All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1221: Who is so noisy?

"Wang, congratulations." Perhaps after seeing the news in the newspaper, more guests came to Shen Long's house, and the neighbors who lived nearby came to his house to congratulate, don't think that this kind of thing is only domestic, as long as The place where there is someone is indispensable to the red top and the white one. The man upstairs usually doesn't touch their heads when they encounter them, but at this moment they are all smiles.

In the final analysis, none of them can live in a building with Shen Long. They are like Shen Long. They came to New York to find their dreams, but they have been unable to enter. They now see that Shen Long can be public with You You Ma. The performance is equivalent to half a foot has entered the mainstream circle of New York, do not hurry to pull the relationship, what are you waiting for?

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much, I just had luck to meet the opportunity." Shen Long has mixed so many worlds, and naturally will not say anything out of place, and he smiled and greeted them one by one, leaving them behind Good impression.

After two days, Li An and Lin Huijia also came over to congratulate, "Oh, I haven't seen you in a few days. You have come out of such a famous hall. I still know it by reading the newspaper."

"This is just the beginning. After all, we are not Americans. It is still difficult to enter the top circle." When he came to Li An, Shen Long didn't say those nonsense. He is just now stepping into half a foot. It is still far from being recognized by the mainstream music circle in the United States, and we must continue to work hard.

"Yeah, although the United States is relatively open, it also has its own stubbornness." Li An nodded. He was also deeply touched by this. Many of the students who were studying at the New York University Film Research Institute were given the opportunity to enter the crew. His grades are even better, but because he is an outsider, he has not been able to get a similar opportunity.

"Look at it, your talent is here. Sooner or later you will have a chance!" Shen Long patted Li An on the shoulder and comforted. He knew that his words caused Li An's sadness. After Li An graduated in the future, After waiting for several years in the United States and not finding an opportunity, I had to return to Treasure Island. It was only after I produced excellent works such as "The Wedding Banquet", "Eating Men and Women", "Pushing Hands" that I was recognized by the Hollywood Film Company and directed. Reason and Emotion ", thus officially opening the door to the American film industry.

After sitting down, the two sides chatted about each other's current situation. Li An's short film "I Love Chinese Food" was praised by the teacher, but it didn't help him to enter the movie circle; Shen Long also told him that he got Toei Co., Ltd.'s contract will create a soundtrack and theme song for "Three Kingdoms", and he will also listen to "Dawn of Heroes".

"I'll wait for you to direct the film independently in the future, don't forget to let me help you with the soundtrack!" Shen Long said, "Silk Road" and "Night Fight" are the soundtracks of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", in the future Just give him back. As for "Lust Caution" or something, Shen Long doesn't deny that this is a good movie, but he doesn't like what the movie expresses.

"I hope there will be such an opportunity." Li An sighed. He is not the big director in the future. He does not have much confidence in himself now. The situation today is not very optimistic.

"Kung fu is not dissatisfied, there will be a day sooner or later." Shen Long wondered, would you like to help him get a chance in advance? In this way, you can also help yourself with a wave of Oscars.

Hey, when it comes to the Oscars, there seems to be a chance. Well, there are still a few years away now. If I work harder, I can get more prestige and maybe I can still catch up. Well, let ’s pay attention to this news from now on, If you have the opportunity, you must try it, don't miss it.

"Then what do you plan to do next?" Li An asked with concern. Although they have a good start, they are still far from the final success.

"On the one hand, I continued to perform with friends, and on the other hand, I participated in other similar performances. In the past two days, I also received some invitations. Although the specifications of the performance are not very high, they are always better than none." It was a wave of little enthusiasm, which also won other performance opportunities for Shen Long and Guo Yan.

"There is still the continuation of creating new tunes. These few works alone can't gain a foothold in New York." This is not a popular hit, but three tunes alone is not enough for a lifetime.

Seeing that Shen Long remained calm under such circumstances, it showed that he had not been dazzled by small successes, and Li An was relieved to leave after having dinner at their house.

In the next few days, Shen Long concentrated on creating music at home. Although he already had the score, he had to choose what kind of tune to copy, and he had to pretend to look like it, otherwise he would take out a lot of highs in one breath. Guo Yan and Ma Youyou are afraid of the quality of the song.

In addition to practicing playing, Guo Yan also went to talk to Ma Youcheng and Lin Huijia, and occasionally went to Chinatown Achun. She now has friends in New York.

Occasionally, there will be reporters or friends I met during the concert come to sit down, give him some short interviews, or talk with him about Chinese culture, such as the costume designer Mr. Luca Giovanni I am very interested in some elements of Hanfu and want to absorb nutrition from it ~ ~ I use it in my own design.

In this regard, Shen Long is happy to see the success. In the future, with the development of the Chinese economy, some European and American designers have also designed dresses with Chinese elements for certain Chinese stars, but those dresses seem to Shen Long. It's ugly, it's just a pile of simple elements. It doesn't touch the essence of traditional Chinese clothing at all.

If you can help him succeed, you can spread the Chinese culture earlier, and you can avoid the above scene in the future. Hey, some clothes are too spicy.

When communicating with Luca-Giovani, Shen Long came up with some relatively successful Chinese style clothing design in later generations, which opened his eyes. "Mr. Wang, you have to say that in addition to music, you are in There are also outstanding talents in clothing, if you are willing to engage in this industry, you can definitely become an excellent designer. "

You don't look at who this is, but this is the work of master Valentino, Shen Long took him away with a smile, and then returned to his home to start the creation.

However, it did n’t take long for me to hear a noisy music coming downstairs, which caused Shen Long to be annoyed. He could n’t concentrate on creating. He could n’t help but get up and open the window. Who is this? noisy!

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