All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1272: loan

"Yun Hui, I did not expect that you, a student in the chemical engineering department, can write such a high-quality social survey report. This report accurately reflects the process of rural reform under the current new situation and has important reference significance! I want to take this The article was sent to a relevant journal, I do n’t know if you would like it or not? "The teacher asked.

"Yes, of course!" Song Yunhui was a little dazed. You said that as a student of the chemical engineering department, why did I start to launch articles on sociology? I haven't even sent a paper on this major.

"Mr. Fei Xiaotong took over as president of the Chinese Sociological Society last year and began to rebuild sociological research in China. We at Anyun University are also planning to recruit undergraduate and graduate students in sociology. If you want, you can start now Start learning related knowledge of sociology. After graduation, I will help you to get a place for the postgraduate of sociology in our school. I believe that with this article, teachers who teach sociology will rush for you! " Yang Yang raised the manuscript.

After reading it, he thought that the quality of this article was very high. Not only did it have detailed data, but also a good analysis of the rural economy, and he had a profound theoretical foundation. Those who can write such an article are definitely research. The talents of sociology must help the school retain this talent.

But Song Yunhui started scratching his head, "Teacher, I still prefer the courses in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and ... and this article is not the only one I completed. Comrade Lei Dongbao, deputy secretary of the small Leijia team, helped me modify a lot. , If you plan to publish, you should add his name. "

Shen Long, who had been the leader, how could he not understand the relevant knowledge of sociology? Fei Xiaotong's "Jiangcun Economy" has read it many times, and he encouraged Song Yunhui to write this article also referring to Mr. Fei Xiaotong's experience. In February 1986, Fei Xiaotong wrote the article "Small Commodities, Big Market" This has caused the image of Wenzhou people to attract attention nationwide, thus helping Wenzhou people establish a brand new image. Only then will there be a huge Wenzhou businessman in the future.

From this historical event, Shen Long saw the weight of a high-quality social survey report. Song Yunhui ’s prestige naturally cannot be compared with that of Mr. Fei Xiaotong, but I believe that with his own modifications, this article will certainly attract some people ’s attention. , Thus earning prestige for the Xiaolei family brigade.

"That's really a pity!" The teacher felt sorry for him. "Since you insist, then I won't say anything that would allow you to study sociology, but you can still continue to study the typical Lei Brigade, waiting for the summer vacation. After you go back and see if there are any new changes in Xiaolei's brigade, try to write another article. "

"Well, I also think that when I go back to the summer vacation, Xiaolei's brigade must be the same again!" Song Yunhui agreed, but he didn't expect that after the summer vacation, he suddenly found out that he had to Changed the name of Comrade Lei Dongbao.

A few days later, Song Yunping received the letter from Song Yunhui. After reading the letter, she came to the Xiaolei family brigade again. "Secretary Lei, Xiaohui returned after writing the letter, saying that his teacher would help you revise the article he helped Published in the magazine, he and you are both signed authors, I think this matter should come over and say something to you. "

I'm afraid it's not just about this? Shen Long saw something in the depths of her eyes, so she took the opportunity to say, "You came just, if you don't come, I'm going to find you in two days; I bought a batch in the county two days ago. After the rabbit came back, although you have taught you how to raise long-haired rabbits before, it is one thing. It ’s really your turn to do it again. I want to trouble you to come to Xiaolei Village several times these days. Help them get started. "

"Okay, when I started raising rabbits, I made a lot of mistakes. No one had any real trouble." Song Yunping agreed readily, so since now, wouldn't he be able to see him again often?

So Song Yunping started working at Xiaolei's house again, busy teaching the villagers how to raise rabbits. Every morning, Shen Long would get up early to pick her up at Song's house, and send her back in the afternoon. , The two of them have endless words on the road ...

However, Xiao Lei's family encountered new problems. Before Xiao Lei's family had cleaned up the brigade's savings and bought a cart of coal, but now the coal was almost burned out, and the money to sell bricks bought some new year's goods Years later, I bought a rabbit, and the remaining ones are not enough to sell another cart of coal.

People in this village have a headache, and they can't cut a few pieces of firewood when they go up the mountain. This year, the hills are all bare, and all that can be cut burned early. Ordinary thatch cannot burn the kiln. You can't encourage members to gather money, let alone members have no money in their pockets.

"Hey, if you want me to say, you shouldn't send new year gifts to the villagers during the Chinese New Year. Now it's okay, so many people are waiting in line to get our bricks, but we have no money to buy coal!" Riesgen complained.

"Yes, I think so too. If we didn't buy those firecrackers and sugar, our money was enough to buy two cars of coal." Sibao also echoed.

"Shigen, when I sent the New Year's Day, I didn't see you return it? And you, Sibao, you worked on the kiln and got paid, and you have money for the New Year. Your aunts and uncles have nothing to pay, If they have a bad year, you can live alone? "The old secretary pointed at their noses and scolded.

"Actually, I have thought about this issue for a long time ~ ~ When I reported to my old secretary four years ago, I even thought that buying new year's products is definitely not enough to sell the second coal; but I still Persist in sending new year's goods, why? As the old secretary said, they are all from the family of Xiao Lei. Your family has a good year, and everyone else is hungry. This year, you are not afraid of what you are feeling? Shen Long explained.

"Secondly, the people in the village don't trust us yet. Didn't see how many people signed up when they first proposed to burn the kiln?" Speaking of which, the big guys glanced at Riesgen, NVC. Root lowered his head.

"This year our Xiao Lei's family will have a big change. The villagers ca n’t support it. Send them a new year so that they can see the benefits of the change. In this way, they will definitely do something next time. Support. "There is another reason why Shen Long didn't say it. But now many people look at the income of red brick kilns. Even a little interest can block their mouths.

"As for money, don't worry, can we go to the commune for a loan! This time we not only have to buy coal, but also a tractor." In fact, we can also receive advance payment to buy coal, but Shen Long feels that Xiao Lei was asked earlier. It is better for families to come into contact with formal commercial operation.



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