All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1236: Surprised domestic music industry

I drove around in the morning in the morning. I found a well-known restaurant for lunch at noon and tasted this familiar taste, which made Guo Yan miss it very much. "Hey, everything else in the United States is to miss the authentic Beijing cuisine, A Chun. It ’s not a Beijing-style cook, and the dishes are always a bit bad. "

"It's not far from the National Orchestra. Let's go after the meal!" Shen Long has a very comfortable meal. He won't be able to eat such authentic Beijing cuisine in the future.

As the most handsome academician Yang Rui of Peking University said, at the initial stage, the older generation of famous chefs in Beijing had to painstakingly select ingredients and cook food. When their next generation, as the economy took off, they What I care about is how to maximize the benefit of my own brand through capital operation.

By that time, many well-established brands had been opened all over the country, but their taste was not as good as before, because the authentic heirs had long taken off their cook robes, left the kitchen, and sat in offices in suits to talk about big business.

There is also the problem of eating habits. Nowadays, people lack oil and salt, and order dishes with thick oil and water, which are first-class delicacies; and in the future, everyone will be tired of these things, and they are more concerned about healthy eating.

Therefore, although some old brands maintain their past tastes as usual, the evaluation in the minds of diners is getting lower and lower. That is why Quan Jude's evaluation was overwhelmed by the big Dong.

Because they were not far away, the two did n’t drive. They drove past after eating, and they could also eat and drink at the door of the National Orchestra to show their identity. When they heard that the Chinese who came back from the United States wanted to work with the unit Talking about cooperation, the old guard did not dare to neglect and quickly called the leader.

After a while, the leader came out to greet the two of them. Everyone was in a circle. They immediately became acquainted after signing up for each other's name. After the politeness, the leader said, "Oh, I saw it on the news some time ago. You have performed in the United States, but you have given us Chinese spirits! "

In fact, they are quite puzzled. What is this American doing? Why are you so interested in folk music? And weren't you two playing the violin in the symphony orchestra? Why did you go to the United States without continuing to do this, but came to stir up our gadgets?

"I'm also intriguing. It's like we have learned opera in China, but you are going to the United States. If you are curious, do you have opera learning in China? You won't believe your strength; instead, you learn Peking opera. Going out, people feel fresh and can attract more audiences. "Hey, people are still not confident enough.

So Shen Longdo said a few words, "And our traditional music does have something. The accumulation of thousands of years is much longer than Western classical music. It may not have beaten them! This is our root. If you give up these things altogether and go to learn the West, would n’t it be a rootless tree? "

"Qi Ming said well! Now the music school is enrolling, and students want to apply for majors related to Western music. National music is not very good for recruiting. It is time for them to listen to the words of Ming!" Few people agree.

After the politeness, the big guy talked about the business, and the leader asked with concern, "Qi Ming, you just said that you want to cooperate with our orchestra, what the **** is going on?"

"Oh, that's it. Before I was in Kitaro's studio in New York, I came across someone from Toei Co., Ltd ...." Shen Long said the reason for the incident again. "... They asked me to write the soundtrack for the movie, I Now that I ’ve written it, it ’s almost time for official recording. Because I use a lot of traditional Chinese musical instruments in the tune, I thought of asking you for help. ”

"You think, although the Japanese have learned us for thousands of years, they have only learned some fur, and we still have to look at our country in this respect! In this kind of thing, who else can I find without asking you for help? "

"Haha, that's what it is! We are not familiar with" Three Kingdoms "? We can definitely play that taste." The leaders laughed happily, which is a good opportunity to win glory for the country.

Then, Shen Long gave them a surprise again, "This is a commercial activity. Since I ask you to help, I should naturally pay according to the rules. I told the people of Toei Co., Ltd. to let them use dollars or yen. Pay! Our country is not short of foreign exchange now, now our national orchestra can earn foreign exchange for the country! "

The leader originally wanted to give a few words. Anyway, the big guys usually have a salary, and the daily performances are not very busy. For this little thing, just find some people to get together and practice. What kind of money do you want? I heard that Toei Co., Ltd. is willing to pay foreign exchange, and will not say it immediately. This is to earn foreign exchange for the country!

"Hey, I didn't expect that our national orchestra will also earn foreign exchange for the country! I will report to the superior leaders immediately ~ ~ We must recruit the best people to participate in this project!" The leader was pleased and broke If he can handle this matter well, he may even mention it up. Now he ca n’t understand how much the country values ​​foreign exchange.

Other musicians are also very happy. On the one hand, it is a matter of income. Even if these foreign exchanges cannot reach them, the unit must not give out any bonuses or something? On the other hand, it is due to the pride of musicians. When they think that their performance can be transferred abroad, they are the pride of the heart.

"Qi Ming, you make a list first and see what instruments you want. We will find a way to find you the best performer. Even if the best domestic performer is not in our band, I will find a way to temporarily transfer you to Beijing. "There is such a good thing, that is not to follow the other party's request, as long as you can get foreign exchange.

"I'm not in a hurry here. I am here to make a front stop this time. After two days, I will bring the Toei Co., Ltd. people to come over and sign the contract!" Shen Long hopes to use some young people, such as Chi Guotian. Wang Fang Jinlong, Shanghai No. 1 Duke Du Cong, Tai Chi Qin Xian Chen Jun, Gu Zheng head Wang Zhongshan are the four future kings of folk music; after all, young people are the future, so give them more opportunities.

Went to the National Orchestra for a turn, Shen Long left with the respect of everyone, and then the news spread to the domestic music industry in an instant.

Why, even those who engage in folk music can earn foreign exchange for the country? The Japanese also flew to Beijing to invite them to perform? I heard it right? The domestic music circle was surprised.

And at this time, Shen Long entertained his colleagues at Sheraton!

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