All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1204: Nostalgia

There are two kinds of talents cherished in the classical music world. One is performance skills. If your cello can play as well as Ma Youyou, or the piano plays like Lang Lang, they will definitely invite you to join.

But as Shen Long said before, no matter what kind of instrument, the right to play and the good to play are completely different concepts. He inherited Wang Qiming's ability to play, coupled with his many years of martial arts control of the body is far from ordinary people. No matter how difficult the song is, it can be played smoothly and freely.

But this is not enough. You still need to incorporate the feelings of the music. In the old saying, you must play the music with your heart, not just the hand; in this regard, Shen Long is helpless.

So this path obviously does not work, but fortunately there is a second path, such as Beethoven, Mozart, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Bach and other great musicians left countless classics to the classical music industry Repertoire, but it is not enough for the classical music world to have these.

People in each era have their own unique emotions, and these emotions also need music to express them, so the classical music industry ca n’t stop holding these old songs. They also need new talented musicians to write new ones. Quzi, this is the opportunity Shen Long is looking forward to.

Except for a few tunes such as "Liang Zhu" that originated in the East, it is difficult for him to immerse his heart in the music, but he can move the classic works of later generations to this era. In short, it is to be a classical Copywriters in the music industry, such as Tan Dun, Kitaro, Wu Manche, Hisaishi Ryo, Sheng Zongliang, etc., can be copied by composers full of oriental elements in these music.

As long as the energy source keeps producing excellent works and letting the right people hear them, Carnegie Hall will open the door to him sooner or later. He is not worried that these works with oriental charm will not be recognized by them.

In the next year, Tan Dun will win the international composition award for the symphony "Feng Ya Song"; second, the Japanese composer Wu Manche's music with a strong Japanese traditional style has won great recognition in the West, and Kitaro has also been with the two years. I started to enter the United States before, and Japanese music originated in China. Since Japanese music can be recognized, then China's can certainly.

Um, the Japanese do have a higher status in the international classical music world than China, but this is not because the Chinese are not able to keep up with their talents. This is just an economic reason; people only have time to think about it when they are full. Music, and the Chinese are just filling their stomachs now. By the time Shen Long crossed over, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra was full of Chinese people.

Because many families who emigrated in the past have become middle-class, they have the ability to give their children a good quality education, and the domestic economy is also developing rapidly, and music education is not out of reach, so the birth of the famous pianist Lang Lang, Li Yundi, the leading violinist Huang Xin of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and other outstanding musicians.

"We first practiced, and then went to the Lincoln Art Center to perform." Shen Long woke up from a wild thought and said to Guo Yan, who was still immersed in the score.

"Yes, but it seems a bit inappropriate to use the violin and cello for this piece? What instrument did you think of when writing the piece?" Guo Yan is also an expert, and of course you will find these problems.

"Well, I think it is very good to use cucurbit silk to express the long distance of the desert. Anyway, you will too. We will go to Chinatown to find out tomorrow to see if we can buy cucurbit silk." The reason for a musical instrument, Guo Yan also practiced cucurbit silk when he was in college. Shen Long ’s first plagiarized work chose “Silk Road” for the same reason. If Guo Yan did n’t use it, she would definitely have it in her heart. pimple.

Shen Long has traveled through so many worlds and has so many sisters, how could he not even think of this kind of problem, he certainly would not have made such a low-level mistake.

"It's really good to use gourd silk. It's too late today. I'll try it on the violin first. I'm familiar with the melody." Now Guo Yan didn't feel melancholy because of the decline in income. He picked up the violin again and started the drill against the score. Shen Long also raised the cello, and in the Greenwich Village, the duo version of the "Silk Road" sounded ...

Early the next morning, they went to Chinatown and ate breakfast at the Xiangyuan Building in Achun. By the way, I found out from Achun that there was a Chinese folk music instrument store, and then went straight to buy.

"Hulusi? You are right. If you buy pipa, erhu, Dongxiao, you may still find it in other musical instrument stores. I guess I have Hulusi here. To be honest, it is not my Hulusi. I plan to sell it. I was originally from Yunnan. I made a few games for myself. It is rare to meet someone who likes this. I will just send it to you. "The owner is an old Chinese who went from Yunnan before the founding of the country.

After Guo Yan and Shen Long made a polite appearance, they accepted the gourd silk. Guo Yan tried the sound test and played a song "Phoenix Bamboo under the Moonlight" as a thank you.

When the music floated quietly, it seemed to bring the owner to the green bamboo forest on the Ruili River ~ ~ saw the girl he had long loved and wore a tube skirt, she was in the beautiful Lijiang Wandering and dancing, waiting for the arrival of the sweetheart; the sound of gourd silk came from the bamboo forest, light and melodious; the beautiful girl leaned beside the Phoenix tail bamboo, and the clear eyes showed the look of expectation ...

At the end of the song, the shopkeeper burst into tears without realizing it. "..... It's really embarrassing. Your song reminds me of something in my hometown when I was young."

"Understood, this is the so-called nostalgia! To be honest, although we have only been abroad for a few months, we still often miss the country, the roast duck of Quanjude, and the pastry of Daoxiang Village, not to mention that you have been out for so many years! "Shen Long understood very well," I think you might also miss Xuanwei ham, bamboo rice and steam pot? "

"Think, why can't you think? In addition to Xuanwei ham, in New York, I actually haven't eaten these, but I always feel that there is something missing, and I can't taste the taste!" The old man wiped another tear, "Hey , I ’m so old, I do n’t know if I have a chance to eat it. "

"In fact, China is slowly opening up now. Although it is a little more difficult to go back to China, it is not too difficult. If you want to, just go back and see. When you arrive in Kunming and Ruili, you can definitely taste the taste of the year." Shen Long advised Dao, hey, he can go back now, we two have some time?

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