All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1183: Go to uk

But His Majesty the First Emperor was looking for the elixir of eternal life. According to the truth, it is the form of immortality. How can it be water? Shen Long wondered if the screenwriter had referenced the legend of Blaoquan before he came up with this thing?

However, Shen Long didn't dare to take it directly. In the movie, Emperor Qin Shihuang went into a bath and turned into a three-headed dragon. The ghost knew what was wrong with it, so he decided to use it after he had studied it thoroughly.

Shen Long took the Huanong pump from the portable space directly. The engine rumbling for a while, pumped the fairy water in the pool into the water tank that he prepared in advance, no matter whether this thing can make people live forever, at least from the movie Li Ziyuan used fairy water to treat Rick O'Connor, which is absolutely effective for the treatment of trauma.

It ’s too wasteful to hide such a good thing in Shangri-La. Shen Long does n’t know how many people Ziyuan has saved with this kind of fairy water in the past two thousand years. People must be very rare.

Shen Long did not have any opinions on their immortality, but they lived for more than two thousand years but did not contribute to ordinary people. This is somewhat unsightly; the fairy in the mythology enjoys the immortality and the mortal worship, But they will also use their abilities to provide reports for ordinary people, either to demons and demons, or to ensure good weather; but they are just living in the secret realm of Shangri-La, is it a waste of food?

"Stop it! You can't do this!" The roar of the engine awakened Ziyuan. When she saw Shen Xianshui, which she cherished so much, was taken away by Shen Long, she was anxious and was about to perform alchemy.

This time Shen Long was not so polite. He threw the chest of the long sword directly in Ziyuan. Xianshui could make her immortal, but she could not be harmed. Shen Long ’s sword was in the center of her, Ziyuan opened Zhang. Mouth, finally ended his long life of more than two thousand years, um, meaningless two thousand years.

"Mom!" Lin happened to come in at this moment to see this scene, and immediately flew over and cried Ziyuan's body, but no matter how she cried, Ziyuan did not react.

"You killed her!" Lin Tonghong's red eyes glared at Shen Long, pulled out the dagger, and flew over, and outside the cave, Rick O'Connor also temporarily drove away the two Himalayan snowmen, trying to come in and help They all know that if Shen Long is not resolved, then none of them will end well.

"Anyway, there are at least two thousand years of buildings inside. It ’s a pity if they are damaged. Let ’s go out and fight!" O'Connor's couple walked there and ruined it, damaging a lot of pyramids in Egypt. Not enough, now I want to destroy Shangri-La's secret realm again, Shen Long does not allow them to do so.

When the next palm hit Lynn out of the hole, he also jumped out with himself. Rick O'Connor, Evelyn, Jonathan and Mad Dog Maguire also aimed their guns at Shenlong.

"Don't think only you guys can play guns!" Shen Long walked a few steps at random, avoiding their bullets, and at the same time took out a Gatling from the right space with his right hand and started shooting at Jonathan and others.

At the same time, he said the Buddha ’s name, “Gatlin Bodhisattva, when he travels as long as the paramita, he sees the sufferings of all beings and relieves all sufferings. The six-barreled machine gun has no obstacles, no obstacles, no terror, and is far away from the wave. Upside down, Nirvana, Buddhas of the Third World. According to the six-character six-character big light mantra, the prajna paramita has many reasons, and it has the three buddhas of Adenuoluo. "

"Therefore, I know that the six pure depleted uranium bombs of Gatlin Bodhisattva are equal curse, liberation curse, supreme curse, inferiority curse, etc., which can remove all suffering and be true, so it is said that the six-character machine gun has a six-character light spell. That is Say the curse: "Well, it's humming." One turn, one curse, six tubes, one breath, three trillion sixty thousand turns, all Purdue sentient beings have not rested. Wei Zai, Gatling Bodhisattva; Shan Zai, Gatling Bodhisattva. Gatling Bodhi Sadai Mohasa! "

Now that there is a Buddha statue in Ziyuan's room, let's read a few buddhas here. How can Jonathan's little powerful weapon be an opponent of Gatlin Bodhisattva? Even if they can escape Shen Long, if the Gatlin Bodhisattva can't deal with you, I can still invite King Katyusha Ming and Apikiluohan.

"Jonathan!" Rick O'Connor always thought that Shen Long and Ziyuan were all old antiques from thousands of years ago, where they knew the power of modern weapons. Whoever wanted people to take out such a powerful weapon casually, He couldn't help shouting anxiously, but he shouted too late, and there weren't many obstacles to avoid in this place. Jonathan and Mad Dog Maquelton were shattered by bullets shot by Gatlin Bodhisattva.

"Oh! No!" Evelyn shouted painfully. She thought that this adventure was no different from the previous two trips to Egypt. No matter how terrible the enemy was, they could easily resolve it with their courage and wisdom, and then take Returning to the UK with great gains, I didn't expect how long I have been in China and I have lost so many relatives and friends.

First, the beloved son Alex was killed by Shen Long in the magic city, and now her brother Jonathan and Rick O'Connor's friend Mad Dog Maguire are smashed again.

The reason for all of this is just one of Alex ’s truancy. It can be seen that truancy is an absolutely unforgivable crime. If he is still in class in the UK, will this not happen?

Shen Long didn't stop because of his exclamation ~ ~ came to Lin in front of her, grabbed her dagger and wiped her neck by the way. Now that she has found Shangri-La, it is unnecessary Keep her again, send her compassionately and send her to see her mother.

After solving Lin, Shen Long picked up Jonathan's pistol from the ground and slammed a few shots to make Rick O'Connor and Evelyn lose their fighting power, and then began the finishing work.

First go to the cave to collect the fairy water, and then search for a wave, pack all the alchemy bamboo slips collected by Ziyuan away, these can be studied slowly in the future.

Then Ziyuan and Lin were buried for life. As for the bodies of Jonathan, Mad Dog Maguire and Alex O’Connor, they were directly thrown into the valley. The treatment of Chinese and foreigners in Shen Long ’s heart was different. .

After waiting for these, Shen Long came to Rick O'Connor and Evelyn. They had been dying for so long in the ice and snow, but with Shen Long there, it was not easy for them to die.

After temporarily saving him back with magic, Shen Long said, "Okay, now accompany me to Britain!"

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