All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1260: 1 more craft

Wang Qiming from the "Beijing in New York" world thank you for fulfilling his wish. Now he will give his musical talent to you. Please accept it if you accept it. "Returning to the real world, the sound of the system came from my mind."

"Accept!" Shen Long clicked to confirm. Although Xie Bin's musical talent has been obtained in the "Ode to Joy" world before, his musical talent is mainly in pop music, which is different from Wang Qiming's talent. There is no duplication of these two rewards.

With this talent, coupled with my many years of practice in the "Beijing in New York" world, am I still considered a professional in music? Going to the official symphony orchestra to mix meals is definitely not a problem, whether it is cello performance, folk music performance, or conductor.

This is equivalent to another craft, Shen Long thought happily, and then got out of the bedroom and came into the yard, feel some, the change of the aura in the yard has been hidden, and can start business.

Right, last time I was about to invite experts in the research field of Qin and Han alchemists to come over for dinner to discuss and discuss the alchemy I got from "Mummy 3". Now that the task is completed, I invite them to sit down and talk.

Shen Long remembered that he still had something to do, so he picked up the phone and dialed the experts one by one, inviting them to come and sit down. However, when the official exchanges began, Shen Long was somewhat disappointed. The accumulation is very deep, but they do not believe in the real existence of alchemy at all. At most, they can help Shen Long explain what the materials used in alchemy should be called today. More things have to be slowly explored by Shen Long himself.

Hey, do n’t worry, since you have already figured out how Zhu Yushu is used, then I ’ll think about it myself. His Majesty Shi Huang ’s attainments in this respect are quite good, and I also have Zongyuan With so many classics retrieved from there, slowly study it.

"Alia, let's go to see the cowards today!" After they entertained them, Shen Long didn't want to work anymore. It happened to be a weekend holiday, so he planned to take Aria out and take a look at the cowards and Huang Chiao, after so long in the "Beijing in New York" world, Shen Long really kind of missed the two horses.

Drove to the villa in the suburbs, and when they saw them come back, cowards and Huang Chi made a cheerful cry, trotting to the two of them, rubbing against them.

"Coward, you seem to be tall again! Unfortunately, the school is not like Lindong City, you can ride on a horse, or I really want to be with you every day!" Alia said while helping the coward to shun Mao.

Shen Long was almost amused by her. He made up for the scene where Arya rode a horse on the road in the capital and then entered the campus. If you want to do this, let alone the police must stop it. Countless people took this scene and sent it to Weibo for Weibo? By that time Arya was really red.

Took the two horses and walked around the lawn, let them run well, and after talking with the neighbors who also came to walk the horses, it was time for dinner.

Shen Long was too lazy to cook by himself, so he took Arya to the community club and ordered two Western dishes. Although Shen Long ’s own cooking skills are unparalleled in the world, how Arya is also grown in the Western context Girl, occasionally taking her to a western food is also very good.

After eating, the two were drinking Lafite that Shen Long brought back from "Ordinary World", enjoying the scenery outside the window, and the afterglow of Shen Long ’s eyes swept to the piano in the club, so he moved his fingers and walked past. , Smoothly and freely presented several songs for Arya.

After the performance, the guests in the club and the service staff applauded for Shen Long. There were really a few classical music lovers. After listening to Shen Long ’s performance, he was very surprised. "Mr. Shen, should n’t you do this? Is that right? This playing technique is absolutely professional-level. "

A few girls looked at Shen Long ’s eyes, and although he looked average, he had a charm that he could n’t explain clearly. When people saw it, he did n’t want to remove his eyes, and the piano level was really high. Since living in this community, it means that the economic conditions are also very good, such a person is simply the perfect marriage partner!

"Oh, just play casually." Shen Long ignored those girls' fervent eyes, experienced so many worlds, and had seen so many beautiful beauties, he had no interest in ordinary girls.

After dealing with these people, Shen Long took Arya away and saw that Arya held Shen Long's arm. The girls all expressed disappointed expressions, and at the same time, they were still a little angry, hum, what's the good of this girl of? Is the old lady tall? Is there a good old lady figure?

I lived in the suburban villa for two days ~ ~ When Monday, Shen Long sent Arya back to school, and then I went to the musical instrument store to buy some musical instruments and returned. There are also places to come out, so put all the piano, pipa, erhu and so on.

Putting in the guitar and guzheng I bought before, it ’s not bad to take it out when it ’s okay; so, when Shen Long is free, he will randomly take out a musical instrument and come to play in the yard, The trees and flowers sway gently with the sound of his music, and it seems that they also like the music played by Shen Long.

When you want to work, invite a group of guests. If you feel bored at home, take Arya to go shopping, or go to Academician Ma to check on the latest research progress. Cloning snakes is a big project, and it is still only in the preliminary preparation stage. It will take some time to get the grades, but depending on the confidence of Academician Ma, this task seems not to be difficult.

Or turn on the computer and reply to the e-mail to the National Fusion Research Center. With the help of Shen Long, Academician Lu's research progress can be described as leaps and bounds. From the information gathered from various channels, they have thrown away a large amount of foreign If the communication continues to be so smooth in the future, maybe a few years later, the commercially available nuclear fusion reactor can be taken out, which will give the world a big surprise.

It's just that such a plain life has passed for a long time, and Shen Long begins to feel bored again, and he begins to miss the various twists and turns in the mission world. Although he looks pretty homey, he is eager to challenge in his bones. Finally came, "from the" big river "world ..."

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