All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1208: Stand out from the capsule at the cone

During the Warring States Period, Zhao Guoyuan ’s mentor Mao Sui took the initiative to recommend himself, and went to negotiate with the King Chu along with the Plain King. The Plain King saw that he was usually not famous, saying, “The husband and the magi are also in the world. See Mo Li. "Mao Sui said that the awl had to enter the bag to get the chance to stand out.

Shen Long chose to perform in the vicinity of the Lincoln Art Center, and spent expensive rents to live in Greenwich Village, in order to find an opportunity to stand out. Only in the places where these classical musicians often come and go, can they get with them. Opportunity, so it is not surprising that Shen Long met someone in the circle to enjoy his music today.

Because his music level has already reached, as long as they can pay attention, they will definitely get a chance, but he did not expect the first one to come over is Youyou Ma, which is an unexpected joy.

You have to know that there is a gap between East and West music. Other masters in New York's classical music industry will not be as excited as Ma Youyou even if they can hear their music, but Shen Long is not too excited, because sometimes it will be too much.

And he is also very at ease with Ma Youyou. Ma Youyou can achieve that status in the future. Needless to say, his talent is also inseparable from his obsession with the cello. There are so many geniuses in this world. There is no absolute obsession. There is no way to ascend to the throne, as long as Ma Youyou is interested in his tune, he will definitely come to the door again.

"It doesn't matter, I still have to continue to polish my music now." So Shen Long seemed very calm, and even turned his head to comfort them, "Thank you for reminding me today, if I meet him again next time, I will definitely communicate with him. of."

"Wang, such an opportunity is not every day. You behaved so much today ... It is too reserved." Boris and others felt sorry for him.

"This can't blame the king. After all, he has just arrived in New York, and he is not very familiar with New York musicians. When drinking tonight, we will introduce you to it." Robert's tone showed a trace of enviable envy. And jealous, because he has been performing here for so long, but no master has stopped like Ma Youyou, came over to listen to his performance, and even took the initiative to come forward.

But this is also what he deserves. Although his playing skills are very general, he is a great composer. At least I ca n’t write such a song, and his innovation in cello playing is also impressive. Liang, no wonder Ma Youyou will come over, so Robert was relieved.

After this episode, Shen Long and Guo Yan continued to perform. Perhaps some people around heard about Youyou Ma, so there are more and more audiences around them. After all, everyone is very curious and can get the streets favored by Ma Youyou. What would an artist look like? What's so good about his music?

So Shen Long's income today is a small record. When he eats at noon, the money in his piano box will be worth the income of the past day.

Seeing these incomes, Shen Long packed up and was ready to leave. "Hey, why not go to me today, and let my wife cook Chinese food for you?"

"Wang, in the afternoon, the rehearsal of YO-YO should be over. He may come over again. Is it early for you to leave?" Robert advised that if the same opportunity was given to him, he would not left.

"Yes, Wang, you can drink at any time, but if you miss the opportunity to meet YO-YO, you don't know when the next opportunity will come." Boris has the same attitude.

"Qingming, shall we wait a little longer?" Guo Yan was also tempted to listen. Although she did not know the future achievements of Ma Youyou, they were so excited to see Robert and Boris. They wanted to be an important person.

"It's okay, I know." Shen Long whispered in her ear, and then still stubbornly invited them to their home in Greenwich Village. Robert, Boris and others reluctantly agreed.

The big guy was busy in Greenwich Village for a while, and then left after dinner. Shen Long helped Guo Yan to clean up the house, and Guo Yan couldn't help but ask about the day.

"Have you read" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "? I studied Zhuge Kongming. Generally speaking, people don't cherish what is too easy to get. If I were still at the Lincoln Art Center this afternoon, Ma Youyou would soon I can see me, but this effect is not good. "From a psychological point of view, it is Ma Youyou's expectation that got feedback quickly, and there is no time for fermentation.

But if he didn't see him in the afternoon, he would have to take this expectation home and experience another night of fermentation. This expectation would be more intense and Shen Long's recognition would be higher.

"What people say is also a big figure in New York's music circle, don't you mess up." Guo Yan finally understood, but still worried, "He must be busy usually, if he missed it?"

"I know, haven't you watched the time on the poster? The official performance will take a few days. There must be more than one rehearsal before, maybe tomorrow." Shen Long didn't dare to learn from Zhuge Liang, one after another. Pigeons, a few nights of anticipation of fermentation is enough.

"And ~ ~ If you want to be recognized as a big man like him, one tune is not enough, just my second tune is almost ready. Let ’s practice first, and give him another one in two days. Surprise. "Shen Long said.

If you want to stand out, you have to sharpen the awl first. It is not enough to rely on a song in "Silk Road", so Shen Long intends to get two more.

The second track is the same as the first track. It is still Tan Dun ’s soundtrack for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. He chose Yu Xiulian ’s “Night Fight” when he chased Yu Jiaolong who stole the Qingming Sword. The middle is still an ensemble of cello and gourd silk. The style is similar to "Silk Road" but slightly different. The intense gourd vibrato and soft music give the listener a long and quiet feeling.

This exercise was not as smooth as last time. Guo Yan kept thinking about whether you would miss Youyou Ma. Shen Long finally calmed her down.

After the tune was almost ready, Guo Yan could not wait to urge him to go to the Lincoln Art Center to continue the performance. Shen Long felt that the time was running out, so he listened to Guo Yan's opinion and came to the old place again.

The accompaniment of Hulusi and the cello sounded again at the Lincoln Art Center. This time there was another song. After the performance of "Silk Road" and "Night Fight", Shen Long saw Ma Youyou again in the crowd.

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