meng Gong knew that there was no food and water in Caizhou City, and he opened a feast outside the city, singing and dancing. The sergeants cheered booze and ate delicious food. The golden army guarding the city smelled of meat and almost had a neuropathy.

Occasionally, the descendants came down from the city to tell the army that Song Jun had eaten all the food in the city for three months, and had eaten everything. The saddle boots and leather including the snare drum were cooked and eaten.

Seeing that the time had come, Meng Gong ordered a general attack on Caizhou City, and the Mongolian army also cut the west city into five gates and entered the whole army, preparing to go into the city at the same time as the Song army.

Guo Jing also played an important role in this battle, responsible for attacking the South Gate; Shen Long was dressed as an ordinary soldier, intending to find Zhang Rou's whereabouts in the crowd.

As soon as the scheduled time arrived, Song Meng's coalition forces attacked the city head together.

Westpare says

The next copy is good enough to write "Mummy 3". Would it be a taboo if you don't make this?

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