All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1259: return

"You said, you said, but I can't be unambiguous if I can do it. If I can't do it, I will ask for leadership." This is really anxious for the head of the group. Even the days of the symphony orchestra can't pass. Not to mention them?

"The most critical issue now is that young people do not like to listen to folk music, so we have to find ways to attract young people to the concert hall. From this perspective, we can consider introducing some practices in the field of popular music." Shen Long said, Fang Jinlong and Du Cong's playing skills are superb, it must be understood by senior music fans, most of the young people are stunned.

If you put a dozen young and beautiful girls, it will be different. Who doesn't like beautiful women? After listening to it for a few times, the taste of folk music can be tasted slowly. Shen Long said the idea of ​​the Women's Twelve Orchestra. The head of the group was unable to respond for a while, and hesitantly asked, "Is this possible?"

"Do you remember when" Red Girl Army "performed?" Shen Long told the story of Zhong Yuemin's visit to "Red Girl Army", which was also experienced by the head of the group. "At that time, the big guy stayed up and waited in line to buy Tickets, there are many fights outside the ticket window! "

"Can those people really understand ballet? I don't think so?" Zhong Yuemin may understand, Li Kuiyong and the **** absolutely don't understand, "Why are they going? Except for the lack of cultural and entertainment activities at that time, they are rushing Seeing the girls gone! But this experience has become an unforgettable memory of their youth. If there are conditions in the future, if they encounter ballet performances, there will definitely be some people in this group who will buy tickets to see it. The same thing. "

I do n’t know if I really believed in Shen Long ’s words, or there was really no way, the head of the group gritted his teeth and agreed, “So how can I cooperate here?”

"Let's cooperate to register a new company. You use your distribution channels, practice venues and recording equipment to buy shares. I will provide funds and also help you open overseas channels." Girls' Twelve Music Square is actually popular in Japan first And then turned to the domestic market. Now the domestic economic development is not enough. At the beginning, it can only take this path.

"Then I was in the troupe and the Conservatory of Music selected a group of suitable candidates for intensive training, and sought out image designers from Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan to design images for them." This group of people must not only have excellent playing skills but also image Well, the temperament is outstanding, and they combine the dual identities of folk musicians and idols at the same time, and the image is not good.

Then Shen Long talked about how to promote and how to hype. Hearing that the head of the team was stunned, although he could not understand this, he vaguely thought that it might be really feasible to do so?

So he went back to the report immediately, and managed to get it through, and soon the framework of the new company was set up. At this time, the Conservatory of Music was also opened. Shen Long was looking for suitable candidates in the National Orchestra and Conservatory of Music while taking classes. The famous teacher Wang Qiming recruited people, and young people from the Conservatory of Music and the National Orchestra competed to register.

These two places are indeed full of talents, and the girls who practice music all year round have a unique temperament. It is not difficult to find a person with excellent playing skills and a good self-image. Shen Long quickly found the 20th People, to provide them with special training so that the final twelve people can be selected from this group.

What made these selected people curious is that after entering the new company, Shen Long did not immediately conduct special training on their playing techniques, but instead found some people to help them design their personal image and teach them various etiquette talks. Their knowledge made them a little confused.

However, they soon understood Shen Long ’s intentions. When the first round of training was over, the familiar people were shocked when they returned to the orchestra, school, and home wearing company-made clothes. This change is too great, right? ? In just one month, their dress, speech, and behavior changed dramatically.

Realizing these benefits, these girls worked harder and harder to learn. After more than half a year, Shen Long's first album for them was successfully completed and began public appearance.

The appearance of this combination, which was different from the previous style of the orchestra, shocked the capital. The young people in the capital were fascinated by these fairy-like girls. Just looking at the posters on the wall, they scrambled to buy tickets to enter the venue. Many people quickly indulged in their image temperament.

Then Shen Long took advantage of his relationship with Toei Co., Ltd. to send their album to Japan, which was quickly recognized by Japanese fans, setting a record of selling 10,000 copies on the first day and breaking the million mark within two months. Achievements; and was invited to participate in Japan's most important TV show "Red and White Song Club".

Since then, the Girls' Twelve Orchestra has become the treasure of the Conservatory of Music and the National Orchestra. Within a few years, it will change a few girls with different styles to join, and occupy the throne of the most commercially valuable national orchestra in China for a long time ~ www.wuxiaspot. Com ~ has brought huge profits for the two units and Shenlong's company.

What is more important is that it has cultivated batches of folk music lovers. After the economy gradually improved, the attendance rate even with the local orchestras has increased a lot.

In these years, Shen Long is not only busy with this matter. He also cooperated with the film and television circle to make soundtracks and create theme songs for some big productions. Among them, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" with Li An helped him again. Oscar won.

He also cooperated with the Armed Police Men's Choir to sing many well-known ancient poems and lyrics; in collaboration with the National Orchestra and the country's top singing artists, the "Book of Songs" and "Chu Ci" were put on the stage, and a variety of ancient instruments such as chimes Appeared in front of the people, let the audience realize the feeling of Huang Zhongda Lu.

Cooperated with the TV station to launch the "National Music Festival" program, using the variety show situation to attract more young people to become traditional music lovers, and launched many excellent traditional music combinations.

Through Shen Long ’s efforts, the situation of traditional Chinese music has been much better than it was in the past ten years. At least in China, it can already be comparable to Western classical music.

Finally, Shen Long participated in the cultural performance of the 2008 Olympic Games, created promotional tracks for the Olympic Games, and also planned performances for the opening ceremony to immerse audiences all over the world in the beauty of traditional Chinese music.

On the day of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Shen Long, who was enjoying the performance in the auditorium, finally heard the reminder of the mission return. To this extent, Wang Qiming was finally satisfied.

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