All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1175: What is this broken movie?

"...... Yingzheng asked you to help him, so that no one would destroy his tomb." Hearing this task, Shen Long was stunned. Hey, I just watched the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shihuang here. As a result, Yingzheng asked myself to help. Here comes, is this a coincidence, or a coincidence, or a coincidence?

So let ’s take a look at the original movie first. Shen Long has n’t seen Mummy 3: The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Shen Long has seen both of the first two "Mummy" and "Mummy Returns", but the time between them is relatively long. There were so many details that he could n’t remember, so he planned to start with the first part and go through all three.

So I opened my phone and started searching. I just found a website and clicked in. After entering, I saw a lot of large-scale advertisements. Shen Long didn't care. I thought it was the same for pirated movie websites. I felt something was wrong, why is this movie not from Universal Pictures?

And the appearance of the male and female protagonists seems to be different from what they remember? The heroine's figure is much hotter than she remembers. Shen Long thought she remembered it wrong, so she looked down, but ... Hey, hello, heroine, what are you doing, you and the book? What the curator is doing! ! !

How can a movie of this scale be shown on a big screen! Seeing here, Shen Long finally understood that this is the original work of the "Mummy" series. This is basically the fan work released by Fernando Valley? I only heard that they have been out of the Caribbean Islands series, The Lord of the Rings series, and the Manga Super Heroes series. I didn't expect to even have the "Mummy" series.

Hey, it was wrong to see piracy. Shen Long quickly fast-forwarded the movie, then quit the site, found the genuine link and clicked it, and restarted browsing.

The first two films Shen Long looked quite happy, the film was not bad, and not to mention special effects, from the plot alone, there seems to be no flaws, the tension is funny, the blood is moving , Indeed a good commercial movie, but when seeing the third film, Shen Long began to scold the mother directly!

What kind of stuff is this special shot? Yang Ziqiong was a beauty when he was young, right? Although it has been more than forty when the film was made, the female stars are well maintained. If you are serious about dressing up and letting the make-up artist make up makeup, it is not unbelievable to say that the beauty of the country is alluring.

But what about you like this? Not to mention the beauties of the alluring country, even the passing lines are there. Can such a person turn the confusion of the government into confusion? Your elder brother is an old bachelor who hasn't seen her sister in more than thirty years? Do you really think that the concubines and concubines in "A Fang Gong Fu" do not exist?

In addition, the unification of the six nations by Zhengge was in 2221 BC. At this time, the term Tubo was not yet available. During this period, Qiang tribes such as Faqiang and Mitang gradually migrated to the plateau. They and the local The integration of the people, reproduction and development have formed the Tubo nationality; here are almost all wild places, and the degree of civilization is extremely low. You say that there is the largest library in the world. Is the director dreaming?

Even if you do n’t know the Zhou Dynasty monastery and the Qixia Academy of Qi, even if you say that an Alexander library is better than this, at least the Alexander library has already been built.

Also, it was even more impossible for the Tibetans to find Sanskrit wood slips during this period. First, Buddhism entered China until the Han dynasty, and it is now almost three hundred years away.

Three hundred years later, Indian monks photographed Moteng and Zhu Fanglan and were invited to work with the emissaries of the Eastern Han Dynasty to use white horses to carry Buddhist scriptures and statues together with Luoyang. The Emperor Ming Ming built the White Horse Temple for them; then only the aforementioned The story of Zhu Bajie's trip to Xitian to get his Scriptures did not enter Sanskrit until after Sanskrit.

It was even later that the Tubo film came into contact with Buddhism. After more than 800 years, the Tubo Kingdom Zampsongzangambu married the Tang Dynasty Wencheng Princess and the Nepalese Ruler Princess. The Chinese Han Buddhism and Nepalese Buddhism came to China before Buddhism entered. plateau.

Before that, the ancient country of Xiangxiong lived on the plateau. They believed in the Yongzhong Benjiao. How could it be possible to collect Sanskrit wooden slips? Even if it came from Tianzhu by accident, the Sanskrit should be written on the bay leaf, or carved on the stone by the inhabitants of the ancient country of Xiangxiong, would it use the wooden slips like the Central Plains?

Okay, you can doubt Zheng Ge ’s aesthetic, but you must not insult Zheng Ge ’s IQ. Since the brain-dead Ziyuan has asked Zheng Ge to allow her to marry General Ming, she has the longest life that Zheng Ge cares about most. The technique of immortality, so how could Brother Zheng start to deal with them before he actually got the technique of immortality?

You have to say that Brother Zheng likes Ziyuan and has gone crazy, leading him to make the wrong decision. Then why did Brother Zheng poke Ziyuan backhand? Is this not logical?

According to Zheng's methods, even if they hate them again, they will surely get the technique of immortality first, and then find a way to slowly concoct them. How can they do such a crippling thing? Isn't logic necessary for the plot?

Just when you are just a story background ~ ~ What about the modern plot? This is all in 1947. Is that warlord still thinking about digging the tomb of Qin Shihuang? Sun Dianying dug the tomb of Ci Xi, that was the period of war between the warlords. This point has come to the period of the war of liberation, and the warlords everywhere are busy saving their lives.

The next story Shen Long is even more intolerable. What dare you dare to dig out Qin Shihuang's tomb for museum exhibition? Even peanuts can't withstand the scolding of literati across the country?

Duck, although knowing that these are all fake, but seeing the foreign devils in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang, O'Connor treats Qin Shihuang's coffin so rudely, Shen Long just wants to scold mother, this is the treasure of our Chinese civilization what! As a result, your group was stricken by your group of foreign devils like this? It hurts to watch it.

The film was made earlier. At that time, the Internet was not developed, and China was not developed enough. The pride of the people was not fully awakened. If they are filmed now, can they not be scolded by netizens across the country? If you fail to do this, Universal will also be subjected to repeated boycotts, just like the storm of Marvel's "Shangqi" a while ago.

Go to his mother, some can't stand it anymore, Shen Long was so angry that he left the phone aside, this time the task is really terrible! After waiting for a while, Shen Long picked up the phone again, and now he looked at it more stubbornly, and when he entered the mission world, he had to pack up and clean up the gang of foreign devils.

Reopened the movie, Shen Long sighed, hey, I know what it was like for the Egyptians to watch the first two; um, wrong, people living in Egypt are not the same as those who built the pyramid back then, right?

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