All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1203: "Silk Road"

"No, since they are tired of" Liang Zhu ", then let's change another song!" Shen Long said calmly, continued to lower his head and quickly wrote on the paper.

"Don't you say that Dvorak is tired of listening, is our domestic music level not enough?" Guo Yan asked suspiciously, didn't you veto it when I said that I changed the music?

"Domestic tunes are indeed inadequate." Domestically learning Western classical music started too late, coupled with wars and turmoil, it was only in the past few years that China began to conduct large-scale exchanges with foreign countries again, and naturally it is impossible to produce good music. The miracle of "Liang Zhu" does not happen often.

"So I wrote a tune myself, you take it and see it!" At this time, Shen Long also finished writing, he got up and handed the score to Guo Yan; now it does not mean that there will be no future, he began to be a copywriter. It ’s just that the first few copies were novels, scripts, and pop music, but this time it was replaced with serious music.

"It turns out that you are busy with this these days, and you have to show it to me." Guo Yan took the words and stopped talking, but finally couldn't help but persuade, "Qi Ming, I know you like music, but we can't It ’s too good to be far away, and good tunes are so easy to get. At that time, it took a lot of effort for Chen Gang and He Zhanhao to write "Liang Zhu", as well as Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. , That ’s not what you want to write ... "

She did n’t believe that Shen Long could produce good tunes in such a short time. Only real professionals knew how difficult it was to create a good tune. Both genius and hard work were indispensable. Nothing was seen on him.

"You read it first, then I will wash my face and watch TV to practice English listening." It is difficult to write a good tune, but it is not difficult at all to copy the tune, saying that Shen Long got up and went to the living room and opened it. A bottle of beer, comfortably nested on the sofa and watched TV.

Guo Yan thought about it and didn't follow it. This was after all his hard work, so Guo Yan returned to his desk and sat down. He looked at it seriously, and became fascinated by watching it.

After a long time, Guo Yan rushed out of the piano room and waved the music sheet excitedly, "Qi Ming, this piece of music was really written by you? What is the name of this piece of music? Why haven't you seen this skill before?"

"I used to be in the country and practiced piano every day and then performed. I didn't have a chance to think about these things. At that time, I went to study the works of Western masters. When I was in New York, I realized that our ancestors left us so much Good things, foreigners like these too; so I thought about refining these essences, I tried to write some tunes, and then I got this stuff. "Shen Long said," Oh, yes, you still Did n’t say how about this piece? "

"This piece is great!" Guo Yan hugged him excitedly, "Qi Ming, you are such a genius!" After spending two months in the United States, Guo Yan also learned the exaggerated tone of Americans.

"Oh, by the way, you haven't said what the name of the tune is?" Guo Yan only remembered it after the excitement. "I can feel an ancient vastness from the melody that reminds me of the desert."

"This song is called" Silk Road "." Shen Long took the score from Guo Yan and returned to the piano room. He took the pen and wrote "Silk Road" at the top.

Speaking of the cello, there is an insurmountable mountain in the future, which is the Chinese cello master Ma Youyou; and when talking about the successful Chinese musicians in the West, many people first think of Tan Dun, and this "Silk Road" is Tan Dun Composer, a good work performed by Ma Youyou.

In the future, when Li An filmed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", he put this piece in the movie to show the empty and desolate Silk Road. Tan Dun also won the outstanding performance in this movie soundtrack. Academy Award for Best Original Music and Grammy Award for Best Original Film Album.

Since the start of performances at the Lincoln Art Center, Shen Long wondered what should be copied. When he met Li An's couple a few days ago, he finally made him determined that he would start copying from "Silk Road" Right.

The successful performance of "Liang Zhu" made him firmly believe that the nation is the world. A Chinese musician, no matter how he learns Western music, can't understand the essence of it, and can't write music with pure Western cultural background. Come, and China ’s long history has left us with valuable wealth. There are countless music materials to dig out. Combining Chinese musical elements with the West is the right way.

This is how Tan Dun succeeded. Since there are such examples in front, what are you hesitant about? So there was this "Silk Road".

Moreover, Shen Long ’s ambition is not just to make some money in the United States. To meet Wang Qiming ’s desire, he must enter the room and enter the serious music circle in the United States.

An unfamiliar, exotic musician wants to enter the mainstream circle of the United States. It's not easy to talk about; take the case of Ma Youyou's Tan Dun as an example.

Ma Youyou was born in this circle since his birth. His father Ma Xiaojun is a doctor of music education ~ ~ is also a composer and conductor. He used to be a professor at the National Central University; his mother Lu Yawen graduated from the National Central University Art Department Vocal female singer, 4-year-old Ma Youyou began to learn piano and cello, 5 years old began to perform in front of the audience.

At the age of 7, he and his family moved to New York to settle in the United States. In the same year, he met Pavlo Casals, the greatest cellist of the century. With the help of Leonard Bernstein, he and Carnegie Hall Sister Ma Youcheng participated in a tour concert for the construction of the Washington Cultural Center. Bernstein acted as the conductor. The Kennedy and other celebrities attended the evening party. After the performance, the sisters and brothers were highly praised by the New York Times.

He then entered the Julia Conservatory of Music and studied with the master Leonardo Ross. At the age of 17, he began to perform solo concerts at the Carnegie Hall. Now he has a great reputation in the music industry.

Although Tan Dun was not born in an artistic family, he also took the orthodox route, first studied at the Central Conservatory of Music, and then came to the United States to study under Ozawa Ozawa. With Ozawa Ozawa ’s recommendation, he was able to enter the mainstream smoothly. circle.

Wang Qiming came to the United States in such a hurry, and did not know a person in the circle. If he wants to enter this relatively closed circle, then there is only one way to go-show the talent that others can't reach, smash it with absolute talent. The obstacle between him and Carnegie Hall!

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