All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1252: Wang Qiming Concert Hall

Teacher Wang, Teacher Wang, we mainly went to the United States to study this time. "When I heard this, the leader of the National Orchestra was a bit illusory. Let's go to the United States this time. The United States is so powerful. It seems a bit inappropriate for you to be so aggressive?

"If I go to the symphony orchestra I used to work, I would definitely not say that. The New York Philharmonic is indeed better than us; but I came here to find you guys, who play pipa, erhu and flute all over the world. Is there anything better than the one here? What can we learn from going to the United States? "Shen Long was a little unhappy to hear him say that.

In fact, if you want to study, there is no place worth learning. For example, the decoration of the Carnegie Hall, the operation of the American Orchestra, etc., these are all worth learning, but this and me and Master Fang have what they have relationship? You have to learn if you want to learn. Master Fang and I are only responsible for shocking Americans and letting them know that Chinese music is also very good.

Said that the leader did not come to Taiwan. This is not Shen Long's opinion on him personally, but simply does not feel used to seeing anything good in foreign countries.

"To be honest, I have been able to make a name for myself in the United States these years, relying solely on traditional Chinese music. Our ancestors have left us such a good thing. We should be proud that the impact of traditional Chinese music is far less than Western classical music. The most important thing is that our economy is not as good as others. "Shen Long sighed.

"If we become economical in the future, we need to spread the culture outwards, so do n’t have many people practice traditional musical instruments; I insist on coming back this time to invite you to New York, just to let young people in the country take a look, we The precious legacy left by the ancestors is really good, and it is indeed worth learning. "Shen Long said solemnly.

When Shen Long crossed over, China had already begun to export culture. Not only the Douyin and the Internet were in flames abroad, Chinese Hanfu and traditional music were also loved by many people abroad. Many video sites played Chinese traditions. The videos of the instruments have received considerable clicks and likes.

The new generation of international students will also bring their own musical instruments when they go abroad, invite three or five friends to form a folk orchestra in the school, or go to the place with the most local traffic, put on hanfu and bounce Guzheng and playing pipa allow those foreigners to feel the charm of traditional Chinese music.

Official institutions are doing similar activities, sending official representatives to spread folk music abroad. A high school student who studied Guzheng in Shen Long went on a tour in France, and even Chinese folk music players appeared in the Golden Hall of Vienna many times. .

Shen Long's words came out, Fang Jinlong and Chen Jun's eyes were a little red, and even the leader just sighed softly. Why don't they love traditional Chinese music? But now all the orchestras are having a hard time, and young people often want to learn Western music more, so the prospect of going forward is probably not very optimistic.

"Teacher Wang, what you said is that we are in our hearts. I have learned the pipa for so long, I just don't want to lose the things left by the ancestors! This time I went to the United States, I must play well!" Fang Jinlong said, other Performers also responded one after another.

"Mr. Wang, I just said something wrong, don't blame me ..." The leader immediately apologized to Shen Long.

"This is not to blame you. In fact, this time I am going to the United States. I am not the only one I plan to bring with me. I also want to invite several leaders to pass together. In fact, what I said just now is wrong. The United States is not without places worth studying. At least the decoration equipment and propaganda organization of the concert hall are worthy of our study. In this respect, we will have to work hard for your leaders. "Seeing him sincerely, Shen Long was also relieved.

"This relationship is good, we must study hard!" Today is a very rare opportunity to go abroad, often only those large units have the opportunity, I did not expect this kind of good things to fall on my own head, the leader immediately took Shen Long just now The blame is put behind the head, if you can go abroad after being scolded, please scold me a few more times!

"There is one more thing to discuss with the leaders!" Shen Long began to prepare for returning to the country in the future, "Let's take a look at us today and find that it is still the same as when I came a few years ago, no, compared to me It was a lot worn out last time. How can such a venue meet the needs of the show? "

"It just happened that I should be able to make some money for this concert. I want to donate the money and save some money to repair the performance venue of our national orchestra; the specific plan will be waited for the leaders to go to the United States to study. Sure, or I will find someone from Toei Corporation to help find a designer to redesign it. If it is not repaired, it will be demolished and rebuilt. Do you think it is appropriate? "Folk music and Western classical music have different requirements for venues. , So it might be better to find a Japanese designer.

The leader was stunned by the pie falling from the sky. What is UU reading at Not only send us abroad, but also send us new venues? This relationship was a big hit.

"Mr. Wang, you have helped us a lot in the folk orchestra!" The leaders quickly held Shen Long's hands in both hands. "I will report to the superior immediately. If they disagree, I will leave the office!" "

"Then this matter please." As long as this thing can be done, people in the traditional music circle in the future will have to miss their own good. When the time comes for me to return to China, I want to do something. How can they not support it?

The matter on this side was finished, Shen Long went to the symphony orchestra where he used to work, and also donated a venue to them. This is also the place where he worked. Anyway, he ca n’t give it to outsiders or not to himself? Moreover, it is important to promote traditional Chinese music. Should Western music also be studied? Only by being compatible and outsourcing can I achieve the glory of China, and it is not appropriate to be too stingy.

Since I want to donate, let ’s be more attentive. After running these two units, Shen Long went to the music academy where he was studying, and then made a sum of money to help them purchase equipment, decorate rehearsal rooms, set up scholarships, and so on.

The leaders of several units went to the relevant department to report together. The person in charge of the relevant department was both happy and a little uneasy. This kind of good thing must be supported. But what kind of owe is too great? How should it be repaid?

He threw the question out, and the leaders of several units were also a little embarrassed. A group of people discussed for a long time, and finally the leader of the National Orchestra thought of a good way. "Otherwise, let ’s name the newly built concert hall Wang Qiming Concert Hall. ? "

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