All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1220: Rise to fame

Ma Youyou glanced at Shen Long and said to the uninvited guests, "I understand your mood, but here is the backstage. If you have any questions, can we go out and talk?"

"Sorry, we are so excited!" These people also know the rules in the background. When you agreed with Ma Youyou, you quickly calmed down and went outside with Ma Youyou, Shen Long, and Guo Yan.

As soon as he went outside, the flash of the camera continued to light up, and several microphones arrived at the same time. Ma Youyou had to dissuade them again and took them to the lounge to start a formal communication.

"YO-YO, can you introduce these two friends to us? Also, how did you think of playing this kind of work that is very different from your previous style?" The New York Times reporter asked.

"Okay, let me introduce to you that these two musicians from China, Mr. Wang Qiming and his wife Ms. Guo Yan, they were in China's symphony orchestra before, and they came to the United States three months ago; Mr. Wang is one An excellent composer, I heard their tune outside the Lincoln Art Center, and was immediately attracted by this unique playing technique and melody ... "Ma Youyou talked about the experience of meeting Shen Long, bringing him and Guo Yan Haosheng praised it.

"Mr. Wang, can you tell me why you came to the United States? And, how did you create these two songs?" The reporters immediately aimed at Shen Long and Guo Yan.

Guo Yan was a little nervous. She had never felt a similar scene before, but Shen Long had a calm face. I saw much more from a Western reporter. When I was the godfather in the United States, when I led the Chinese team to the World Cup, The scene is much bigger than this, I still talk and laugh, what is this scene? How many reporters?

"I lived in the capital of China since I was a child. I was deeply influenced by local music, and Chinese traditional music was deeply rooted in my heart; while studying at the Conservatory of Music, I learned the essence of Western music culture; this Chinese and Western music culture The combined background provides me with the possibility and basis for constantly breaking various boundaries and creating multi-cultural creations, so I have this song. "

"As for why come to the United States? Why come to New York? The reason is simple, because New York is the center of Western music and art. As a musician, of course, I have to come here to take a look and feel the orthodox Western music culture." Shen Long talked eloquently. , Not only explained the reason why he wrote this song, but also touted the United States.

A foreign musician made New York the center of Western music and art. This answer made the reporters very happy, although they all felt that Berlin, Vienna and Moscow may have a deeper musical background than New York, but they are all Americans. , Of course, will be biased towards their own country.

"My dream is to make music a borderless, cross-art field ... The deep foundation of Chinese culture is the root of my creation of these songs ..." Shen Long borrowed Tan Dun's speech when he won the Oscar to explain his creative concept .

"Mr. Wang, can you tell us about the costumes you are wearing? They look very beautiful and very charming." The costume designer also squeezed in and asked.

"This is the classical costume originating from the Tang Dynasty in China, because this song is called" Silk Road ", and the Silk Road was the link between China and the Western world during the Han and Tang Dynasties, so we specially customized these two sets of clothes "Shen Long and Guo Yan turned around and showed them every detail of these two sets of Hanfu generously.

"Clothes and music can embody the foundation of a civilization, but the Tang Dynasty is the most prosperous period in Chinese history. The costumes of this historical stage have distinctive characteristics."

"At that time, foreign friendly envoys gathered in Chang'an and brought their culture to Chang'an. The eclectic inclusion of exotic clothing and dresses made the wonderful clothes of the Tang Dynasty more vivid. This is also the result of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. When I came to the United States this time, I also wanted to learn American culture, so it would be appropriate to wear this kind of clothes for performances. "Shen Long told him about the cultural background of these two clothes.

"China is a country that is very good at absorbing the essence of other cultures. Although China has just reopened soon, I believe that as time goes by, musicians, painters, and writers like me who come to the United States to study American culture ... More and more, I also hope that my artistic achievements will be recognized and loved by the American people. "

"The United States is a multicultural country and an open country. I believe that in the United States I will be able to realize my dreams." Shen Long touted the United States again. He saw the faces of the reporters and the audience. With a proud smile, applause rang as soon as the words fell, and the Americans liked his answer very much.

It seems that the chance for your name to appear in the newspaper tomorrow is greater. For artists, reputation is a good thing, which can bring more opportunities and etiquette to myself, otherwise Shen Long would not bother to say this.

After talking with these people for more than half an hour and exchanging contact information with each other, Shen Long was able to get out of it. Ma Youyou became the audience throughout the journey, which was clearly his concert, but the reporter regarded Shen Long as the protagonist.

However, Ma Youyou didn't feel dissatisfied. He didn't like to deal with reporters originally. When Shen Long helped him to distract him, he couldn't help it.

"This is a good opportunity ~ ~ After tomorrow's news is released, I believe you can get more performance opportunities, but you can't relax, you have to come up with more good works." Pro When you went back, Ma Youyou didn't forget the kind advice.

"Well, the new song is already written, I will show you the first time after writing it!" Then, consider using the cello for the next song.

Back home, Guo Yan was still immersed in excitement, the two drank a few bottles of beer to celebrate, Guo Yan also hurriedly wrote a letter to Ning Ning, telling about the success tonight.

The next day, Shen Long was awakened by Guo Yan's excited voice from his dream, opened his eyes, and Guo Yan rushed into the bedroom with several newspapers, shaking his shoulders vigorously, "Qi Ming, Qi Ming, hurry up , You see, we both go to the American newspaper! "

"Let's see!" Shen Long rubbed his eyes and got up to take over the newspaper. I saw several newspapers talking about the concert yesterday, about his two special style songs, and what they both wore. Most of Han's hanfu is a compliment, and they praised them.

"Haha, both of us have become famous this time!" Shen Long laughed.

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