All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1235: Will change faster in the future

"Wow, is that Ning Ning's mother? I haven't seen it for more than a year, and I can't recognize it!" The teachers and classmates from the surrounding schools whispered in surprise, surprised by Guo Yan's changes.

Someone also saw Shen Long and the car next to him. "Yo, Ning Ning's father also came back. At first glance, I thought I was a returned overseas Chinese! Hey, do you think the car next to him is also his? The United States is so good at making money? After a year of effort, it made a fortune, even a car? "

Shen Long didn't expect his and Guo Yan's appearance to trigger such a situation. He couldn't help but want to tell these people that the United States is not easy to mix up at all. Didn't I see a master like Da Li still holding the plate?

"Say goodbye to your classmates and teachers, let's go home!" Guo Yan took out his handkerchief to help Ning Ning wipe his tears with himself, greeted the teacher and classmates, and brought Ning Ning back to the car.

"Dad, did you buy this car?" As soon as he entered the car, Ning Ning looked around curiously, touching this for a while, and touching that for a while. She hadn't been in such a high-end car yet.

"What do you think? Even if I bought a car, I couldn't bring it back to China." Shen Long grinned and rubbed her hair. "We came back here to help people work, and they arranged this car. I will be able to use it for a few days; go and pick you up, uncle and your grandpa, and I will take you to eat delicious food! "

"Dad, Mom, let's go there to eat delicious food? Did you come back to bring me any presents?" Ning Ning's eyes began to shine when he thought of these.

"This boy, think about this as soon as we see! Ning Ning, I can tell you, I really brought you new clothes and new toys, but you have to test your study first, if you can't answer it , I originally brought these things back to the United States! "Guo Yan had a strong sense of urgency after seeing private schools in New York.

"Ah?" Ning Ning was stupid, and she remembered what Guo Yan said to her in the letter. It seems that even in the United States, she has to study and write homework every day!

Back home, picking up Wang Qitian and Ning Ning's grandparents, just packed the business car, and then the car took them back to the hotel, ran again, and took over Guo Yan's family, two The family sat in the revolving dining room on the top floor of the Sheraton and looked at everything around them in surprise.

"How much does it cost to eat a meal here? As I said, it would be better to cook at home." Guo Yan's mother murmured, her face was proud and distressed, and proud of her daughter-in-law's son-in-law can please be here Good place to eat, but the distress is money, this place is definitely not cheap.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about this. We came here to help people when we came back. The expenses for staying at the hotel and the expenses for meals were all reimbursed." Guo Yan had already discussed with Shen Long, you To say that they spend money to invite them to dinner, they must be distressed, and it would be better to push it on Chihara Rin.

The older guy was just a little relaxed, and began to eat. During the meal, Guo Yan's mother asked about the situation of the two of them in New York. "How are you doing with your aunt in New York?"

"It's good. When I got off the plane, my aunt and uncle came to pick us up. We also rented a house for us and borrowed us nine hundred dollars. It was with this money that we two could only support it." The family was worried that they had picked everything up and said that the complaint to the aunt was not mentioned at all, saying that these were of little use except for Zuo Zeng's troubles.

"That's good, that's good, this person, go out, you have to rely on relatives and friends!" Consciously his sister can help the child, Guo Yan's mother smiled, listen, nine hundred dollars, How much is this money? In Beijing, how long does it take a family to save enough? People say borrow it!

"That's that!" Guo Yan echoed casually, and at the same time gave Shen Long a helpless smile. There are indeed a lot of nine hundred dollars in Beijing, but nothing in the United States, and we can mix it with her. But it doesn't matter.

"Are you going to take Ning Ning back this time?" Wang Qiming's parents asked, thinking of the son's departure, the granddaughter was about to leave, and they were reluctant.

"It will be two months, and the middle school in New York will not start until two months. Recently we are running around to find a school!" Shen Long replied.

Then he and Guo Yan answered some strange questions about their family, all about the United States. In short, the United States is indeed better than China, but it is definitely not a paradise. They are also lucky to get to their current status. .

After eating, take the hotel car to take them home in two batches. At the same time, they brought the gifts they brought back from the United States, and then left Ning Ning in the hotel.

Seeing the luxury of a five-star hotel, Ning Ning felt that his eyes were not enough. He rushed out and ran in and out, touching this for a while, trying that for a while, and finally Guo Yan took her to bed.

Waking up in the morning, Guo Yan changed Ning Ning's new clothes ~ ~ and Shen Long drove her to study together, "Study hard at school and divide the chocolates with the classmates. I will come back at night Pick you up for dinner. "

Watched Ning Ning enter the school, and the two returned to the car. Guo Yan asked, "What are we doing today during the day? Go home and see?"

"If you go back, don't want to stop. The family must be confined! I think it's better to pick them up at the hotel at night." At this time, relatives and neighbors came back from the United States. The sensational effect was no less than that of stars. Going home, Shen Long didn't want to suffer this crime.

"Furthermore, we have to work for Toei Co., Ltd. Although people took us two days off, but if we take it seriously, it ’s not appropriate to do anything; I am thinking, today in Beijing Going around, passing by the National Orchestra or the Conservatory of Music, I would like to say hello first, and it would be easier to find someone at that time. "Shen Long said.

"Well, this is the reason." Guo Yan remembered the questions asked by her family yesterday and couldn't help laughing. She didn't want to answer similar questions again.

The two drove on the streets of Jingcheng, Guo Yan looked at the view through the window, "Yesterday I thought about Ning Ning, and I didn't look well all the way, you don't really say, I haven't returned in more than a year There has been such a big change in Beijing? Who would have thought that in the past, there would be a luxury hotel like Sheraton in Beijing! "

"This is just the beginning, I wonder, the future changes in Beijing will only be greater!" After entering the new century, Beijing will be called a day! That's why I don't want to join American citizenship.

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