All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1169: Mongolia goes south

Shen Long sighed. After Mei Chaofeng abandoned her martial arts, she poured wine and then used magic to erase her unpleasant memories. She took her to Taohua Island and handed her over to Huang Yaoshi, hoping she could Spend the last years of life in this place that carries her beautiful memories.

After listening to this story, Huang Yaoshi was silent for a long time, without opening his mouth, and waved his hand to let Shen Long go. Shen Long could see that he also wanted to ask Shen Long if there was any such wine, and he also had sad things to forget. However, Huang Yaoshi still refrained. Everything about A Hun was a precious memory for him, and he couldn't give up even a trace.

"Relax, the Third Sister has become like this, neither my brother nor I will blame her, we will take care of her." When he was on board, Lu Chengfeng said to Shen Long, and Feng Mofeng nodded silently.

Followed Feng Mofeng's gaze, and saw Mei Chaofeng standing under the peach blossom tree with a smile, not knowing whether she was in the peach blossom shadow, and saw the second brother with thick eyebrows.

After coming out of Taohua Island, I went to Jiaxing to find the six Jiangnan monsters. They also told Mei Chaofeng's story to them. Han Xiaoying wiped a tear after hearing it, "This is also a bitter woman. The previous grudges let it pass. Right! "

"Huh! Although my seven Jiangnan monsters are not heroes, they haven't fallen to the point of looking for a blind woman who has lost her martial arts skills!" Ke Zhen stunned the iron rod, and he refused to accept defeat, but his heart was I have given up this grudge.

"I remember this kindness of all the heroes!" Shen Long paid a salute to them. In any case, Mei Chaofeng can be regarded as a master of his own time. This grudge also has its own share.

"Yang Shaoxia, I'm not in favor of the Northern Expedition this time. How was Jinger prepared there, do you want us to help?" Zhu Cong asked. During this time, there was constant news from the front.

At the beginning, everything seemed to be very smooth. Quanzi departed from Luzhou, crossed the Huaihe River in Shouzhou, and entered the enemy's territory. He arrived in Haozhou in only three days. After descending to Song, and under their guidance, Song Jun passed through the three counties of Wei Zhen, Chengyi, and Taikang, and finally arrived at the camp of Twenty Li outside the suburb of Bianjing.

The Mongolian general Tacha had long reported that Song Jun was advancing north, and he led all the Mongolian soldiers to retreat to the north of the Yellow River. He deliberately weakened the Song army to lure the Song army to go deeper. The embankment destroyed the roads along the Huaihe River and some roads could even reach the neck. The Song army's march was very difficult. The logistics supply line was also severely damaged. The food transportation team had to bypass the Huaihe river to reach Henan.

At this time, Song Jun still had hope for victory. After Quanzi arrived at Bianliang, Li Boyuan killed coach Cui Li for the original Jin dynasty defending Kaifeng City in Mongolia, and offered it to the city.

Quan Zicai then led Song Jun to enter the Bian capital, realizing the dream that Yue Fei had never realized in his life. However, what they saw was not the bustling city of that year. Bianliang City, which had more than a million people, had only six defenders left. There are more than one hundred people and more than one thousand residents. Only Daxiangguo Temple and the former Northern Song Dynasty Palace have not changed much.

After arriving in Kaifeng, due to the ruin of the city along the way, the shelter of the bones, and the logistics supply line was destroyed by the flooding, the food supply of Quanzicai faced great difficulties. The partial division attacked Zhengzhou, Chenzhou, Caizhou and other places. The golden dynasty of the Mongolian defending city will be attached to the wind.

Afterwards, Song Jun broke through Luoyang again, and the news came back to Jiangnan, where Jiangnan rejoiced. Unfortunately, he did n’t wait for how long the people of Song Dynasty were happy. Tachaer ordered the department to cross the Yellow River again and ambush in the Longmen area east of Luoyang. Cut off the Song Jun of Luoyang and Bianjing, and then break each separately.

Longmen and Luodong battles, Song Jun suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, the arrangement made by Zhao Yun earlier played a certain role, and retained a certain strength for Song Jun. He did not bury the elite accumulated over the years.

And the Mongolian army had an excuse to go south to attack Song. According to the news returned by the beggars, Tiemu was really in the whole army, preparing to send Thunder to go down to attack Song.

"The Mongolian army's going south has become a foregone conclusion, and the focus will be on Xiangyang, but Brother Guo has already made preparations. If the Mongolian army dares to come, it will surely hit the head and break the blood." Shen Long said, "Xiangyang's side is not in a hurry, What worries me next is that Tiemuzhen will definitely send the martial arts scum attached to Mongolia to make trouble in the Great Song Dynasty, and rebel against the martial arts in the Great Song Dynasty, just like Qiu Qianzhang did in those years. . "

"You are highly respected in Jiangnan, if you can stand up and call out, call on the martial arts people in Jiangnan to jointly resist the attack of these martial arts scum, I hope they will return without success." Shen Long suggested.

"Some trivial things, when not to mention, Lu Shaoxia's men are crowded, if he can join in naturally the best." Lu Chengfeng went to Taohua Island, Gui Yunzhuang is now under the control of Lu Guanying, Lu Guanying is outstanding, in Jiangnan is quite prestigious.

"This is of course ~ ~ I will go to Brother Lu and tell me later." After saying goodbye to Jiangnan's six monsters, Shen Long came to Guiyunzhuang and found Lu Guanying. He said it again, and Lu Guanying was pleased Lead the life.

Then Shen Long talked to Lu Guanying about another thing. Xiangyang was next to the Yangtze River. He wanted to fight in Xiangyang without the navy. Among the Taihu water robbers under Lu Guanying, there are quite a lot of masters who are longer than water wars. Shen Long wants him Can send people to Xiangyang to support Guo Jing.

"This matter is inevitable." Lu Guanying did not hesitate to agree to come down. After making arrangements, he personally followed Shen Long along the north of the river, arrived in Xiangyang, and joined Guo Jing's army.

After arriving in Xiangyang, he found that Guo Jing was already preparing. He moved the people around Xiangyang to the rear to avoid the Mongolian army capturing them and driving them to attack the city; this is a common method used by the Mongolian army to attack the city. The morale of the defending army can consume their energy and defending equipment.

The head of the city is already filled with rolling stones, gold juice and gray bottles. The cavalry in the city stepped up their training. If the defending city is only dead, there is no way out. You must keep an elite force that can fight at any time. Enemy pressure.

There was constant news from Huang Rong that the Mongolian army was getting closer; finally, the Mongolian striker appeared under Xiangyang City, but they did not immediately attack, but glanced at the Guozi Banner at the head of the city. Withdraw to Anying Zhaizhai.

On the second day of the arrival of the Mongolian army, a Mongolian messenger Ce Ma came to Xiangyang City and shouted, "Dare to ask the city head but the golden sword pony? The four princes invited the golden sword pony out of the city to speak!"

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