All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1165: Extinction

Although Caizhou had been out of food for several months, the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom were much more sturdy than the soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty when they were surrounded by Bianliang, and they were hungry to fight against the attack of the Song and Mongolian allies.

Guo Jing led his army to attack the South Gate. The trebuchet threw stones and flew towards the city head. The gold soldiers kept the city for many days. They had already figured out the routine for a long time. They crouched down against the city wall in case they were hit by stones. Once the stones stopped, Song Jun began to climb the city with a cloud ladder, and they quickly got up and killed Song Jun.

A general of gold soldiers stood at the head of the city, constantly dispatching soldiers and horses to add that the most dangerous places, and sometimes even personally rushed into the battle, under his hard work, the gold soldiers had great hope to stabilize the situation.

Guo Jing saw this person under the city, and immediately pulled out three carved lingering arrows and put them on the bow, so that he could shoot the beaded arrow at the golden soldier, who evaded the first one and used it again. The long knife in the hand cut the second, but after all failed to escape the third, he hit the chest with an arrow, and then fell to the ground.

The morale of the Golden Soldiers deteriorated, Guo Jing took the opportunity to dismount, sandwiched the double short halberds, grabbed the ladder with one hand and went up to the head of the city for a few leaps, holding the double short halberds to fight left and right. After that, Song Jun kept attacking one after another, and the gap of the golden soldier's defense line was getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't keep it at first sight.

At this time, Jin Ai Sect Wan Yan Shouxu was convening a hundred officials in the city and wanted to pass on the position to the Eastern Yuan teacher Wan Yan Chenglin. Wan Yan Chenglin initially insisted on pushing it down, and Wan Yan Shouxu begged hard, "I entrust Jiangshan She Ji to you, this is also a must. If you are obese, you can't make a trip out of the horse. In case of a city trap, it will be difficult to break through. Considering that you have a good physical skills and you have a strategy, if the country is lucky to escape, it can continue Guo Zuo. This is my intention. "Therefore, Wan Yanchenglin only promised to succeed.

This finished Yan Shouxu was a good emperor, and he carried out drastic reforms immediately after he assumed the throne. Internally, I boldly used generals such as Yan Heda, the prisoner Wan Yan Chen and other monks, Xu Ding and other civil and military officials; externally, I changed Xuanzong ’s policies on the Xia and Song dynasties, truce and reconciliation with the Western Xia and the Southern Song Dynasty, and dedicated my efforts to fight against Mongolia. .

It is a pity that the state of the Golden State has already fallen into ill health, and it is difficult to return. Although Wan Yan Shouxu did his utmost, he was unable to return to the sky after all. In the battle of Sanfeng Mountain in Junzhou, the army of 40,000 soldiers defeated 300,000 soldiers and the Golden State completely collapsed.

Despite this, Wan Yanshouxu did not plan to surrender, and decided to die in his own country. "I am a doctor of Jin Ziguanglu for ten years, a prince for ten years, and an emperor for ten years. I know that there is no great evil, and I die without hatred; I hate the ancestors for more than a hundred years, and I am dead. I am the master of the deceased country with the ancient tyrants. But this is what makes me cherish ... Since ancient times, there is no country that is not dying. , Or be tied to offer prisoners, or kneel to the court to be humiliated, or shut down in the vacant room, I will definitely not get to this point! You all look at Aiqing, I am determined! "

Wan Yan Chenglin was accused of being the emperor and was saluting. The banner of the Song army was set up in the south of Caizhou. All the ministers were eager to meet the enemy. Wan Yan Shouxu came down to Youlan Xuan, who was waiting for Wan Yanjiang Mountain, and hung three feet white. Aya is about to hang herself.

After learning that Yan Shouxu had crashed, Wan Yanshouxu and others led the group to cry, before they finished crying, they heard the news that the outer city had been attacked by Song Jun, and Wan Yanchenglin had to hurriedly lead the prime minister, Wan Yanxiehu, and others to lead the final The soldiers and horses went to meet.

As soon as he came out of the temporary palace, Yancheng Lin ran into Guo Jing. Guo Jing saw that he was dressed differently from ordinary people. He knew that this person must be a golden man, so he won with a pair of short halberds. Only three rounds, he cut off Finished the first level of Yan Chenglin.

Wan Yan Hu Xie Hu first saw Yan Shouxu hanged himself, and now sees Yan Chenglin dying in front of himself, and sighs in the sky, "My lord has fallen, why should I fight? I can't die in the hands of the chaotic army. Throw yourself in the water to follow my lord! The monarchs can do what they want. "

After the words were over, Wan Yan Huo Hu jumped into the water and jumped into the water to commit suicide. The remaining soldiers of the Golden Army were covered with blood and full of tears. They looked at each other and said, "Won't my generation be able to die after Wan Yan Xiang is public!" So from the political participation, the chief division, the Yuan division, to the soldiers, more than 500 people all jumped into Rushui martyrdom.

Guo Jing was sighed at seeing this. Qiu Daochang gave me and Brother Yang the name of Jingkang in the past. That is to let us remember the tragic events of Jingkang. Now it seems that this golden man is more sturdy than the first Emperor Huiqin too much.

Ordered not to damage the corpses of these people, Guo Jing continued to lead people into the temporary palace, and waited to enter the Youlan Xuan, but after seeing Yan Jiangshan packing up the firewood and preparing to burn the corpse of Yan Shouxu, Wan Yan Shouxu did not want to be killed after his death. The enemy was insulted, so he was already prepared, but it was a pity that Guo Jing's attack was too fast. As soon as Song Jun looked at Yan Shouxu's emperor's robe, he knew who it was and immediately stepped forward to put out the fire and put Yan Shouxu away. The corpse was rescued ~ ~ Since then, the corpses of the last two emperors of the Golden Kingdom have all fallen into the hands of the Song army. The Mongolian military commander Tazar has nothing to do, not only greatly angry, but also secretly for the Song The military strength of the army was terrified. He thought about it. Although the Mongolian army has destroyed the Golden State, it has been exhausting to continue the battle. If he follows the order of the Khan immediately, the army will go south. It's better to wait for Qiu Gao Ma Fei to play again.

He was about to call Zhang Rou to come to discuss it, but he heard the cry of Zhang Rou's personal soldiers crying. It turned out that when Zhang Rou was fighting in the street in the city, he had hit the dark arrow of the golden soldier and was already dead in the city.

At the same time, Shen Long changed the clothes of Jin Bing and returned to the Guo Jing Barracks. After learning that Guo Jingli had done so much, Shen Long was overjoyed, "Brother Guo, after this battle, Jing Kang's shame can be wiped out. ! "

"Haha, the Jin people used to take the two emperors of Huiqin in the past. Today Guo Jing also brought back two emperors of the Golden Kingdom. It's really bad retribution!" Meng Gong was also very happy. This time, Song Jun suppressed the Mongolian army and expected It can also delay the time for the Mongolian army to go south.

"It's a pity that Bianliang is still in the hands of the Mongolian army, and the mountains of my great Song are still gone!" Of course, it is not without regret. The son of Shi Miyuan and the Jinghu system made Shi Song's desire to be bigger. Achievement, and hearing this, Meng Gong and Wang Jian changed their faces at the same time.

Afterwards, Shen Long said goodbye to Guo Jing, and was ready to return to Lin'an. Guo Jing made great achievements, but all these merits had to be reported to the civil servants. It would be hard to say what he would report. Listen, lest Guo Jing's credit be taken by others.

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