All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1176: The Qin Shihuang Mausoleum

Suffering from all kinds of discomfort, Shen Long continued to read hard. He felt that watching this thing was even worse than watching "Hua Zhugege" and "Deep Rain".

While watching Shen Long, he scolded his mother, asshole, and everyone said that the eye of Shangri-La is a national treasure of China, so you just put it in your hand and play it casually? You have the ability to wait, after I enter this world, I will take you back to the UK, and put those African star diamonds, Portland vases, these British national treasures of your British people, throw them in your hands and play, see what you do feel.

Ziyuan has been isolated from the world for so many years, but has learned to speak fluent English? When resurrecting the soldiers killed by Qin Shihuang, he even chanted in English. This ... How could soldiers in ancient China understand English?

And Qin Shihuang became a three-headed dragon, what the hell? Is this still the Chinese Dragon? Recalling that Dragon has always been regarded as an evil existence in the West, Shen Long had to doubt the intention of the screenwriter.

After finishing looking at various related materials, I found that the female protagonist Rachel Weizi of the first two episodes refused to appear in the third episode because the script was too bad. Shen Long could not help but nod, Auntie, you are a visionary, this script More than ordinary rotten, it is rotten to the sky.

Disliked Brother Jing, seeing the media interview, Jingsao said that staring in "Mummy 3" was the pain of Brother Jing's life, presumably not only because he played for a few seconds? Perhaps there is something in this movie that violates his beliefs.

I stayed up all night and did not sleep. The next morning, Shen Long got up and went to the Museum of Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, standing next to the figurine pit, towards the real location of Qin Shihuang ’s coffin, which he calculated based on the technique of Qimen Dunjia, and then Turn away.

Returning to his home in Beijing, Shen Long started to work again. He first sought a bunch of experts in the history of Qin and Han, and carefully consulted them on various relevant knowledge of the Qin Shihuang period; as for experts in modern history, he did not find it. He had studied carefully when entering the world of "Sword" and "Crossing the Kanto".

Instead, he found some experts who had an understanding of the collections of British museums. These experts gathered together and naturally talked about the Chinese national treasures that lived in Britain.

The earliest Chinese silk paintings in the world, Gu Kaizhi's "Pictures of Women's History", "Green and Green Landscapes" by the painter Li Sixun of the Tang Dynasty, "Maolin Diezhang", a representative figure of the Jiangnan Painting School of the Five Dynasties, and one of the three famous artists Kuan's Picture of Visiting Friends with a Piano, "Huayan Disguised Picture" by the famous Northern Song Dynasty painter Li Gonglin, and "Ink Bamboo Picture" by Su Shi, one of the eight Tang and Song dynasties.

In addition, there are 10 volumes of Shang Dynasty bronze Shuangyang Zun, Xi Zhou Kanghou bronze bronze Gui, Xing Hou Gui, Han Dynasty jade carving Yulong, Tang Dynasty topaz sitting dog "Yongle Dadian", Qingliang Temple murals in Xingtang County, Hebei Province, Dunhuang scrolls and Tens of thousands of Scriptures ...

These are the robbers who took them from China. When it comes to these, experts hate it all; some dumb guys also say that it is better to leave these things abroad than to be destroyed at home, and they do n’t want to think about it. Can people cherish these treasures? Before the Emperor Qin Shihuang's terracotta warriors were sent to the United States to exhibit their broken fingers, Shen Long still remembers.

Moreover, Chinese cultural relics and Western cultural relics are completely different. The method of preservation and conservation is only circulated in China. Will those foreigners know? Many cultural relics suffered irreversible damage on their hands.

The "Pictures of Women's History" in the British Museum is divided into four separate parts mounted on the panel. The silk painting using this mounting method lacks the protection it deserves and is easily exposed to the painting on the scroll panel. Under the light or affected by other environments; this method of mounting and protecting ancient paintings and calligraphy has not been found in Chinese museums.

For the European and American museums, this may be a mistake, the effect time is short, and the influenced works are limited. However, the very important "Picture of the Female History" in the history of Chinese painting is unfortunately subjected to such rough treatment, which has caused incompetence. The undone damage, even if it uses the most advanced technological methods to analyze its damage, but it cannot fundamentally reverse the process, and a masterpiece of great works was damaged by them.

Based on what they said, Shen Long wrote down all the national treasures that lived in the UK. He planned to wait until the UK to come and buy a large one. Well, he would get more stuff by hand and let them also taste the feeling that the national treasure was taken away. .

After sending away these experts, Shen Long again found biographies and works by Sven-Heding, Stein and others, and then watched other adventures and treasure films such as "The Treasure Hunter" series, "Tomb Raider" series, To understand the behavior of western cultural relics and explorers, Shen Long chose to enter this world after making all preparations.

A white light flashed by, Shen Long appeared in a desert, and looked up. In the middle of the desert stood a huge terracotta head, and around the head, countless soldiers were digging.

Hey, isn't Qin Shihuang's mausoleum in Lintong? Why did you come to the desert? Shen Long couldn't help but say a word ~ ​​ ~ Look at the middle of the crowd, a few foreign devils are gesticulating there, the leading one should be Alex Ocon, son of one or two protagonists Rick O Connor Accepted.

He was originally studying in England, but ran to China to steal cultural relics. It really inherited the essence of the robbers on his father and his ancestors! These troops are under the command of General Yang. General Yang hopes to awaken Emperor Qin Shihuang and revive his invincible army to save China.

Now it should be the beginning of the movie. Alex O'Connor will soon enter Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, where he meets Zi Yuan's daughter Lin Na, and then steals Qin Shihuang's coffin and sends it to the museum of the magic capital, After Rick O'Connor and Evelyn took Shangri-La's eyes, Emperor Qin Shihuang was resurrected.

Therefore, we should first stop their destruction here, and then find a way to solve the unrest factors that may affect Qin Shihuang's long sleep.

After making a decision, Shen Long cast a stealth spell on himself, and passed silently through the army to come to Alex O'Connor.

It did n’t take long for the entrance of the mausoleum to be found, and Shen Long followed them into it. Well, since you come in, do n’t leave. Stay here and bury it with His Majesty the First Emperor!

After officially entering the mausoleum, Shen Long found that it was very different from the tomb of Qin Shihuang who he had seen in the real world, but it was still constructed according to the five elements of Yin and Yang and Qimen Dunjia.

Well, you all stop, you are about to die, don't waste this effort.

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