All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1273: Lao Xun

Moreover, based on Shen Long's understanding of the future, no matter how much money is loaned, the future inflation is enough to offset any high interest rates, not to mention that the current interest rates are not high.

"I went to the credit union to borrow money. I will find someone tomorrow afternoon. You can't. That single director ..." The old secretary stretched out a hand and scraped a few times in the air. "The fingernails are very long, you will be angry You have to lift the table on the spot. "

Shen Longs second understands that Director Shan likes to ask for money, otherwise he would n’t say that. His temper has changed a lot compared with Lei Dongbaolai. The old secretary said that he did n’t want to let himself get this This kind of thing, so that in the future, Director Shan will be involved in himself, but Shen Long feels that the old secretary is not suitable for doing this.

This matter is not good for the village committee, and the old secretary will have financial problems in the future. It would be bad if he was asked to meet Director Shan.

"Old Secretary, you can't go here either. Let's find another person!" Shen Long suddenly had a person in his head. "In my opinion, we will let Lao Zhen do this. He is right. All kinds of ghost gates are very clear. "

Lao Hao was a rebel in the past, but in the past few years it has been in the scenery for a while, relying on his own ability to engage in wicked ways, and being spicy and spicy, and he has become a big official, but now he is afraid of shrinking and denting at home; but Shen Long knew that this guy would not be stable, and he was still thinking about regaining control of Xiao Lei's family.

"Dong Bao, Lao Yun is a bad breed. If you let him come out again, it will definitely be a bad thing!" Shi Hongwei, Si Bao and others were anxious.

"Just because he is a bad breed, so let him do it, or who of you will give Director Shan a gift and a loan?" Shen Long knocked on the table and looked around, the big guys bowed their heads.

"Besides, bad seed also has bad seed usage. I am wondering. Old Zhuo is not a stable person. Do n’t see that he is working in the home except for working in the ground. He does n’t know what he is thinking about! He is behind a conspiracy, it is better to put him in front of us, not only can let him do things for our Xiaolei family, but also let him have no time to ponder these. "Leaving aside the question of character, Lao Yun's ability Still pretty good.

It ’s not good to say that, to talk about the true ability, Lao Yun is much stronger than most of the people present. If he is willing to do things for himself, Shen Long can be much easier; of course, Shen Long can also go directly to the county Finding County Magistrate Xu and letting him make a note can easily get a loan, but it's too cost-effective to owe a favor to a small matter.

The big guy didn't speak anymore. When Lao Zhen was limping on the stage a few years ago, the big guy looked at him. He was envious and scared of Lao Zhen, if this person might actually have an accident.

"Four eyes, you call Lao Zhen, and say I have something to discuss with him." This is not just a loan. In the future, when the long-haired rabbit is cut, it will also allow him to go to Modu to help contact the sales. Although the county is now I haven't stared at Xiao Lei's house yet, but if you go to Modu to sell, you will definitely be able to sell a higher price. For this task, Xiao Lei's home can be successfully completed.

After a while, Lao Zhenao came with four eyes, bent over to say hello one by one, and then asked, "Secretary Dongbao, do you have a task to give me?" When talking, Lao Zhenao's eye beads Drifting around, at first glance is a person with a lot of ecstasy, he is now wondering what benefits this can bring to himself.

"Lao Zhen, I'm very clear about your affairs. When I said I was going to ask you to help Xiaolei's family, the big guy was not very happy." Shen Long stared at Lao Zhen's eyes and warned him first. Yifan also told him that at Xiaolei's house, no one would use you except me, and no one would like to see you on stage. If you want to do something in the future, you can think about it.

"I'm saying that I'm also a member of Xiaolei's family. As long as you can do something for the folks, the secretary of Dongbao will open your mouth." Lao Zhen's days before wind and water have been used to it, you let him live at home He is very uncomfortable in farming, and he does not want to return to the big stage all the time. Now Shen Long has given him such an opportunity. He can refuse and swear by all kinds of gambling.

"Okay, there will be more things in our Xiaolei's house in the future. As long as you can handle this matter well, some of you will be busy in the future." If Shen Long couldn't even get an old 狲 獲 in the district, that would be in vain So many worlds are mixed, "You go to the commune, find the director of the credit union, help get a loan back, can you do this well?"

"Yes, Director Shan's temper is very familiar to me, but ..." Lao Yancao blinked and blinked. You have to pay for things. How can you do it without money?

"We Xiaolei's family doesn't do things that violate the law and discipline. If you can't think of a way to do this, then go back and plant the land!" Shen Long asked him a question, you are not Are you good at engaging in all kinds of crooked ways? Come on, try to give me a loan without giving money.

Lao Zhen was a little entangled, but he went to think about it in the end. After two days, he came back happily, "Secretary Dongbao, I've done the job right now. As long as you and Siyan bring the official seal to the commune The application form is handed in, and the director alone can approve it. "

"Good job, what did you say to Director Shan?" Shen Long asked. Shi Hongwei, Si Bao and others whispered and were all surprised by Lao Yun's methods. Anyway, it must be impossible for him to do it himself.

"After I went to the commune ~ ~ I was not in a hurry to find Director Shan. I first inquired everywhere. I heard that Director Shan ’s nephew is going to get married this year, but the new house has not been built yet. Go to the county to buy bricks, but the bricks in the county are all for public units. Our Xiaolei's bricks are all set out again. His nephew wants Director Shan to help, but Director Shan feels that for this little thing It's not cost-effective to owe other people's favors, so they dragged it first. "Lao Yun Aohui reported.

"Then I went to Director Shan and said that if he was willing to lend money to our Xiao Lei's house and wait for the next brick to be burnt, he would use it with his nephew first ...... It's not free, but at most it's slightly cheaper. Two cents of money, let him join the team again! Secretary Dongbao, do you think this method will work? "Lao Yunkan looked at Shen Long carefully.

"Success, why not sell it, who sells it? As long as he gives money, what is the reason for joining a team?" It is very cost-effective to get a loan at such a small price, and this is not afraid of investigation. This is not directly given. Director Shan gives money.

"Lao Yuncao, you can do this. You should go back and rest, wait for me to come back from the commune, and then find you something to do!"



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