All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1234: Yijin returns home

After a few days, there was news from the people of Rin Chihara that Toyo Corporation ’s staff would fly directly from Tokyo to Beijing, and he came to New York to send Shen Long and Guo Yan tickets and prepare to accompany them back Home.

Thinking of being able to go home, Guo Yan wished to bring back all the good things in the house to Ning Ning, and worked so hard to rest at night that Shen Long had to come out and persuade, "Ning Ning should come to the United States in two months. After reading, you take so many things back, but you still have to bring them back? "

Guo Yan then gave up his plan and turned to Shen Long to analyze the quality of several target schools. The previous tour concerts brought them a lot of income, and the songs he composed were also slow. Spreading slowly, it can provide him with a certain amount of copyright income. They now have the ability to send Ning Ning to a good school.

Using the relationships between Yo-Yo Ma, Banana, Chris and the American political and business figures they met during this time, they have locked in several goals, but they have not yet made up their minds.

"When I come back this time, I'll go to the school and talk to the principal, and finally make a decision, anyway, time is too late; oh, by the way, when I look at the school, I also change the house, right now It ’s okay for us to live in the house, plus Ning Ning is smaller. ”Now Shen Long has a certain popularity and connections, no longer need to continue to live in Greenwich Village, and then find it near the target school Set a house.

"Well, yes, we definitely need a place to practice the piano. In this case, we must at least find a three-room house; eh, Qiming, do you want us to buy a house?" Like most Chinese, Guo Yan still likes stability, and the rented house always feels like it is not home.

"The three rooms are a bit too small. Ning Ning would better have a study room for his homework, and Ning Ning is now practicing the piano. The three of us squeezed in a practice room, so we had to find a house with at least five rooms. ; If you buy a house, let's take a look first, and if you have the right one, you can start! "If you mortgage, Shen Long's money is enough to pay the down payment.

"Oh, well, how do you learn your driver's license? In the future, Ning Ning will go to school and we will have to pick up." If you have a house, you have to have a car. In this case, the money is not enough. Is it to the stock market Get some more?

Shen Long got the driver's license easily, but he is a true old driver; Guo Yan is a bit troublesome. Although she drives the forklift in the factory in the novel, the forklift and the car are not the same. She still has to go to specialized training institutions to learn slowly, and she hasn't done it yet.

"It's almost the same, you should be able to get two classes after you get back from work." They said they fell asleep unconsciously until the next day the alarm sounded to wake them up.

After breakfast, he got into the car of Rin Chihara and crossed the bustling streets of New York to the JFK International Airport. After more than a year, they finally had to go home.

The flight arrived at Beijing International Airport on time. Guo Yan stepped out of the cabin door, and a dry and turbid smell rushed towards her face. She was too familiar with this smell, which was blowing on her face, just like smearing on the temple After the tiger oil, she came to Jingqi Shen'er, what she wanted was this, what she was looking for was this taste, for more than a year, he was looking forward to this Zixiang smell; she took Shen Long's arm and steadily Go down the ramp and follow the flow of people to the airport building.

"Mr. Wang, the club helped you and your wife to book the hotel at the Sheraton Great Wall Hotel. Other people will have to arrive in Beijing two days later. You can deal with a little personal affairs in these two days." Chihara said thoughtfully, this is also They deliberately arranged that he thought that the two of them had not returned home for more than a year, and would always think of going home to see if they would let people start their work as soon as they arrived in Beijing, which would be too impersonal.

The early arrival staff of Toei Co., Ltd. received them at the entrance and drove Shen Long and Guo Yan to the Sheraton Great Wall Hotel; this hotel is the earliest five-star hotel in China, which has just opened this month. The well-established Beijing Capital Hotel and Friendship Hotel are quite fashionable.

The hotel is 21 stories high, with the highest revolving restaurant in the capital in the 1980s, equipped with Chinese restaurant, western restaurant, cafe, bar, chess room, fitness room, tennis court, indoor swimming pool, sauna and other facilities.

Qian Yuanling asked about the situation of Wang Qiming's house, thinking he might pick up his daughter to live for a few days, so he helped to set up an executive suite and sent Shen Long to the room. He excused himself and left. I ’m tired of the journey and I ’m sure I need to rest. I wo n’t bother. In the past few days, the two of you will just do your own things. I have other work to do; oh, yes, I just gave the car and the driver just now. The two remain, and the two use it. "

"What time is it? Ning Ning is going to finish class? Or should we pick her up at school?" Despite flying for more than ten hours, Guo Yan's tiredness swept away when he thought of his daughter. You can see Ning Ning.

"Okay ~ ~ Wait for Ning Ning, let's go and pick up our parents, our elder brother, and dinner will be eaten in the hotel!" Shen Long knows that this time not only visiting relatives Work and work, and more importantly, to prove to the family that we have a very good life in the United States. This time we are back home, so that the big guys are happy and not worried about them.

"Well, it's good. Our parents and mothers have been suffering for so many years. They are reluctant to eat and wear. Now it is time for them to enjoy and enjoy." Guo Yan also understands this truth.

"Change clothes, let's hurry down, and now it's just too late to drive!" The two opened the suitcase and took out the carefully prepared clothes. In the United States, they showed the American clothes to the Americans. When they returned to the country, they changed into suits. Think about it. It's quite interesting.

Called the driver, and when they changed their clothes and went downstairs, the driver was already driving and waiting at the door. Today, there are not many vehicles on the Jingcheng Highway, and he arrived at the elementary school in Ningning.

After waiting for a long time, I heard the bell from school. Shen Long and Guo Yan got out of the car and stood waiting at the door, but all the students and teachers passing by looked at these two enviously and whispered, these two What are people doing? Is it the returned overseas Chinese who came to find relatives?

After a while, Guo Yan saw Ning Ning's figure, and tears could not help flowing out, "Ning Ning, my mother is here!"

"Mom?" Ning Ning looked at Guo Yan for a while, then unified the image of the fashionable woman in front of her and her mother, "Mom!", Then flew into Guo Yan's arms and cried.

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