All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1207: Guide

"YO-YO, this performance is very important. Mr. Bernstein should have arrived. It is not good for us to go late ..." What time is it now, do you still have time to listen to the performances of street artists? Do n’t look at the fact that it ’s close to Carnegie Hall, but the street performers and the musicians who can perform inside are completely different levels, so this one is very dissatisfied with his behavior.

"Hush ~~" YO-YO frowned, put his index finger on his lips to stop his words, and immediately turned to listen to Shen Long's performance seriously.

What's so good about this? If they had the ability, they would have gone there to perform, so why not be a street artist in the square ... um? No, the way the cello is played ... He is also a person in the circle, although he is not a performer or a musician, but to eat in this line of mixed meals, he must have the ability to appreciate. When the music comes into his ears, he immediately closes Mouth.

The technique is not bad, but it is not top-notch, but this way of playing has never been heard. No wonder YO-YO will stop and listen. His pursuit of playing technique is so obsessed; he now understands why YO-YO Will stop and turn to listen to music.

It can attack the jade in the stone of the other mountain, or the three-person line must have the words of our teacher. He has never heard it, but it does not mean that there is no similar proverb in the West. Since the other party ’s skills are worth learning, it is not surprising to attract YO-YO Too.

The three-minute performance soon ended, but YO-YO had some intentions. He could not find out the specific skills of the other party in such a short time, so he immediately stepped forward and turned in his pocket, but found nothing. When he came out, he couldn't help being a little irritable. Fortunately, his friend followed him and handed over a piece of twenty dollars, which resolved his embarrassment.

YO-YO put the dollar bills in the piano case in front of Shen Long, and then could not wait to ask, "What kind of music is this? And your playing skills are very special!"

"Oh, YO-YO-MA, why did he come to listen to the performances of street performers?" Shen Long hadn't spoken, Robert Boris and others were excited, and then many people in the audience recognized him.

Yes, YO-YO is Ma Youyou, who has been chatted about by Shen Longnian many times before. YO-YO is his English name. Since he first appeared at the Carnegie Hall at the age of seven, he has formed an indissoluble bond with it. After that, he often appeared on the performance stage here, either as a soloist, or with other top musicians in the world.

This time, it was at the invitation of Leonard Bernstein, the first native music director of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, to participate in a charity concert. Shen Long and Guo Yan saw the picture in front of the Carnegie Hall The poster promotes this performance; Ma Youyou originally came to participate in the rehearsal, but unexpectedly ushered in unexpected joy.

Shen Long's performance made him feel novel and intimate. He always felt that this playing technique and this song seemed to be prepared for himself, so he couldn't help coming over to talk.

If you let Shen Long hear what he said in his heart, he would definitely feel ashamed? Because this performance technique was originally Ma Youyou, and this "Silk Road" was also tailored by Tan Dun for Ma Youyou.

"This piece is called" Silk Road ". I used some elements of traditional Chinese music. As for the performance of the cello, I used some erhu performance techniques ..." Shen Long pretended to look at Ma Youyou with curiosity. Fang's communication was not smooth. It seems that Ma Youyou has not been to China, so Wang Qiming should not know him.

"Great idea? Are you a musician from China? Oh, yes, I am Youyou Ma, a Chinese born in France." Ma Youyou reached out and shook Shen Long.

"My name is Wang Qiming. This is my wife Guo Yan. I am very happy to meet you." Shen Long glanced at his cello and said excitedly, "You are also playing the cello?"

Just after this word came out, Robert and Boris both laughed. This one is more than a cellist. They are now one of the world's top cello players. They kindly introduced Shen Long.

"I haven't been familiar with musicians from the US since I first came to the United States. I don't know Taishan." Shen Long said embarrassedly. In fact, he knows better than Boris and Robert. Ma Youyou's position in the music industry.

Let's put it this way, the highest award in the American music industry is the Grammy Award. If a musician can win a Grammy Award in his lifetime, it is enough to regret, and Ma Youyou won a total of 18! As you can imagine, what is the concept of someone who has won eighteen Oscars in the film and television industry, or what is the concept of someone who has won eight Golden Globes in football?

Youyou Ma didn't take it seriously. He was more concerned about the song and the specific playing skills, so he prepared to ask patiently, but his friends had to interrupt them, "YO-YO, just leave late!"

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Ma Youyou couldn't let Bernstein wait for himself, so he had to regret leaving, "It's really embarrassing, I wanted to talk to you, but I still have a rehearsal today Mission; have you been performing here? "

"Yes, if there are no accidents, I will always be here." Shen Long said, Robert, Boris, and others next to him kept eyeing him, but Shen Long pretended not to see it.

After Youyou Ma left in a hurry ~ ~ Robert they immediately came around, "Wang! Do you know what you missed? That is Ma Youyou! If he can play your tune, you will be famous!"

"Is he famous? I only know the masters of Casals, Shafran, Funier, and he looks very young." Shen Long asked pretendingly and ignorantly, just now Roberts had no time to introduce this. Youyou Ma is just a famous cellist.

"He has been performing at Carnegie Hall since he was seven years old! He has held cello recitals here at the age of sixteen, and he has been continuously collaborating with many symphony orchestras ... even, some people even say he will be the next Casa Oh! "Robert and others were a little angry.

Pablo Casals is a Spanish cellist, conductor, and composer, and is considered to be the greatest cellist since the last century; he has enhanced the status of the cello as a solo instrument with his amazing performance and performance skills. Among the cellists of this century, his greatest contribution is a great epoch-making artist.

"Wang, if you can get his approval, you can enter the mainstream music circle in New York," Boris added.

I have known this for a long time. I am here to perform just to wait for a guide.

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