All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1182: Immortal

"I knew you wouldn't leave China, then, you stay!" Shen Long walked slowly across the suspension bridge and looked at the O'Connor couple. The afterglow in the corner of her eyes swept the Ziyuan, it seemed that her alchemy It's really a bit of a way, otherwise I won't find me, but this look is really ... Zhengge really fancy her?

"You killed my son!" Rick O'Connor stared at Shen Long for a while, Evelyn pulled out his pistol, and Jonathan and Mad Dog Maguire also took out their weapons.

"I have said long ago, that is what he deserves, if the bear child is not well educated, this is the end." Looking at you, how do you teach children? It was your responsibility to take him to dig graves and steal things from a young age. Now that he has fallen so far, it is your responsibility; oh, I have forgotten that being a robber is your excellent tradition. Maybe this is not a problem in your opinion?

"Bang! Bang!" Rick O'Connor shot Shen Long without hesitation. Evelyn, Jonathan and Mad Dog Maguire also followed quickly. The suspension bridge through the valley was so narrow that it seemed Shen Long couldn't avoid it. .

However, there is no need to evade. In the world of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", his martial arts have improved, and the letterman pulls out his long sword and pulls it a few times, and then all those bullets that may hit his own are shot away.

"Rick! Take your big guy out!" Seeing that the firearms wouldn't work, Evelyn could only count on heavy weapons. At her urging, Rick O'Connor took out the Bazooka rocket launcher and aimed at Shen Long is a shot!

This thing is not a long sword that can be pulled and pulled, but we can't stop it. We can hide it. Shen Long escaped the rocket on the slight side, and the rocket hit the rock wall opposite to make a huge explosion. Fortunately, no avalanche was caused.

"Blow up the suspension bridge!" They quickly thought of a new way. Rick O'Connor quickly took out the second rocket launcher and aimed at the suspension bridge across the valley.

"Wait, how did we get out after blowing up the suspension bridge?" Jonathan said hurriedly. He looked around. There seems to be no second way to go out here.

"If he comes, we will all die! Your beloved nephew Alex died under his hands!" Rick O'Connor gritted his teeth, then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a huge explosion, the suspension bridge was cut in two, and Shen Long also fell into the valley, Rick O'Connor cheered, "Ha ha, this valley is at least a thousand feet deep, this time he is dead ! "

"Oh? Really?" Shen Long's voice came from the valley. He floated up slowly, stepped on the clouds under his feet, and floated towards the opposite side, without being affected at all.

"The technique of riding the cloud?" Ziyuan's expression became more serious. This is a fairy technique that she didn't even master. In the legend of the alchemists, only the fairy like Liezi could have such a wonderful way to travel towards the North Sea .

"How did he do it? How can the clouds be moving?" Ace pilot mad dog Maguire desperately grabbed his few hairs, and what he saw in front of him completely subverted his beliefs.

"Mother!" Lin shouted anxiously, now everyone is not Shen Long's opponent, and now he can only count on his mother.

O'Connor's bazooka did not let Shen Long fall into the valley, but he heard Lin's cry and almost stumbled under his feet. He fell from the doubling cloud; your sister, are you Chinese? See my mother also speak English? Wouldn't mom say it? Isn't mother mother screaming?

Did you say that you have learned English for more than two thousand years in the secret realm of Shangri-La? Doesn't Kao IELTS need such effort? Also, was there English more than two thousand years ago?

Around 449 AD, King Vitigen of the British Isles invited "Angelian relatives" to help him fight the Picts, so he gave the southeastern Anglo Territories in return. Later, he sought further support. The Saxons and Anglos The tribes and the Jutes came one after another, and English was inherited and changed from their language.

In other words, even the oldest English will be born more than six hundred years after Ziyuan gave birth to Lin. Where did your habit of calling mother come from?

Ziyuan's expression became more and more serious. She recited the mantra in her mouth and gestured with both hands, as if she wanted to use alchemy to stop Shen Long from coming.

Shen Long is not very clear about her ability. However, from the beginning of the movie, her curse caused Qin Shihuang and his soldiers to become terracotta warriors. It can be seen that this person's ability can't be underestimated.

So Shen Long speeded up, and the doujinyun flashed in front of Ziyuan. He would not give Ziyuan a chance to cast the spell. He punched her head with impunity. Ziyuan was punched by Shen Long. Fly, crashed into the room where she lived, and fainted.

Although she has a profound attainment in alchemy, but her physical quality is very general, Shen Long shook her head. This is not like my Chinese practitioner, but a bit like a Western crispy mage.

Well, even if you hate Qin Shihuang, and hate him for killing your beloved Guo Ming ~ ~ But what kind of grievances do you have for those soldiers under your majesty? You turned everyone into a mummy in one go. How many lives were killed? At this point, Shen Long had no psychological pressure to kill her.

The long sword shook twice, Jonathan and Mad Dog Maguire were cut to the first level by Shen Long, before Rick O'Connor and Evelyn exclaimed, Shen Long again cut off their dexterity, The gun and dagger in their hands fell for it.

"Yeti!" Lin started calling the Himalayan snowman to help her again. The two tall snowmen rushed towards Shen Long and punched with a punch.

Shen Long stretched out his right palm to catch the fist of the snowman, and then the palm shrank back and deeper, and the snowman at the front flew backwards and hit the back.

"Don't be impulsive, I'll show you something!" Shen Long's finger pressed on the temple and pulled out a silver wire. The silver wire flew in the air a few times and got into the snowman's head. This is what he just heard of Rick- O'Connor and Jonathan discussed the creation of a picture of a snowman specimen and translated their words into a picture.

"Roar ~~" ​​Snowmen are intelligent creatures, they understood the meaning in the picture, and immediately screamed at Rick O'Connor.

Shen Long couldn't help but shook his head. Imagine who saw his hard-working helper and was planning to take his life behind him, wouldn't he be happy?

"Yeti!" Lin hurried over to stop them.

And Shen Long took this opportunity to enter Ziyuan's residence. His eyes fell on the pool in the middle of the house. Is this the immortal water that can live forever?

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