All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1166: Xiangyang

This time, Shen Long did not pretend to be a ghost, but left a signal somewhere in Lin'an City, and then waited in the restaurant. The Duan Duan that I saw last time came over.

"Duan Gonggong's martial arts have improved again, which is really gratifying!" Shen Long said. From the footsteps when he went upstairs, he could tell that the other party had made considerable progress in practicing "Sword Evil Sword", and it was only a few months later. The martial arts are no longer comparable.

"Haha, this is all thanks to Yang Shaoxia!" Duan Gonggong couldn't help but asked immediately, "Now the court has not received the news, but seeing Yang Shaoxia so calm, should it be good news?"

Shen Long ’s speed is definitely faster than Bao Jie ’s messenger. “Of course! General Meng led the army to break through Caizhou. Brother Guo first went to the city and won the bodies of Wan Yan Shouxu and Wan Yanchenglin. Jin Guo has already been destroyed! Presumably wait for this The corpses of the two are sent back, and the official family can win the Tai Temple! "

Won two emperors of the Golden Kingdom. Even if such a big victory was placed in the entire Song Dynasty, it would be a first-class merit and definitely qualified to win the Tai Temple.

Grandpa Duan has been waiting for this news these days. Now I heard that Song Jun has won a great victory, and finally he was relieved. "Thank you Yang Shaoxia, our family will go back to the palace to report to the official's house, and certainly will not let General Guo's merits fall. ; Even if the Jiebao says otherwise, the official family will compensate General Guo! "

He knew the style of the civil servant and Zhao Yun's situation. Some things were not decided by Zhao Yun. After that, he asked about the movement of the Mongolian army.

Shen Long nodded slightly, his celebrity could have such insight, indicating that Zhao Yun had done a good job, "Although the Golden Kingdom has perished, but the Mongolian army first destroyed Xixia and then the Golden Kingdom. ; In addition, General Meng overtook Tazar in Caizhou, expecting Mongolia to have to recuperate for some time, they will probably not go south until this autumn. "

"It's so good, so good!" Grandpa Duan nodded again and again. He urgently apologized to Shen Long and hurried back to the palace to report the good news to Zhao Yun after the appointment time.

Two days later, Grandpa Duan came out with joy and brought some precious medicinal herbs and a sword to Shen Long from inside the palace. "Our family doesn't know what Yang Shaoxia likes, but those who want to learn martial arts are indispensable. Something expresses one's heart, and hopes that Yang Shaoxia will not be dismissed. "

"That's just right. I found General Meng had some hidden dangers in Caizhou. I wanted to heal General Meng, but I didn't have a few main medicines. Those sent by Grandpa Duan just happened to be used!" Meng Gong died at the age of fifty. It has to be said that it is the regret of Song Dynasty. If Meng Gong can live a few more years, the situation of Song Dynasty might be better than in history?

Meng Gong died both for his own body and his mood. According to historical records, shortly after the death of Wo Kuotai, Meng Gong sent troops to attack many times, attacking the Mongolian fortress in Henan, burning the enemy ’s hoarded grain, and repeatedly Winning victory; Meng Gong's reputation has become even more prominent. Many Southern Song generals who originally surrendered to the Mongolian army have come back one after another, making the situation on the battlefield of Jinghu unprecedentedly improved.

Fan Yongji, the former general of the Northern Army in the Southern Song Town and then Henan province of Henan, also betrayed the Mongols and secretly asked Meng Gong to surrender. Meng Gong was overjoyed and hurriedly wrote to ask the court for approval. Fan Yongji, the military and political chief of the Henan Province in Mongolia, once resigned, apparently would be of great military benefit to the Southern Song Dynasty, but the historical records say that "there is nothing to do with the dynasty."

Song Lizong was afraid of Fan Yongji's surrender to increase the power of Meng Gong, and became suspicious. He refused Meng Gong's request on the ground that Fan Yongji's "rebellion was not normal".

When Meng Gong heard of it, he was frustrated and sighed, "The people who have cleaned up the Central Plains in thirty years now can no longer stretch their ambitions." Then he took the initiative to ask for the official, Song Lizong immediately gave permission to let Meng Gong Meng Gong was already ill after retiring under the name of the inspector of the school and the Ningwu Army ’s ambassador, so I am afraid that he will get worse again. He will not be sick in Jiangling all summer.

I think Zhao Yun would never do such a thing after seeing the miserable situation of the Southern Song Dynasty in his dream. Shen Long went out to help him diagnose and treat it, and Meng Gong could certainly live longer.

Two days later, Lubu Feijie rushed into Lin'an City. After the people of Lin'an learned that the Kingdom of Jin was destroyed, the whole city was boiling, and Zhao Yun immediately led the people to the Tai Temple.

After the bodies of Yan Shouxu and Wan Yanchenglin were taken back to Lin'an, Zhao Yun went to the Taimiao Temple again, and heeded the advice of Shang Shu, the scholar of Duan Ming Temple, Hong Zuikui, and buried the bodies of Wan Yanshouxu and Wan Yancheng in the prison of Dali Temple Among them is the repression.

However, when the city was full of joy, it was not without dissonant voices. After the Jin Dynasty minister Zhang Tiangang was captured by the Song army to Lin'an, he scorned the Song Dynasty princes and said, "The rise and fall of the country, there is no such thing. My death. What is the second emperor than Ru? "Chaozhong officials were speechless.

Compared with the bravery of Wan Yanshouxu and Wan Yanchenglin, the actions of the two sons and sons of Song Huizong and Song Qinzong really made Da Song somehow unable to lift their heads ~ ~ During the alliance between Song and Meng, there was no clear rule on the ownership of Henan. After the battle of Caizhou, the Mongolian army withdrew the army to the north of the Yellow River considering the lack of grain and grass, and the weather turned hot. Henan became unoccupied. Area, so many ministers hope to take the opportunity to win the Bianliang and repeat the old soil of the Song Dynasty, many of which have far-reaching party leaders.

Although Zhao Yun has promoted some people very secretly in recent years, the power attached to him is still too weak to be able to change the decisions of court officials, and he cannot help but worry.

On this day, Grandpa Duan went out to the palace to look for Shen Long again, "Your Majesty Yang Shaoxia, General Meng and General Guo have already received it, but it is a pity that the church is too small to look at Mongolia."

"Oh? How do the officials decide?" Shen Long also wanted to take a test of Zhao Yun to see if he had some skill, so he didn't see him during this time.

"Now the heavy ministers of the DPRK and China support the restoration of the Bianliang, and because of the fierce public opinion, His Majesty is unable to stop it; now he can only reduce the loss as much as possible. Therefore, His Majesty wants General Guo to go to Xiangyang to serve as the defensive envoy of Xiangyang and rectify the defense of Xiangyang in order to protect Mongolia The army can block them from Xiangyang when they go south; General Meng and General Wang are also arranged in this way ... "said Duan Gonggong. Zhao Yun still attaches great importance to the generals recommended by the fairy master. Before the order was issued, he was specially asked to come Explain one or two.

"That's fine." Shen Long nodded. Since there was no way to stop Song Jun from going north, let the powerful generals such as Meng Gong, Wang Jian, and Guo Jing hold the key locations to mitigate the loss. This strategy is also feasible.

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