All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1222: Let you know what is called a rogue in the instrument

How did they come here? Looking out of my head through the window, there was an extra rock band selling at the crossroads not far away, the drums were slamming loudly, bass and electric guitar screamed for a while; but Greenwich Village has Countless rock bands, it is also common to perform on the street, but they are generally in other parts of the village, how come here?

The area where Shen Long lives is a gathering area of ​​classical musicians, and the gathering area of ​​rock singers is on the other side. The big guys are usually well-watered, not rivers. What is the situation today?

"Hey, James, what's the matter?" As soon as he turned his head, he saw James, the pianist next door, also protruding his head from the window, and Shen Long asked.

"Moving from there, they live in the building in front of them. In fact, they have been performing here since yesterday, and you haven't heard it since you went out." James was also worried, and the loud sound of rock music also hit Messy his practice.

"Isn't anyone talking about them?" Since the affected person is not alone, why don't others stop it?

"Why not? Elliot and Thomas upstairs went to ask. They didn't take care of him, and he didn't have a good way." James shrugged.

Oh, I understand a little bit. People who are engaged in classical music pay attention to a gentle and gentle manner, and then look at the people who play rock music over there. Either their hair is blown up, or they have tattoos on their bodies. Shen Long glanced at their dresses and guessed what was going on.

In the minds of classical music practitioners, the impression of rock musicians is not very good. Usually, they are labeled such as violence, gangsters, etc., and it is indeed a little difficult for a group of cultural people to persuade them.

"Would you like to go down with me to see? It's so noisy that we can't work at all!" Shen Long was not afraid at all, what happened to the violence? Can you beat me? What's so great about the gang, the President of the United States Gang Meeting? Shall we find a corner and have a good chat?

"Well, no, I still haven't finished playing today's song!" James had just filled with indignation. Now that I heard that he was going to talk to those rock singers, he immediately counseled, afraid that Shen Long pulled him over, and quickly put it The window closed.

Hey, in fact, I ’m not afraid, whether it ’s alchemy or magic. Some of them are ways to prevent these noises from interfering with myself, but Guo Yan needs to practice when he comes back. Shen Long estimates that she ca n’t rule out interference and meditate. Exercise.

Well, since you guys have counseled, then I ’m going to go by myself, is n’t it just a few rock singers, even if you come to a group of gangsters, I am not afraid, so Shen Long put on his coat and walked downstairs.

When I came to the crossroads, I glanced back. James seemed to appear in the window again and looked at him secretly behind the curtains; while the rock singers in front of me saw the dress of Shen Long and saw him come out of the building, It was impossible to guess his identity, so not only did they not stop, but they became more active.

The drummer's drumstick fell like a raindrop on the drum, the guitarist's fingers shook like a spasm, and brought a terrible win on the string panel. The lead singer howled.

Several pairs of eyes stared at Shen Long, trying to scare away Shen Long. They did just that yesterday, but what storms and waves did Shen Long never see? When he mentioned that the Chicago typewriter was killing the Quartet in New York City, these guys were probably not born yet. They didn't care about it at all, and still stood there listening to their music calmly.

Hey, really do n’t say, these guys have something, the guitarist ’s old Fendaji is courageous, clear and aura; the profound postmodern words from the vocalist ’s strong and powerful voice spew out. Bright in the ears; female bassist ’s slender fingertips control the flame-like jumping sense; the drummer ’s drumming is striking in a seemingly rigid manner; the keyboardist strikes out a new spatial timbre of timbre, the whole band The sense of oil painting in the works of the painting is coming out.

Sure enough, it is Greenwich Village. The roadside bands have such a standard. Although these guys are not famous at the moment, the level is enough and they have their own style. They have merged punk, new wave and white funk. And many other rock styles, and improved, incorporating elements of African percussion.

Over time, if you meet the right opportunity to enter a well-known performance bar like WHA or CBGB, you will definitely be spotted by scouts from big companies?

So, after a song ended, Shen Long stood there applauding him, and took out a dollar bill and put it in the piano case in front of the band.

Well, what is the situation? Several band members were a bit dazed. Wasn't he the same as those of yesterday, was he planning to drive us away? Why are you applauding and giving money now?

"Nice music, you can hear, you are trying to integrate African percussion into funk music. It is a very interesting attempt." Shen Long commented that Wang Qiming only understands classical music, not rock music, but Xie Bin understands , So Shen Long said the origin of their song.

"I didn't expect you to listen to this! I thought you were a classical musician ~ ~ The band's guitarist scratched his head. After the rise of rock music, the rock band and the classical music industry certainly cooperated, such as the scorpion band I once performed on the same stage with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, but more of them were hostile to each other.

The classical music world despised rock music and thought it was not called music at all; the rock industry mocked the classical musicians' music for being too old-fashioned and meaningless; well, this hostility even continued into later generations.

"Well, I am mainly engaged in classical music now, but this does not prevent me from enjoying other types of music." Shen Long has no prejudice in this regard.

Appreciation should be appreciated, what should be said, he pointed to the surroundings and the street in front of him, "Don't you think you chose the wrong venue? Most of the people who live here are classical music practitioners It ’s the rock music site in front of you. There will be more audiences when you go there. Most people here just feel noisy. "

"That's because they don't understand it! If you feel noisy, then you can take your instrument down and perform here, we definitely don't think you are noisy." When it comes to this, the guitarist is getting hot again.

"Okay!" Shen Long shrugged. Since that is the case, let you know what a rogue in the instrument is.

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