All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1168: Drunken dream dead wine

"Kang'er, how have you been all these years? I practiced martial arts here, but I had little contact with the people in the rivers and lakes, and there is no news of you." Mei Chaofeng was very happy to see his apprentice again, "Come , And came over with me, grabbed a few bodhisattva snakes for the teacher, but has not taken the gall to take, but it is cheap for you. "

"Thank you, Master, I am afraid that taking snake gallbladder will not fully exert its medicinal effects. After the disciples have seen it, try to use it to make medicine." Hey, I do n’t know if the Pusiqu snake and Liang Ziweng ’s viper can cross, if If possible, wouldn't the new snake species cultivated be a treasure?

But now it is not time to think about it. When Shen Chaofeng lived in the cave where Mei Chaofeng lived, Shen Long said, "Master, the disciple walked the rivers and lakes all these years, but he has met many Master's old friends; for example, Lu Chengfeng , Feng Mofeng, and Master Huangyao of Taohua Island. "Feng Mofeng has now been found by Lu Chengfeng. Shen Long helped him heal the injury, and the two have returned to Taohua Island.

"Oh, Master ... Did you talk about me in front of Master?" Upon hearing Huang Yaoshi's name, Mei Chaofeng suddenly became embarrassed, looking forward to receiving Huang Yaoshi's news from Shen Longkou, but also afraid Huang Yaoshi still remembers hating him.

"Senior Huang has a daughter. Now that her daughter has grown up and is married, Senior Huang is also quite pleased. Past Senior Huang has not paid much attention. Lu Chengfeng and Feng Mofeng have returned to Taohua Island." When Shen Long saw that he said this, Mei Chaofeng clearly showed an envious look.

"Tu'er also talked about Master before Senior Huang. Senior Senior heard that Master had suffered so much all these years, and he was also very regretful." With the opportunity of Guo Jing and Huang Rong becoming a relative, Shen Long had already joined Huang. The pharmacist talked about it.

"Oh, Kang'er, tell me quickly, what did the master say?" Mei Chaofeng asked repeatedly, so Shen Long had to admire Master Huang Yao again. This apprentice taught, no matter the character is good or bad, to the master. Respect is equal.

"Senior Huang said that things have passed for so many years. As long as you return the Jiuyin Zhenjing, and then abolish the martial arts you got from practicing the Jiuyin Zhenjing, he will let you go back to Taohua Island." And the novel When Zhonghuang pharmacist reunited in Guiyunzhuang and Mei Chaofeng, Huang pharmacist proposed two fewer conditions.

In the remaining two conditions, Lu Chengfeng has already done the thing to find the rest of the Taohua Island disciples, and if anyone learns the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", it will be impossible for Mei Chaofeng to kill him. Possibly, after Shen Long's flickering, Huang Yaoshi really thought that there were more than one "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", so how to find someone? Coupled with Shen Long's help and pleading, even if you think about it.

"If you can return to Taohua Island, don't want this martial art." Mei Chaofeng said sadly, then for this book, she and Chen Xuanfeng rebelled from Taohua Island, and eventually died and blinded. After so many years, Mei Chaofeng can be said to be No regrets all the time.

While Shen Long was a little relieved, Mei Chaofeng's words suddenly changed, "However, before that, I have to report the hatred of the thief man! Kang'er, you have been in the rivers and lakes all these years, have you heard of it? Seven Jiangnan monsters did not return to Central Plains, and the disciple they taught! "

Shen Long flicked Mei Chaofeng early. She didn't know that the Jiangnan Seven Monsters had returned to the Central Plains. She drew a dagger from her body and handed it to Shen Long. "This is the dagger that killed my thief!" "

Shen Long took a look, and the word dagger was engraved on the dagger. He pretended to be shocked, "Master, this dagger is engraved with the name of the disciple. Could your enemy be Brother Guo Jing?" It is indeed a disciple of the Seven Monsters in Jiangnan! "

"What? Didn't you call Yan Kang?" Mei Chaofeng was also confused. When she was in the palace, she only knew that the little prince called Yan Kang, and he had learned some martial arts of the Quanzhen religion. At that time, Wan Kangdu I don't know my life experience.

"It's a long story ..." Shen Long gave Qiu Chuji the two daggers to Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin, and then the two exchanged daggers to form an agreed matter and said it again, "until sending the master to leave Zhongdu, I just met Brother Guo Jing Guo, and then he bowed to him as a brother. "

"Haha ... haha ​​..." Mei Chaofeng smiled madly for a while, then grabbed Shen Long's clothes, "well, since he is your righteous brother, I am not difficult for you, I will not ask about this matter You are here, I will go find him myself later! "

"Master, I'm afraid you can't kill him right now!" Don't look at the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" you have learned a little. You can't beat him now. Before Mei Chaofeng asks, Shen Long quickly added, "Now Brother Guo is already married, his wife is no one else, it is the daughter of Senior Huang, your younger sister Huang Rong Huang! If it were you ... "

"What? Master's daughter married him?" Mei Chaofeng fell to the ground. If he killed Guo Jing himself, would Huang Yaoshi be able to spare himself? Seeing that he had no hope of revenge, Mei Chaofeng sat down and wept bitterly.

Mei Chaofeng fell into a situation of no solution. Now there are only two ideas to support her alive, one is to avenge Chen Xuanfeng, and the other is to return to Taohua Island. Now these two ideas themselves have formed a paradox ~ www. ~ What should you do with her?

Shen Long sat silently next to Mei Chaofeng and waited until she cried enough before she sighed, "Someone said to me before that the biggest worry is that the memory is too good. If you can forget everything, every day in the future There is a new beginning; Master, if you can forget everything in the past and return to Taohua Island again, you might not have so much trouble? "

Mei Chaofeng's crying gradually stopped, "If you can forget all this, of course it is good, but how can you let me forget?"

"I know there is a kind of wine called drunken life and death, after drinking it, you can tell you to forget anything you have done before; I have seen recipes for making this kind of wine in an ancient book, but I am not capable enough to do so Thorough, but you can forget your grievances with Guo Jing! "Relying on magic can strip the memory of Mei Chaofeng. Without this memory, Mei Chaofeng's later years should not be so painful?

"You go first, let me think about it!" Mei Chaofeng waved his hand and let Shen Long retreat.

After a few days, Mei Chaofeng found Shen Long in the city of Xiangyang. She heard about Guo Jing and Huang Rong these days, and it was really like Shen Long said.

Mei Chaofeng made Shen Long drink her drunken dream, she could forget anything, but she must always remember that spring evening, the peach blossoms were blooming brightly. Hugging her tightly, she never regrets ...

Westpare says

Thanks to the King and King of Azir who sent me to read the book and the reward of Fengyu and Wufei. The debt of Jiagen was finally paid off.

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