All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1184: National treasure returns

"What do you want to do?" Rick O'Connor and Evelyn asked. They thought they were dead, and now they rekindled hope in their hearts. The person in front of him is terrible, but he is no match for his strength. The British Empire? If you go back to the UK and find an army to deal with him, then you must be able to avenge your children, brothers and good friends?

"Do what you did in Egypt that year, and what you want to do in China this time!" Shen Long answered with a smile. Since the Opium War, the British have taken captivity in China for hundreds of years, and now it is their turn Go grab them.

"Listen, the reason why I keep you not to kill is because you know your country. If you are willing to cooperate, you may still be able to live a little longer. If you do n’t agree, then stay here with your children. "Shen Long pointed to the valley next to it. The bodies of Alex O'Connor, Jonathan and Mad Dog Maguire had just been thrown over there.

"We ... We are willing to help you!" Rick O'Connor pulled Evelyn and stopped her preparations for scolding. Rick O'Connor was very aware of current affairs, he was not willing to do that When he died, he gave Evelyn a look in his eyes, and he began to wonder what to do when he waited in the UK.

Rick O'Connor and Evelyn and his wife were in Egypt that year and met many officers of the British army stationed in Egypt. After so many years, some of those officers have died in World War II and other wars, but Some lucky people not only survived, but also went further and have become senior officers.

If you can give them a chance to escape and connect with these people, they will definitely be able to recruit a large army to help them deal with the terrible guy in front of them.

Rick O'Connor and the Evelyn couple haven't seen all of Shen Long's skills. In their view, this person is terrible, but he is no more powerful than Imerton, as long as there are enough troops to use modern technology. The various powerful weapons created will definitely solve him.

One or two bazookas can't hurt him, it doesn't mean that hundreds of them can't be hurt; not to mention that even if bazooka can't, the British team still has tanks, heavy artillery, and various fighters. These can also be dealt with.

However, what they do n’t know is that Shen Long can really deal with these. How can these weapons have a high-tech armor that combines the efforts of Ivan Vanke and Tony Stark? It ’s okay if these troops do n’t come. If they come, let them see the power of real high-tech weapons!

"That's good." Shen Long nodded, he didn't see that the O'Connors were thinking, but he didn't care at all. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy became meaningless.

Lifting the two of them up and throwing them on the somersault cloud, then Shen Long took them to the United Kingdom and flew to the UK. When the somersault cloud began to accelerate, the faces of the O'Connor couple became more difficult to look at; they can judge from the situation below that the somersault The flight speed of the cloud has surpassed the most advanced British fighter jets.

This shows that even if they found the British army, unless they were the first to kill Shen Long, if not, as long as Shen Long was left with a little chance, he could escape the British encirclement , And then retaliated against them and the British team, which is really terrible.

From the Himalayas to London, there are more than 10,000 kilometers. The Rick and O’Connors arrived in Modu from London, but it took several days. Although they took the plane all the way, today ’s plane does not have that far voyage, and it has to land all the way. Come on, the pilot will have to rest and toss for a few days before arriving.

But in the doomsday cloud, they arrived in London that night, making the Rick O'Connors feel the strength of Shen Long again, and they became more and more careful.

Under their guidance, Shen Long came to the British Museum and immediately launched a raid on it, but all the precious cultural relics stolen from China were packed by Shen Long.

Gu Kaizhi's "Pictures of Women's History", "Green and Green Landscapes" by Li Sixun of the Tang Dynasty, "Maolin Diezhang", a representative figure of the Jiangnan School of the Five Dynasties, and Fan Kuan, one of the three famous landscape paintings in the Northern Song Dynasty "Picture", "The Picture of Huayan Disguised" by the famous painter Li Gonglin in the Northern Song Dynasty, and "Ink Bamboo Picture" by Su Shi, one of the eight masters of Tang and Song Dynasties.

Bronze Shuangyangzun of the Shang Dynasty, Bronze Gui of Khouhou of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Guilong of Xinghou, Yulong of the Jade Carving of the Han Dynasty, 10 volumes of the Yongle Dadian of the top dog of the Tang Dynasty, frescoes of Qingliang Temple in Xingtang County, Hebei Province Thousands of ... These cultural relics that Shen Long has studied for a long time are about to return to their hometowns.

"Oh, I see, the British Empire Museum simply changed its name and directly called the British Empire Crime Exhibition Hall! Look at your collection here! How many of them have been robbed and stolen from foreign countries?" Calligraphy and painting, bronzes from China, Porcelain; mummies, murals from Egypt; stone tablets from the Mesopotamian plains; sculptures from ancient Greece ... How many of these artifacts are really from the British mainland?

Rick O'Connor opened his mouth. He didn't think there was anything. Instead, he was proud of Britain's strength. If Britain was strong enough, how could it be possible to **** so many things from abroad? But look at the angry expression on the face of the person in front of him, he quickly closed his mouth again ~ ~ Ok, let's go to the next place! Shen Long determined that most of the Chinese cultural relics in the British Museum were taken away by himself, and then left here with the O'Connor couple. The Chinese cultural relics stolen by the British were not only collected here, but there are only a small part here. .

Next, they swept the major British museums, whether public or private, or schools and other institutions, but where there are Chinese cultural relics, Shen Long did not let go.

For this reason, his portable space was full, and he had to take out the microcapsules obtained from Bulma in the world of "Dragon Ball" to accommodate these things.

In order to avoid the British aiming at China, he has worked tirelessly to send Egyptian cultural relics back to Egypt, Cuban Babylonian cultural relics to the Middle East, and ancient Greek cultural relics to Greece ...

At this time, the O'Connors finally realized Shen Long's original feeling. It turned out that it was so sad to see his country's national treasure taken away, but they didn't expect that these things were not theirs.

After being busy with this, Shen Long ’s work in the UK can finally be over, but before sending these national treasures back to China, he still has something to do.

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