All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1253: A great success

"Eh, yes, this is a good way!" The principal of the music school took a thigh shot, and now we have no money to give real profits, but also to fame, "You can also get him an honorary professor, so that he is now in the international The status of the music industry, it is still our high climb to be a professor in our school! The rehearsal building he donated can also be called Minglou! "

"Yes, the concert hall of our orchestra is also called Wang Qiming Concert Hall! However, it seems that it is not appropriate to appear two Wang Qiming Concert Halls at a time, ours is called Ming Concert Hall!" No regrets, hey, why didn't I think of it!

"I don't know if there is any policy problem with this treatment?" The leader of the National Orchestra also felt that his idea was good, but there was still a little worry.

"It's no big problem. Since there is already a Shaw House, why can't there be a Qiming Concert Hall? For overseas travelers who are enthusiastic about the development of domestic cultural undertakings, we deserve support." , No problem at all in terms of policy.

"Then it is so decided, I will take this plan to report to the leaders! I will reply to you as soon as possible!" The leaders of the relevant departments hurried to report to their leaders.

This is a great thing. The capital has been changing with each passing year, changing from year to year. However, due to lack of funds, they have not been able to renovate the concert hall. Now someone has sent money and it is still in foreign exchange. This must be supported. If you miss it, It is really a pity.

When faced with such a good thing, the efficiency of the relevant departments was very fast. It took only a few days to approve the plan, and then Shen Long became busy and attended various ceremonies in succession.

First, the donation ceremony of the National Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall, then the donation ceremony of the Conservatory of Music and the honorary professor title award ceremony, these units and relevant departments contacted a large number of reporters, and they enthusiastically reported on the overseas traveler Mr. Wang Qiming Keep in mind the news of the development of the motherland's cultural undertakings.

In the news report, they listed Shen Long ’s glorious history in the United States over the years. After a few days of hard work, the three words Wang Qiming resounded through the rivers and rivers and became a well-known existence in the country.

"Is this Wang Qiming too great? It can still be mixed in the American territory. It seems that we are still capable in China!" Over the years, everyone has been envious and inferior in seeing the development of foreign countries. Suddenly, a Chinese who could mix so well in the United States popped up. Everyone was inspired by pride, and Wang Qiming became an idol for many people.

Many people also became interested in traditional Chinese music. Just as the popular broadcast of "Shaolin Temple" triggered an upsurge in martial arts, many teenagers began to pester their parents to learn erhu and guzheng.

This time, parents did not oppose children to practice musical instruments like they did martial arts. After all, it is a good thing to learn musical instruments. Secondly, from the practical interests, since Wang Qiming can make a lot of money abroad by traditional Chinese music, then I Is it possible for children to learn well?

So, inadvertently, these news reports brought a lot of fresh blood to traditional Chinese music. Many of these children became outstanding musicians in the future and made outstanding contributions to the development of traditional Chinese music.

Of course, these are all afterwords. When the boom of Wang Qiming started in the north and south of the river, Shen Long already took Fang Jinlong and other musicians and the leaders of several units to embark on a flight to New York.

When I arrived in New York, I took a short break, and everyone was busy with the business. Shen Long took Fang Jinlong and they rehearsed at the Carnegie Hall, and the leaders followed the management of the Lincoln Art Center to visit and study under his introduction. .

This time Shen Long personally acted as the conductor of the concert. The work of the orchestra conductor can be different from what everyone thinks. Do n’t look at the fact that Zhou Zhou will be called the genius conductor in the future. The command is the same; in fact, Zhou Zhou does not understand command at all, he is famous only because of the need of propaganda.

A good conductor's truly outstanding place is not his pre-stage performance, rehearsal before the performance is the key. The handling of the orchestra, the rehearsal of the voices, and the changes in timbre, a lot of problems, and even a subtle rhythm that does not match, are all places where the conductor plays a role.

Don't look at the conductor holding the baton on the stage, it seems very relaxed. In fact, all the hard work is under the stage. If you want to have a good concert, you must have a hard rehearsal.

Fortunately, Shen Long has held many concerts before, and he has rich experience in this area. Ma Youyou, Fang Jinlong, and those American performers are all geniuses, so the rehearsal was successfully completed in the end.

Wait until the show officially started, Carnegie Hall put out an advertisement "After Mei Lanfang, the second artist from China will perform at Carnegie ..."

This ad looks ashamed for a while ~ ~ I can compare with Master Mei Lanfang! On the contrary, several leaders from China comforted him, "Qi Ming, what you are doing now is actually the same as Mr. Mei. They are all contributing to the cultural exchange between the two countries. If you start from this perspective, you are more than Mr. Mei ’s The contribution is still great. "

In the end, it ’s really leadership, and I really can speak. According to this, Mr. Mei had limited time to perform in the United States, but I ’ve performed in the United States and Japan many times. Mr. Bimei.

Shen Long and Ma Youyou originally had good reputation in the United States, and now there is the promotion of Carnegie Hall, and the tickets are quickly sold out.

On the day of the performance, Shen Long stepped onto the stage and looked at the audience. Most of them were Americans, but there were also a small number of Chinese. Most of them were elderly elders with their children. They wanted to come to them for appreciation. The music of the motherland talks about homesickness, but also to let the children feel some Chinese culture, don't forget their roots.

Fang Jinlong and others have long held their strength and come up with their best state. This concert is hearty, and the audience in the United States were shocked by Shen Long ’s exquisite music and Fang Jinlong ’s fascinating performances. .

The thunderous applause continued between the performances. After the performance ended, Shen Long led the orchestra three times in a row. The audience still refused to sit down and stop applauding, urging them to return.

Shen Long's first appearance at Carnegie Hall was a great success.

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